I did research about liver problems (cirrohis, cancer) and I don't know if I am going nuts or not but I feel like I have most of them. You don't even know you have severe liver problems until pain sets in and you bruising easily (I had a bruise in the location where it hurt most because I had pressed hard on it to really narrow down the location of it and the bruise wasn't there the day before that.) Now I am very fair skinned so i do bruise easily but not that easily. That makes me very nervous. I looked online yesterday to see exactly where the liver is and is it is exactly where my pain is.
Last night I was so tired (another symptom) and in so much discomfort I went to bed at 8pm, no dinner no nothing. I know it's not the pills because this started before that. I am freaking out. I'm not jaundiced and I look good, but when I eat my stomach has been hurting so I don't really want to eat. I felt best this a.m. because I hadn't eaten in 12 hours and also got some rest. Now I'm afraid to eat. I've lost weight because of abs and watching what I eat (yogurt for breakfast, light lunch and not so healthy dinner usually!) and I've been getting compliments all over the place but I really think something is wrong. This pain should not be going on for this long. I'm drinking milk thistle tea (which is very tasty by the way) right now and almost want to fast and clean out my whole system. HELP!!!:|