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What do you drink?

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    What do you drink?

    I know the aspartame isnt good for me- but I also have found Diet Ginger Ale to be quite a treat.


      What do you drink?


      I have been reading about the acid-alkaline thing in several different places. Books on nutrition, magazines, a lot of sources. Seems like most every single disease or malady is accompanied by an acidic situation in the body tissue. Your reference to Susan Lark is new to me, and thanks for the reference there. I just googled "Susan Lark baking soda", and a lot of hits and articles.

      I have even read somewhere, that cancer is always a high acid situation. The typical diet of Americans, and especially here in the south, tends to massive acidic overload.

      Many times in the past, just taking a teaspoon of baking soda, dissolved in plain water would put me right to sleep after tossing and turning. Other times, it would just relax me within minutes, and tense muscles would "let go" by magic.

      Now with my new diet explorations, I'm dialing in an optimum ratio of protein, carbs, and fats to enhance my physical strength, muscle development, and endurance. Seems like I've always tended towards acidic body chemistry anyway.

      When we age past 50 (like me), our bodies pH buffering systems get less powerful and effective. I read in the Susan Lark info, about how if we are acidic, our bodies will steal calcium and alkaline minerals from our bones while we sleep!! Hence, osteoporosis.

      To me, acid-alkaline balance is a most important, but often overlooked or ignored facet of acheiving optimum health and perfomance. Why? Probably because big medicine can't charge $100 for a teaspoon of baking soda.

      Thanks for the reference there. I have more research to do here.



        What do you drink?

        If you have a citrus juicer (not that expensive) and some limes, make up a batch of lime-aid by adding water and stevia ( a wonderful sweetener that is actually good for you) to taste. You do not need much stevia! I also like to make a saucepan full of herbal hot tea (Celestial Seasonings Decaf Mandarin Orchard Green Tea is yummy) and then make a big batch of ice - or cold - tea from that. Sometimes I throw in a couple of bags of Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer for calming effect. (It also tastes great).


          What do you drink?

          I drink sparkling water with a bit of blueberry or cranberry juice in it. I also drink the sugarless tonic water. After a while you get use to it. I am not a big fan of carbonation so I also drink a lot of decaf tea. Green tea is a good one. It also is good for you. But I do know how boring it is to find something to drink as a subby!


            What do you drink?

            Sobe Energy Drinks, Teas and Life Water are wonderful many flavors and choices ...a little pricey but not as pricey as the items in the liquor store.


              What do you drink?

              barley iced tea, green tea, mint tea. warm or cold. not bad. I think if you are worried about sugar. diluting juices is a good idea. Sort of like a fruit juice spritzer.
              you can use still water or sparkling water. and make the blend as 1/2 water 1/2 juice or 3/4 water 1/4 juice.
              only use juices that have not been sweetened.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                What do you drink?

                My Aunt is a professional nutritionalist and she is extremely upset that aspartame and splenda are even legal. they are horrid for the body as one might expect of any attempt to cheat on nature. Stevia is very good (green and white version). and agave nectar isn't bad either. I used to be addicted to aspartame and know a ton of folks that chug diet soda like mad. the worst thing about diet soda isn't the arificial sweetener but actually the preservative (name escapes me at the moment) and has hence been banned in China after links to liver cancer etc.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  What do you drink?

                  interesting on the acidosis...Dr Barry Sears of the 'zone diet' says that an anti-inflammatory low acid bodily system is the most important thing for us to strive for in consideration of our health and longevity. Alcoholism combined with poor diet (which go hand in hand often) can lead to a condition known as metabolic acidosis which can be fatal...especially combined with physical stress. yikes!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    What do you drink?

                    Hey D, I just started using Stevia this weekend, It does have a bit of a bite to it...will have to get used to that, I thought about the agava...but I would use so much the calorie would add up, if I dont get to lovin the stevia...i will try the agave.
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      What do you drink?

                      cool Java. Stevia also contains chromium which is beneficial.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        What do you drink?

                        Really interesting on the acidosis and teaspoon of bi-carb, Neil.... I was Googling away yesterday (as you do!) about the achey legs thingy I'm getting a bit fed up of ('scuse grammar!) and found loads of links to bi-carb....linked in with glucose storage problems? Will try to retrace them tomorrow. I'm really interested in your saying about it stoppng tossing and turning and tense muscles would 'let go' like magic. More, more! What, when and how etc...?! Never thought of that.

                        PS - I gather cooked tomatoes are really really acidic. (Raw are alkaline.) And as pasta dishes have become such a common and frequent meal I think we've gone a bit mad on them! And decaffienated coffee is really acid too.)

                        Right, back to drinks! Tried a mixed spiced berry cordial tonight with a mulled wine spicebag in it - I swear with a bit more cloves (my spices are last years and a bit feeble by now!) and the floating orange etc in it no one would know it's completely AF!!! Tasted great/warming/soothing....

                        Love FMF xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          What do you drink?

                          Not only are you guys getting all healthy but your turning into scientists.

                          I'm liking it!!! See how healthy we are getting?? or at least trying.....


                            What do you drink?

                            Agave Nectar rocks, I LOVE it : )
                            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                            - George Jackson


                              What do you drink?

                              SS try elderflower cordial mixed with sparkling water (waitrose UK has it usually, along with other interesting ideas). It's more a summer's day drink but hey the sun is still shining!
                              I love most fresh juices lifted by sparking water, lots of lemon and lots of ice.
                              I also love Virgin Mary, tomato juice with tabasco, a pity it aggravates joint pains.
                              I'm drinking cold camomile tea as I type again with lemon and its lovely. Don't know if lemon is bad for joint pain? It's worth taking time to browse in health food shops, good supermarkets-they are gettting better all the time as they know there is a market out there for those who want appealing sugar-free drinks.

                              Have a good day all-it is Day 30 AF for me today and I feel fantastic! So energised!

                              Anna xinkele:
                              IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                              Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                                What do you drink?

                                FMF just because tomatos are acidic doesn't translate into a state of acidity in your body...which is great because i also love Italian food! it's more the refined carbos that lead us to this inflamed ditch the pasta in favor of a nice slice of grilled egglplant with the tomato sauce on top...yummy!

                                Londoner, that elderflower sounds great!
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

