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Your 'REAL' age...

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    Your 'REAL' age...

    This is a link to a website which caluculates your "real" age after you answer a series of questions. I found the results interesting and fun - ENOJY!

    I'm 44 (don't tell anyone!) and I came out with a 'real age' of 37.8 years and a life expectancy of 81.2...

    then I did it again to compare what I was like 12 months ago, before I stopped drinking and started taking care of myself.

    I ended up aging 21 years to a 'real' age of 59 and a life expectancy of only 75! (a loss of 6 years). But imagine the difference between my life as a drunken lush of 70 y/o compared to a healthy and happy 80 y/o !!
    It always seems impossible until it's done....

    Your 'REAL' age...

    funny, instead of 47 it says i'm 32 yeahhhhhhh how fun is that flip. and my life expectancy is 92. wow, does that mean we will be on this website that long? wow, i'll need to pick a new avatar. smiles bootsie


      Your 'REAL' age...

      That was an interesting one Flip!

      I am 45 (but don't look it!)

      My "real age" is 30!!!!

      My average life expentancy is 75

      My "real life" expectancy is 89.2 !!!!!!

      I will now try it with my old lifestyle habits (of last week!!).


        Your 'REAL' age...

        OMG! Under my old habits -

        "Real" Age - 52.9 !!!!!!!!

        "Real Life" expectancy - 67.1 !!!!

        This is a bit of fun but it actually brings home what bad living does to you !!!!!


          Your 'REAL' age...

          I am 49. Even with my current drinking situation, I show as 35.7 right now. My life expectancy is 89.3. If I go AF total, could I be 30 again???:H Great site, thanks Flip!!!
          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


            Your 'REAL' age...

            Well, it scared me. It shows me 14 years younger than I really am with a Life Expectancy of 92.7!!!! I dont think I care for that ....

            It surprises me because I actually admitted how much I smoked .... without fibbing.

            Best I do it again just to make sure .....


              Your 'REAL' age...

              I'm 24! (30 really) and have a life expectancy of 79. This is of course not drinking. Seems I need to exercise more and eat better to live to 85 and be 22! Don't know if I want to be 22 though- not my best year. Prefer being 30.

              Thanks Flip, cool site.
              Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
              Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                Your 'REAL' age...

                That was interesting flip. I have just lost 15 years and expect to live
                to 90, hope I still have all my marbles!!


                  Your 'REAL' age...

                  I am real life I am 35! I am expected to lie to 85 and in real life 74.


                    Your 'REAL' age...

                    Flip - thanks! (Genuine!) And thanks....(Sort of sarcastic but not to you!!!)

                    I am really deperessed now!!! I'm 49.999999 years old. As things are now (AF) I'm 38 with a life exp. of 65.5 ?????????????????? :upset: If I sorted out all the things I've been posting (moaning!) about for two days I'd be 30 with an expectancy of 93!!!!! Getting close friends, happy relationship, job I enjoy, reducing the tension and anxiety that, for me, comes from not having those things (basically I'm a big wimp who is scared witless by life!) would make that much difference?!?!? (I know it's only a quiz but...!) I wasn't being neggy but just honest... I suppose there isn't a tick for PMA (positive mental attitude even if I remotely qualify?!?!) but is it suggesting that maybe that just kids the body anyway? That you just feel better as it does its damage...? Scary!

                    Help! But still thanks, Flip - got me thinking and TG I'm AF or I'd only have a week to go!!

                    Love FMF xxx :h
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Your 'REAL' age...

                      Sorry - did it again! It didn't always give me the chance to put my current age in first....? So, better! 49 real, (still only) 48 (??!) with life expect. of 77...bit longer! But again with sorting out work/friends/family it would be 37 living to 88.5..... amazing!
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        Your 'REAL' age...

                        Wow !!! My "real" age is about exactly how I feel !!! 22.4 but I'm actually 43. No I didn't cheat !! LOL

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          Your 'REAL' age...

                          I've just realised, according to this, that I have 44.2 years left to live!

                          That's almost my whole lifetime over again!

                          Woooooo hooooooooo!!!!!!

                          I can actually put into practice the sentiments of the saying "If only I knew then what I know now.........." Meaning, I love it that I can get a second shot at that amount of time, being wiser and more aware of my health .................

                          Oh, well, I know what I mean!


                            Your 'REAL' age...

                            Well this is very good news indeed and I was even honest

                            My age is 37

                            Real age:29.8

                            Life Expectacny: 82.2 WOO HOO
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Your 'REAL' age...

                              Right Now...

                              Biological Age: 35
                              Real Age: 20.2
                              Ave Life Exp.: 74
                              Life Exp.: 88.8

                              If I were drinking still...

                              Biological Age: 35
                              Real Age: 54.3
                              Ave Life Exp.: 74
                              Life Exp.: 54.7

                              OH MY GOD!

