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My handwriting
My handwriting
My Handwriting
So happy you are getting better. I finally have everythig together, but headphones and portable dvd, i hope to start Sunday. I can not write a check or go to lunch with my friends. This is why i like this place, hope to write you soon.
My handwriting
I am so pleased for you. I have to chuckle about this though. I have always had such poor penmanship. Wouldn't it be a hoot if all of a sudden, because of all this lifestyle change, I remarkably just had great handwriting too! Oh well, one can always hope! Keep up the good work!
My handwriting
So inspiring you guys!
I always noticed my brother had the shakes.. but I never did.. except when I smoked. However!! coming towards 40 i've noticed the trembling hands & thought OMG!!!
I don't smoke.. so it must be the booze?? EEEEEEK!!
Don't wanna be old before my time.
Gotta Quit.. Thanks for your inspirations.
Love MFM
My handwriting
Hi all (by the way this is Patty),
I changed my name because Young at Heart said I sounded like little bo peep- hee. I also feel so much better that the name sounded pretty pathetic.
I know, it's such a small thing, and it wasn't even really that I was shaky, it was my brain, it wouldn't let me write, I couldn't concenrate, I would have to type up notes to my boss pretending I had bad handwriting. I would walk into things all the time and see flickers of light or things in my peripheral that weren't really there. I am petrified at the damage I have done. I got a physical yesterday because I have this strange pain radiating from my my middle back on the right side around to the front. The internist said it was probably stress and a muscle is strained or something but I finally came clean about everything with her and asked for extra testing because the area in the front that hurts is the area where my liver is. She did say though if it hurts to touch that it doesn't sound like an organ issue and I have no symptoms of liver problems (ie vomiting, exhaustion, etc,) she also checked my kidneys right there with pee (for infections) and that was fine. My blood pressure, heart rate, pulse, etc.. were all normal. I told her about the Campral, the supps, and the whole program and that I was seeing a drug dealing shrink and now finally a real therapist/addiction specialist and I said no AA and she said "no sounds like you are doing it all just fine on your own". I told her about the Klonopin and she reiterated what everyelse has said- one thing at a time- so I am still taking that at night and sometimes a half during the day. Kathy if you heard the dosage you'd fall off your therpist chair. Anyway day 11 and I wish I had more checks to write! Now I can finally do my baby's journal without it looking psychotic. Patty