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Liver is fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liver is fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if my drinking had anything to do with it, but a few years back, I had a gaul bladder attack, and let me tell you, it was painful. I had been drinking pretty heavily. I thought I was having a heart attack. We went to the ER at 2AM. I thought I was going to dye while answering all their questions including if I had had anything to drink and how much. Since I was a clauset drinker, I always hated being asked that question and this time wasn't any different. I did, however, tell them I had had a few glasses of wine, but I don't think I was truthful about exactly how much, because I never was. They began checking for heart attack and ruled that out and then went for the gaul bladder. A week later I had Lapposcopic Surgery. I had experianced one other eppasode like that, but didn't know it was gaul bladder till it came up this time and it brought back memories. I haven't had pain like that since. Hey! Good luck with whatever you do about yours. I would like to know if drinking can affect the gaul bladder. Eliziby
Liver is fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great that the liver is fine get the ultrasound even if the pain goes away like someone also said if their pain their a reason. Here what happen to me . about 2 years age was getting pain in the liver area would come and go. my thinking was it was from drinking keeped putting it off one day the pain about put me on my knees at work went and seen the nurse. Her 1st idle was the gaul bladder as I was on the Fat Flash eating plan . Drinking and diet can causes a liver to be fat don't work right then . The gaul bladder makes what is called byail spelling is not right sorry. Byail is made to help clean fat out of the liver. If one eats alot of fat at a meal the gaul bladder goos into overdrive and if the liver is faty the byile get backup in the gaul bladder causeing pain. So two days go by and pain is gone I,m thinking no need to go and see doctor. But for some luckly reason I went he found nothing wrong after push on me hard all over . I asked if their were anyother test he could do. A time was set up for a ultrasound 2 week wait. Test were done and another wait. A spot was found not on my liver or gaul bladder but my bladder which is much. lower . More test after that the new came back bladder cancer I turn in a mess. That was 7 mo. ago had it taken out and had 2 check up 3 & 6 mo. all is gone has not come back. A funny thing that pain has not been back . Was told by the nurse at work that pain can be felt in a different area from were the cause is. I eat much different now much like the Fat flush which is great way. Now it's the time for me to stop drinking also 12 days now. So glad I went to doctor even after the pain stop Don't know if the two had anything to do with eacher BUT I feel very lucky. Hope this helps best wishs.