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Slip Sliding Away......

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    Slip Sliding Away......

    If it sounds like a Simon and Garfunkel is, but it also sums up where I am at the moment. I've experienced many days being AF and they were marvelous (35 of 45), but I'm concerned now as the number of AF days are becoming fewer and fewer. I don't know what it is - there haven't been any life-changing experiences, no problems to speak of, just a general sense of "why bother?".

    I know I can do this. I haven't climbed the mystical 30-day mountain yet - but I will. I've watched many of you do it and I applaud you - you're my strength and inspiration.

    I don't expect a lot of sympathy. I know I can be AF - I just have to set my mind to it. I just appreciate all of you and a site where I can write what I'm feeling at the moment.

    Sorry for rambling. Thanks for listening.


    Slip Sliding Away......

    You have to stay focused on staying AF. NOT obsessed, but focused. It is an issue I think we have to remain aware of as it can so easily slip right in on us. You think one drink is fine, then hte next time, two drinks is fine, if you you don't remain aware, before you know it you are back up to 8 drinks. Many can moderate, I think their success comes from staying aware of where their at in their drink comsumption.


      Slip Sliding Away......

      Hey Irish , Buddy, thanks for sharing...
      You never have to apogogize for rambling... I do it all the time....
      I just wanted you to know that I care and that someone is listening.... don't be so hard on yourself, take "baby steps" if you must... 3 steps forward and 2 steps back if you will...
      I care Irish and wish you well, all the very best to you ,

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Slip Sliding Away......

        Irish, I understand how you are feeling. I had a good run of AF a few months ago and, for various reasons, things just slowly, but surely slipped back to where I had been before. In fact, I ended up drinking even more than before. I also felt the "why bother" thing.

        However, I am up and running and AF again. I know that I can't just have one and I know I can't think "why bother".

        I just know that I don't drink any more.

        Try to get back in the groove of thought that you just don't drink any more. Really focus on how wonderful those AF days were and can be again.

        You can do it.

        There is nothing as good as being alcohol free! Try to get out of that hole now before you get in any deeper.

        Strength to you.


          Slip Sliding Away......

          Thanks Buddy and Niblet. Buddy, I hear what you're saying but don't we have to be obsessed with being AF if we're going to suceed? I am trying to be focused though. If anyone ever told me I could go 35 of 45 days AF I would have thought they were crazy, so I do appreciate very much that I was able to do that. What concerns me though is that earlier I had a couple spells of 11 days AF, which turned to 4, then 2, now 1....what's next? If it gets to zero there's the temptation is to say the hell with it and go back to the old ways. That's something I don't what to do - and I don't think I will thanks to the support from all of you.


            Slip Sliding Away......

            hey there, again don't be so hard on yourself ... what the hell, and go back to your old ways? why? you have made tremendous strides, terrific progress ... don't forget that. don't be impatient with yourself and time and continue to opt for and move toward improvement ... baby steps are way better than no steps .... i think we all know that. good luck, be strong and take very good care, j
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              Slip Sliding Away......

              Bluebell you are so on target. I know how great it is to be AF - after having experienced it if for only a little while, I know there is no feeling quite like it. I so envy people around me. As I drive to work in the morning I see people running or walking and I say to myself "how lucky they are - they went to sleep sober and woke up w/o a hangover". What do they have that I don't have? The answer is "Nothing really". I just have to work at being AF - something which comes natural to them. But I have something they don't have (or thankfully need) and that's a support structure like you guys. Thanks to all.



                Slip Sliding Away......

                The fact that you are here talking about it is a huge indication that you are sorting things out in your head. You are right about this place though, it is an amazing support tool. I wouldn't be back on track without this site.

                Try not to envy people around you for being so "sober". For all you know they could have huge debts, marriage problems, health problems, even drink problems! How do you know that these walkers/runners are not, also, taking everyday as it comes, for whatever reason?

                I don't want to turn into a boring "reformed drinker" (it's only been 4 days so far!!!). But I truly want to shout from the rooftops how wonderful it feels to be AF.

                Just go for it Irish!


                  Slip Sliding Away......

                  You're right Bluebell - thanks to all. Good Night.

