This is only partly about me. It's more about my Mom, who is 80 years old. I'll be calling her soon to say Happy Mother's Day.
Last night I got a call from one of my dearest childhood friends; her Mom died yesterday morning. Her Mom is my Mom's best friend.
My Dad has been dead since 1993. One of her sisters died in 1996. My Uncle Lee died 2 years ago. But in the last 6 months several people have died. My former mother-in-law died right after Thanksgiving, which really upset my Mom (and my daughter and me). Then my Uncle Carl in January. Then a few others in her circle, and now her best friend. She has one sister left, who, fortunately, is younger and in good shape.
My Mother is a tough old cookie, and she is worrying about everyone else, but I know that deep inside, she is hurting. My sister told me that my Mom said she has "too damn many things to do to worry about dying" herself (spunky, huh?

My heart is breaking for her as she watches her friends and relatives go, one by one, and also for myself, as I wonder how long she will be around...don't even want to think about that one!
Thanks for listening all. What a melancholy post for Mother's Day.......
Hugs to all!