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New low

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    New low

    Man yesterday waaay overdid it. I planned on going AF today so, of course, gotta drink like a maniac the day before..... So, I did, last thing I remember is taking a bath and having to hollar for Joe to help me out. Too drunk to do so safely. Well, at least I realized that!:H So AF day 1 today. All u regulars, Hillary, Star, BB, Chief, Det, heck too many to name u all have been so great, I have no excuse not to join u. So, today is the first day of AF. Hope this isn't one of the posts one makes just because one overdid. This is sincere. I made it 34 days AF, dam it, I can again and more. If Joe doesn't go AF I'll be coming here EVEN more :H So u better hope he does!!!!

    Thanx for reading :l

    New low

    That`s the spirit!!!

    And noooooooo.......this isn`t a guilty post for having "steeped" yourself in the ol` poison last night.........this is a genuine "I`ve made my decision post", or you can count on me and all your chat buddies to unceremoniously kick your arse........hard!!!! lol

    Starlight Impress x


      New low

      Hart my precious................... I mean that. Oh... BUMS!!!! Bet you're feeling ruff. But you're here and ok and on day 1 and I'm certainly with you and I'm sure everyone else will be as they come along and read your thread....

      If this thing IS a day at a time then that was just one day and you will always have your 34 days and now you add on to those with a mere gapette in between...

      Don't beat yourself up hon.... ON ON ON..... you can do this.

      So glad you got help out of the bath - scary! (Got to giggle even if that's not terribly helpful and perhaps I should be wagging my finger at you....!!!)

      Love and hugs and gallons of water (drinking not bathing!) to you....
      FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        New low

        Hart get out one of your fave BB dolls and pretend that i'm watching you ........

        You can do this ...........


          New low

          Good for you Hart. Yes you do sound sincere and you can do it!
          I"m on yet another Day One myself, and am feeling more confident about succeeding than I have in a long time. Maybe we can keep count together!
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            New low

            Rootin for ya Hart.

            Gabby :flower:


              New low

              Thanx, Star, FMF, BB, MOW, Gabby. :thanks: :l


                New low

                Hey Hart, i'm behind you always!!!! Keep your chin and spirits up ... you have so many supportive and wonderful friends here to help you along always. love, j
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                  New low

                  Yes!! Even if it means doing it solo! You can do this!


                    New low

                    You can do this Hart!


                      New low

                      Hart, I'm just really glad that you had the sense of mind to know you needed some help out of the tubby... All the very best to you sweetie Tomorrow you'll start to feel so much better... Get some good healthy food in and lots of water...

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        New low

                        oh hart i so understand. i was coming up on my 30 day mark i was all proud and sassy and put my preverbial foot and martini right in my mouth. honey we can do this. we certainly can. and i so believe in you and me too. i'm glad you didn't try to get out of the tub either. that's so how accidents happen. i love you girlie. let's have joe be af too. and if not, i'll be your joe. that was my mama's name. god rest her soul. bootsie


                          New low

                          Oh Dear Hart! ( I mean you're the dear- not 'oh dear)

                          You were so sweet to me when I was down, you should give YOURSELF the same treatment as you give others and BE NICE TO YOURSELF!

                          Know thyself, love thyself. I'm thinking of you. Keep rolling! X D
                          Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                          Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                            New low

                            chin up mate!
                            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                              New low

                              Good luck Heart, you can do it. Sending you good vibes.
                              Love Paula xx

