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OK I'm in a muddle...

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    OK I'm in a muddle...

    OK. I admit I've just swapped booze for tons of things to do coz I can't face how things are.

    I try to be really positive - I'm alive. I have my senses, limbs, mind (back! ).... But I hate just being in this house on my own. I get out very day just to town to walk around and have a coffee. I try to stay in the company of others as much as possible even if they are just other shoppers around me. That alone is to keep me out of my boggy brain.

    I've taken up all these things and I want to do them - I've always been eager to learn and experience. But now I am tired and empty coz what's the point. I mean, every point in that the journey is life not the destination but it's like travelling a world with no people in it. The views and mountiains will always be beautiful but are they as lovely if there's no one to share them with?

    I am so glad to be able to share things with everyone here but I feel I'm getting a bit OTT. I go on about my classes coz there's no one other than my daughter around to talk to and, you know, 18 year old don't want all the ins and outs of Mum's life!! Not natural!

    So, ?%%&$+{@#@+*&%^$#~@/........... < my 'muddle'.

    It's so great to be AF. It's so great to sing, dance, learn, strive, achieve just seems worthless without friends, family and a partner to share them with. David's gone and I found a list of 'friends' that I thought would still be around in 5 years time - one made two+ years ago. All nine have vanished. And that was before I started drinking anything other than 'normally' so it wasn't that. Two have I think been 'got at' by David. But the others...?

    I feel sooooh scared about there being no one to call other than my daughter if I get ill or injured. It happened when I tore a ligament in my leg and was on crutches for three months...but David was around then. And with no licence, too - I know my own b***** stupid fault. It all just seems too much responsibility on my own. I mean, I don't shun responsibility but I so want someone to 'help' with the kids. Their 'issues' at 14 and 18 seem huge ones - which Uni. Driving 5 hours at night having only been driving less than a year. Boyfriend dramas. Money worries when I have ?150 in the bank and ?33,000 of debt and staving off bankruptcy each day and can't help at all. Just someone for a hug or a face to face chat with - my best girl friend's 250 miles away and I can't even afford the b***** train ticket. Bah................! Wish I could have a Mum I could ring.

    I don't even know how I will ever get out of this house - even if I could move yet I cannot afford a removal company.....did it before with David, a trailer and friends....all gone.
    (I will say that most of those 'friends' were known by many 'acquaintances' to be fickle and 'a bit odd' (!) but trust me to befriend totally unsuitable bods!!! Desperation? How sad.)

    Thanks for 'listening' if you've got this far... just really down and would rather not dump on you all but I know you'd be p'd with me if I went off and drank on this. I don't want to but am glad I'm (a) here and (b) got my kids coz otherwise....I know we do this for ourselves foremost but it sure helps if there's a goal to make it worthwhile and I really don't know what mine is other than being sober when 'it' comes along IF it ever does. (I have to say - worryingly maybe - that given the choice between never drinking ever again and never having a partner ever again, the drink would seriously lose! I mean, sorry, but the only thing I have ever wanted is a family - full on, him, her, and the kids..... maybe why I picked so many unsuitables - blind faith??!)

    I'm just p'd coz my parents (can't even type Mum and Dad) don't want the meeting we'd planned to discuss their 'arrangements'.... They refuse to discuss anything to do with their affairs and I, as their only child, am really worried. This has been going on for 15 years (this particular topic, let alone all the rest) but as the get nearer the inevitable (82 and 86) still they pull the walls close ever tighter around themselves. I don't know their solicitor, accountant, doctor. I don't have or know if anyone has Power of Attorney. I don't know their executors. I am clearly none of them. I don't even know who will tell me they're dead if they have an accident. They ostracised me from my cousins years ago for being 'nasty ' (when I asked them not to fraternise with my ex husband who kept my elder daughter.... Let's not even go there!) and I don't even know how to get hold of any relations to tell them about a funeral if I have to. (I suspect they'll be telling me....) As for Inheritance tax - they're going to be paying over ?250,000 of it as they've done nothing to avoid it.

    But it's not the money - that's always been their weapon (of mass destruction...yes!) It's the being shut out of my own family - the very thing I 've ever wanted. B*s**rds....

