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Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

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    Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

    You`ve all been wonderful to me.........don`t know how on earth I could ever have quit the drinking without you know that I can come here and people really care about me........well, no words could ever truly express my gratitude or the genuine love I feel for you all.

    Am currently not good company, and let`s face it, someone on a "downer" is the last thing anyone needs around here as they struggle through yet another day. I like to come here and have a laugh and try to help you all when and if I can........I don`t always say the right things, but know that my heart is always in the right place. I like to come here and try to encourage`s so important to be able to laugh despite our addiction.I know too, that sometimes I can be sarcastic, but I also know that you know that`s all in fun.Moreover, I have received so very much from you all.

    I just don`t want to burden anyone with my troubles.

    I would like to ask you 2 things, though.........

    1) Please celebrate my first 60 AF days for me would mean so much to me........thanks.

    2) Please pray your hardest that things work out for me next Tues. It`s currently not looking good for me, but there shall be a decision made next Tues. which would have a devastating effect on my life, if the decision goes against me.I can only say that the Law in Scotland is an ass.

    I will return to the site next Tues., when I know what has been decided, good or bad.

    Please, keep strong for yourselves, each other and me.

    All my love,

    Starlight Impress x

    Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

    Starlight, You are wonderful on these boards ...... Well done on 60 days tomorrow and prayers for next tuesday .......:l :h :l


      Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

      60 days! WOW! That is huge success! Well done Star!

      I am not sure what happens next Tuesday but you do have my prayers and support. I remember when you started this site and you have made such progress. I am proud of you.


        Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

        Star, first of all...congrats! Please know we are here for each other through the laughs and the hard times! It isn't all roses! You are in my prayers!!!!!


          Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

          (((Star))) I am so proud of you and will send u a personal e-mail. :l


            Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

            I ....... dunno .... knew something was up... You are soooh in my prayers, love. Don't know what it's all about... except... it sounds hard. Sounds harsh too. Yes, I will pray for you extra hard.

            And I will be honoured to join the party for your 60 days.... and give an extra whoop for the light on these boards - YOU. You have done soooh well. Brave, strong, funny, honest, human, loving and YOU.

            See you on Tuesday.
            Very big hug. :l (And one for Tuesday to have about you... :l )
            FMF xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

              PS Sarlight, Colin sends his love & Hugs too :h :l :h


                Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                hi starlight your avatar says it all .
                first I congratulate you on 60 days AF
                I also wish you luck, a bunch of it.
                take good care and stay strong like you are.

                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                  A huge congratulations on your 60 days and I too will be praying for a positive outcome on Tues.
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                    Starlight, I just logged on for the first time in about a week and don't know what's going on with you. But congratulations on 60 days, I am so impressed and happy for you. I hope whatever it is on Tuesday, it works out for you. Please don't leave us hanging... with all the fingers cyber-crossed here for you it's bound to be a good outcome.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                      Star, great news on 60 days! I hope things go ok on Tuesday!



                        Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.


                        Congratulations on your 60 days, amazing achievement. You have been wonderful to us newer newbies the past month. You are in my prayers for whatever you are going through. Anything we can do to help you only have to ask. Vent, go into chat, someone will be there for you. Good luck on Tuesday.



                          Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                          Congratulations on the 60 days, it is wonderful.

                          I haven't been here long but I have read many of your posts and they show what a compassionate person you are- I will pray all goes your way on Tuesday.


                            Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                            Best wishes to you Starlight. Thanks for all you do here, including inspiring us with your success of 60 days AF!
                            hugs hugs hugs..
                            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                              Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                              Hi Starlight,

                              You are always one of the first to welcome every newby. You are soooo quick to reach out a helping hand to those that are struggling. You do always say the "right thing", because it is so obvious that what you say comes from your heart.

                              I don't have to tell you that there is no need or value in disapearing from here when you are hurting. That is the very time that we become true friends because we are able to "Recieve" as well as give. Receiving is one of the greatest forms of friendship.

                              Congratulations on your 60 Days!!!! Wow! Truly an accomplishment!

                              As for whatever is going on with you and Scottland Yard, I pray that they will honor your hard work and grant you leaniency.

                              Please stay around and allow us to support you.

                              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                              AF 12/6/2007

