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The Secret...

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    The Secret...

    Anyone seen "The Secret"? I watched it yesterday, it's really great and I think a lot of people on this site would benefit by seeing it. It's nothing I haven't heard before or read for that matter but this DVD put it into perspective in a way other things never did.

    Basically, it talks about how our "Thoughts become things". I used to feel a little overwhelmed by this thought but like I said, it puts it into perspective without the "pressure".

    I highly recommend it to you all! :h

    20 days today! YAY!
    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

    The Secret...


    Yes I've seen it and agree theres alot to be said for 'manifesting' positive things, there is nothing without first a thought, and I'll recommend a dvd I thought was even better, it's similar in subject but goes a bit deeper, and came out before the 'Secret' it's called "What the Bleep do we Know" very very interesting, and if you liked the secret I reckon you'll like this one even more!

    Luv, Jas
    :thanks: :h


      The Secret...

      I have read half of the book untill my wife got her hands on it! very motivational
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        The Secret...

        Good Job Deilight
        Gabby :flower:


          The Secret...


          Have seen "What the bleep....' also- good one. I think it's easier to find (we just hired it and the Secret was lent to us and SNATCHED away quite quickly). What the bleep is more visual and more of a story. I love the part where she draws hearts all over herself-dying to try it for myself!

          Maxman- get it back and read it all! Definately want to get the book for my shelf.

          Thanks Gabby
          Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
          Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


            The Secret...

            i really dig it. reverend michael is a really good friend of mine and performed my husband and my wedding 10 years ago. :0


              The Secret...

              I loved The Secret too! I first watched it last December and it changed the way I think about things. It was a starting point for me --I starting reading everything I could get my hands on about the Law of Attraction and the material The Secret was based on like Abraham-Hicks. I also like What the Bleep. I'm reading Seth Speaks and some of the older stuff like the Master Key System --this stuff goes way back.

              Coincidently a good friend of mine was taking Yoga classes around this same time and her teacher was touching on a lot of these concepts. We got to talking about this one night when while we were drinking wine (of course) and I gave her my copy of The Secret to watch. From that point this has really evolved. She has a group of women who meet monthly to talk about these things. Several are from her Yoga class and there are two women chiropractors and have have a mind/body/soul clinic specializing in massage, Reiki and other holistic healing. There have been Tarot readings. One time we had a psychic house party. It's been great fun to meet all these women with like interests.



                The Secret...

                LindZee - how lucky for you to have found a group of women of like mind to talk to! I'm very envious.
                I wholeheartedly believe in the power of thought. I think that a large part of my drinking stems from "thoughts" that run through my mind... "I'm an alcoholic.. I have no control... I'm too weak to get sober..." etc - - so I have these thoughts and they produce the very outcome.
                But I've also had the experience of positive thought resulting in positive outcome. I need to work hard on changing my thoughts about my drinking -- because after how many attempts to quit I still have not and I'm SICK of it.
                FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                  The Secret...


                  What you said, "I wholeheartedly believe in the power of thought. I think that a large part of my drinking stems from "thoughts" that run through my mind... "I'm an alcoholic.. I have no control... I'm too weak to get sober..." etc - - so I have these thoughts and they produce the very outcome. " is so true!

                  Makes me think about AA and why it is often unsuccessful. If people are constantly told told they're alcoholics and powerless to change, they believe it. I don't mean to bash AA because I guess it works for some people but I do believe that focusing on your strengths and what is possible is so much better than dwelling on your weaknesses and what you did in the past.

                  If you believe in the power of thought you're already a step ahead. Just keep repeating those thoughts until you believe it. Good luck to you :l



                    The Secret...

                    yeah, well...I thought some of the concepts in "the secret" were Ok - but most of it was common sense -like not thinking negatively - i guess i'm a cynic but it realy gets up my nose when a whole lot of celebs get together to make an absolute fortune out of people's vulnerabilities.

                    I can think of a lot of other good resources that don't involve mega advertising and aren't presented like something out of the "da Vinci Code".

                    Just my own opinion, not treading on anyone elses - whatever gets you through the night.


                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      The Secret...

                      I hear you Cash!

                      Being a cynic myself I agree to some degree, what I've decided lately is that I don't care who does it, as long as it's good. For example, lots of famous people come to Africa to "do good" and all they are really doing is stroking their own egos and getting good publicity for themselves. If you look at it in another way, if some girl sees "Joe" or "Joanne" and thinks it's cool, then it has helped in a small way. Awareness, you know.

                      I like your description of "the da Vinci code" aspect of it. I did feel like it was going to be more profound and then just educated people talking. And like I said, "nothing I haven't seen or read before." I do just think it was explained well.

                      AND I DIDN"T PAY A CENT FOR IT! So no celebs made any cash from me. Wouldn't buy it.

                      Thanks for your honest opinion - I enjoy that.
                      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                        The Secret...

                        I think "the secret" is no secret at all, there is no new information presented! It's all plain jane "have a good attitude" stuff that is being marketed well. It's all about marketing and making money, nothing more, nothing less. I really like the "Da Vinci Code" analogy, yep that's exactly how they marketed it....clever, very clever marketing.

                        Think good thoughts.....advice free of charge from My heart, LOL!
                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson


                          The Secret...

                          I have to say I had some strong critical thoughts about the Secret and posted them on another thread. Call me a cynic, but I am with Cash Register and My Heart is Drenched on this one.