    Yes, Rob, I know....and thanks. You're right. (In case you're trawling through this!) But it hurts today.

    I've asked them to answer those questions but I'm not holding my breath and, quite frankly I think, having dreaded their death and funerals for so many years (will be soooh sad at the missed opportunities and what wasn't...), I want to consider not being there. Not worrying about them coz I can't do anything and I'm not going to be humiliated at their endings.

    I just feel so damned alone. And that seems sooooh up-my-own-bum. I'm really sorry. I have so much. I know there are folk homeless and I have a roof. I have tried loving this house and all the positive affirmation stuff....but I HATE it. Things go wrong as soon as I step in the door. And my son and daughter feel the same on their own volition. But how do I move broke, bankrupt and with a criminal record????? Renting checks all those things. And I can't even do it in my daughter's name - pretty odd, eh? 50 year old woman takes out contract in 18 year old daughter's name? How on earth did I stoop/get so low????? (I mean, things have been this bad for YEARS....dare I say, you can see where the drinknig kicked in!!!!! But still my - bad - choice.)

    I'm stopping there....too much. It's really helped getting it all out and down but I soooh hope I've not depressed anybody too much or you stopped before. And if I deserve a kick up the bum - here it is... FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=" Nothing worse than over-maudling. But I have to face this eventually. It is my biggest trigger.

    Thanks for being you and being there.
    Hugs FMF xx
    OK. I admit I've just swapped booze for tons of things to do coz I can't face how things are.

    I try to be really positive - I'm alive. I have my senses, limbs, mind (back! ).... But I hate just being in this house on my own. I get out very day just to town to walk around and have a coffee. I try to stay in the company of others as much as possible even if they are just other shoppers around me. That alone is to keep me out of my boggy brain.

    I've taken up all these things and I want to do them - I've always been eager to learn and experience. But now I am tired and empty coz what's the point. I mean, every point in that the journey is life not the destination but it's like travelling a world with no people in it. The views and mountiains will always be beautiful but are they as lovely if there's no one to share them with?

    I am so glad to be able to share things with everyone here but I feel I'm getting a bit OTT. I go on about my classes coz there's no one other than my daughter around to talk to and, you know, 18 year olds don't want all the ins and outs of Mum's life!! Not natural!

    So, ?%%&$+{@#@+*&%^$#~@/........... < my 'muddle'.

    It's so great to be AF. It's so great to sing, dance, learn, strive, achieve just seems worthless without friends, family and a partner to share them with. David's gone and I found a list of 'friends' I'd made down here and that I thought would still be around in 5 years time - one made two+ years ago. All nine have vanished. And that was before I started drinking anything other than 'normally' so it wasn't that. Two have I think been 'got at' by David. But the others...?

    I feel sooooh scared about there being no one to call other than my daughter if I get ill or injured. It happened when I tore a ligament in my leg (dancing!) and was on crutches for three months...but David was around then. And me with no licence now, too - I know my own b***** stupid fault. It all just seems too much responsibility on my own. I mean, I don't shun responsibility but I so want someone to 'help' with the kids - too share the everyday concerns and celebrations. Their 'issues' at 14 and 18 seem huge ones - which Uni. Driving 5 hours at night having only been driving less than a year. Boyfriend dramas. Money worries when I have ?150 in the bank and ?33,000 of debt and staving off bankruptcy each day and can't help at all. Just someone for a hug or a face to face chat with - my best girl friend's 250 miles away and I can't even afford the b***** train ticket. Bah................! Wish I could have a Mum I could ring.

    I don't even know how I will ever get out of this house - even if I could move yet I cannot afford a removal company.....did it before with David, a trailer and friends....all gone.

    Thanks for 'listening' if you've got this far... just really down and would rather not dump on you all but I know you'd be p'd with me if I went off and drank on this. I don't want to but am glad I'm (a) here and (b) got my kids coz otherwise....I know we do this for ourselves foremost but it sure helps if there's a goal to make it worthwhile and I really don't know what mine is other than being sober when 'it' comes along IF it ever does. (I have to say - worryingly maybe - that given the choice between never drinking ever again and never having a partner ever again, the drink would seriously lose! I mean, sorry, but the only thing I have ever wanted is a family - full on... "him, her, and the kids"..... maybe why I picked so many unsuitables - blind faith??! But I'm not out there with it on my T-shirt!!! Ugh!)

    I'm just p'd coz my parents (can't even type Mum and Dad) don't want the meeting we'd planned at the wedding to discuss their 'arrangements' after all.... They refuse to discuss anything to do with their affairs and I, as their only child, am really worried. This has been going on for 15 years (this particular topic, let alone all the rest) but as they get nearer the inevitable (82 and 86) still they pull the walls ever tighter around themselves. I don't know their solicitor, accountant, doctor. I don't have or know if anyone has Power of Attorney. I don't know their executors. I am clearly none of them. I don't even know who will tell me they're dead if they have an accident. They ostracised me from my cousins years ago for being 'nasty ' (when I asked them not to fraternise with my ex husband who kept my elder daughter.... Let's not even go there!) and I don't even know how to get hold of any relations to tell them about a funeral if I have to. (I suspect they'll be telling me....) As for Inheritance tax - they're going to be paying over ?250,000 of it as they've done nothing to avoid it. And suddenly, as the only next of kin, I will be expected (might be...WANT to be) to know everything (at least quite a lot) and deal with it..... ?!?!

    But it's not the money - that's always been their weapon (of mass destruction...yes!) It's the being shut out of my own family - the very thing I've ever wanted. B*s**rds....

    Yes, Rob, I know....and thanks. You're right. (In case you're trawling through this!) But it just hurts today.

    I've asked them to answer those questions (all having to be done by letter of course at my father's suggestion...."No point in you coming all the way up here Darling (seven of those, creep!) - just put it in a letter") but I'm not holding my breath and, quite frankly I think, having dreaded their death and funerals for so many years (will be soooh sad at the missed opportunities and what wasn't...), I want to consider not being there. Not worrying about them coz I can't do anything and refusing to be humiliated at their endings.

    I just feel so damned alone. And that seems sooooh up-my-own-bum. I'm really sorry. I have so much. I know there are folk homeless and I have a roof. I have tried loving this house and all the positive affirmation stuff....but I HATE it. Things go wrong as soon as I step in the door. And my son and daughter feel the same on their own volition. But how do I move broke, possibly bankrupt and with a criminal record????? Renting checks all those things. And I can't even do it in my daughter's name - pretty odd, eh? 50 year old woman takes out contract in 18 year old daughter's name? How on earth did I stoop/get so low????? (I mean, things have been this bad financially for YEARS....dare I say, you can see where the drinking kicked in!!!!! But still my - bad - choice.) (Just realised - we do pick 'em! Some might pick alcoholic after alcoholic...I picked lazy, broke people; ex hubby #2 went under for ?37,000 after I gave him ?140,000 of my money to save him. And David?...well, we know about his financial accumen and commitment! Change needed there in me then!) (Sorry, seems to be 'OK' dumping on people in Cyberspace but it still seems not very kind...! Vibes and all that...)

    I'm stopping there....too much. It's really helped getting it all out and down but I soooh hope I've not depressed anybody too much or you stopped before. And if I deserve a kick up the bum - here it is... :moon: Nothing worse than over-maudling. But I have to face this eventually. It is my biggest trigger.

    Thanks for being you and being there.
    Hugs FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

    Finding, I'm sending BB cyberhugs to you .....

    Please don't ever apologise for posting here, I love your openess and honesty, we are truly here for you.

    Well done on beating the booze though, you are winning.

    Keep your chin up hon .....

    Love ya, BB xx


      OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

      God I'm long winded aren't I - sorry! B***** old windbag!

      Just to add - my hips have been agony for days...thought it was the dance but...In desperation I looked up ol' Louise Hay.... "Painful hips - Fear of going forward in major decisions and nothing to move forward to !!!! Amazing or what - bit of a coincidence?!?o

      FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

        Sorry you are feeling so down FMF. It sucks to be lonely. I, too, am very lonely. I have no friends or family here where I live. I tend to a 2 year old day in/day out. I do have a husband but he works for 10hours a day, gone for 12; all for the best I am sure - if you catch my drift. (We have nothing in common at the moment). I find it hard to even leave my home during the day because there is no where to go, nothing to really do. I feel down in the dumps a lot because of this.

        But... one thing I do know is that I am holding myself back from really doing anything. Like making friends, etc. I am the one that is holding me captive within myself. How to break out of this, I have no f'n idea! Once I gave up the alcohol I find myself a lot less outgoing, creative, social. The friends I did have were all piss tanks so I don't associate with them anymore.

        I was thinking about a lot of my own ordeal last night. Trying to figure out why I can't just get past my past and try to create a good life for myself. I feel almost panicked about the time I am simply wasting on this planet.

        I know you are doing things like taking up instruments and other hobbies which are great, but it doesn't cure the loneliness.

        I really don't have much to ad to help make you feel any better. I wanted you to know you aren't alone. I would bet a million dollars there are TONS of us here that are feeling the same way.

        The good thing about it is we are sober. This gives us a great platform to make good decisions every day. How you get past the "Oh, I am sober today, what next?" part of it, I have no clue. Alcohol killed my loneliness. It was always there when I was bored or lonely. But seeing that is an option I don't want in my life what now??? How does one break out of this isolation and move forward?

        Hang in there. Something has to give some time soon. Sorry for my own rant. I tend to do that from time to time. Long winded and frustrated is who I am.


          OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

          Aw BB - thanks. Just rushed back here coz even though I did all that in Word and posted it across when I thought it was ok....I feel really spoilt. So thanks.

          FMF xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

            No AFM! You're not longwinded - unless...and then what am I ?!!!? We'll be here for each other and anyone else lonely wont we?! Yes, we'll stick AF/mods (depending on who we are) and see what gifts are round the corner...

            Love FMF xxx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

              Finding... I feel for you. As I am now (gratefully) without partner, and I too do not have friends or family around, I can relate. I'm dreading the nights to come when my daughter is with her dad, worrying that I won;t be able to be sober and if I am that I'll be miserable. But on the other hand, I have learned lately that I have always looked outside of myself to feel good - alcohol, or lovers. With lovers, that means the relationships were always unhealthy and doomed. Now I know that the work I must do is to, finally, at the age of 42, find completeness inside of myself.

              I read somewhere - there is a difference between "aloneness" and "loneliness". Maybe it is good for us to make the distinction in our mind, to understand that to be alone doesn't have to be lonely. Of course, as you say, we may miss having someone to talk with, etc, a sweetheart to hold us... but in my case, not sure about you, I want to learn to be content with who I am all on my own.

              I'm just beginning on this 'alone' venture... so it's all theory at this point. But I am determined to really get sober and stable and happy with who I am before I get into a relationship again. (for this reason, I'm finding, amazingly enough, that I'm actually kind of grateful to be so overweight that romance is out of the question anyway, so I won't be tempted)

              Anyway - don't know if this helps... just wanted to share where I am with the quandry of being alone.
              Oh - another thing - in this personal growth class I had a couple years ago the facillitator made the point that we all reach 'break down' points - where it seems all is doomed, we can't go on as before, etc. And she said those can be the most important times in our lives, because we can choose to allow a full break down (of mindset, habit, expectation, etc) and rebuild from the ground up to create an entirely new experience of life.

              Sending you hugs....
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

                Oh FMF,
                A good half of your post could so easily have been written by myself.
                The prizes in my life are my teenager, a home that I love, and now I`m about to start the degree I was supposed to do 20+ yrs. grateful for all my personal treasures, but like yourself, I guess I`d very much like "the icing on the cake", as in..........a significant other with whom to share my life.

                I think I`ve learned not to obsess about it.........I truly believe it will happen when I`m not "looking". Meantime, it`s sure gonna be a helluva cold winter!!! lol

                Guess I`m a bit of a perfectionist where men are concerned.......have had enough "tossers" in my past to last a life-time. Not all those "ideal" couples are as ideal as they appear, FMF..........things aren`t always as they seem.

                I`d far rather live my life as a singleton on my own terms, than have a male in my life just for the sake of it. Can honestly say that if I can`t get my own personal "this charming man", I simply don`t want a sub-standard one!!! lol

                As for friends........well, I`m looking forward to maybe making a coupla pals among the mature students when I go to Uni........won`t the O.U. have tutorials in the evenings where you can meet people?..........I think the wider our social circles, the more likely we are to meet someone special.

                Thinking of you,

                Starlight Impress x


                  OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

                  hugs to you FMF.

                  your 'long winded', post was so hearftelt. you meant it so much, you said it twice in one post! LOL.

                  reading a previous post about the wedding and the background to it was the same and I was so happy that you enjoyed it (overall) and all turned out well.

                  I dont know what im trying to say here. i guess that the way you write makes us live it and feel all your ups and downs. youre on a downer at the moment and it is

                  more hugs (if you dont mind)



                    OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

                    Hi FMF,

                    I, too, could relate to much of what you've said. I didn't find it boring, nor did I think you are selfish for your feelings. They are heartfelt and sincere, and as you can see, shared by many people here.

                    I know you feel quite trapped now, but I think if you can hang in there, solutions will appear to help you move to a better place and find new friends. It is harder to make friends at our age (I'm 51), but there are good people out there. Meanwhile, I hope you can learn to enjoy YOU! You are a wonderful, insightful woman, and you have overcome quite a lot, already. You are doing well with not drinking, which is a HUGE accomplishment. If you start giving yourself the credit you deserve, other people will also start seeing what good things you have to offer.

                    Your family sounds so difficult for you. I know we can never replace them, but we will do our best to be your "cyber family". Your family doesn't know what they are missing, and that is so sad.

                    I am sending you cyber hugs right now. I have been on my own for a long time, FMF--I just sent my daughter off to college, and her father lived in Europe for most of her growing up. I have been through bankruptcy, loneliness, etc. I've learned from them. If I had only known that I could have gotten through it easier and better sober!! (My one claim to fame is keeping my drinking within bounds enough not to ruin my daughter's life with it.) At any rate, you are doing great so far, and I offer encouragement from the bottom of my heart.


                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

                      Kathy, BB, Roxanne, Star, MOW and AFM - thank you sooooh much. You've all said something that I can really 'play' with...and a lot else besides.

                      My heart goes out to you too - how can we be lonely with such powerful friends - even if in cyberpace. It amazes me to think that even as I type this in the UK you are all real, very real somewhere in the world....even Notts seems miles away BB but your're close really!

                      Yes, I can do alone - I was an only child!! I guess that's a bit why I've had enough of it!! But, yes, when and if it's right.... (there was a call on my ansafone from an old flame tonight....?! Now what's that about? Not prob good for me but it was nice anyway. I'll tread carefully honest!!)

                      Back later - just done navigation course and am hungry!!! (9.15pm)

                      But a hugs thanks again..... you guys are special big time!
                      FMF xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

                        Glad to hear you`re feeling lighter of heart, FMF.
                        As for he of the ansaphone harm in a little interim fun with "Mr Right Now" as we patiently await "Mr. Right"!!! lol

                        Starlight Impress x


                          OK I&#39;m in a muddle...



                          Just here to :l

                          and ansaphone...mmmmmmm... nothing wrong with a bit of the 'ol intrigue :bigwink:

                          So glad you're feeling better, you do that for me and us all the time




                            OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

                            FMF,What a post!and what replys!!
                            I too am alone-a single parent,and feel all the things you and all the others feel.Could never put it into words the way it has been done here.Just wanted to say i understand.Some days we feel strong and positive then other times the emotion floods in.I suppose we just have to ride it,and as some have said rather be alone by yourself than with some one else.
                            Anyway feel a little cry coming on..Thank you xx


                              OK I&#39;m in a muddle...

                              Hey OK? I hope it was a 'good' cry...? Let me know tomorrow that you're OK? :l

                              (Thanks all re Mr. Ansaphone.... I'm going to ring tomorrow. Don't get too excited - he's Mr. Powerfully-Charismatic (despite being a lovely person as well) and we all know how they can be....!!! :bonkers: )

                              Have a good evening/sleep. Off to my pit now....zonked! (Can we have an asleep Smiley please?!?!) - -

                              Love and so many thanks once again for being such great pals.
                              FMF xx :h
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

