Am currently not good company, and let`s face it, someone on a "downer" is the last thing anyone needs around here as they struggle through yet another day. I like to come here and have a laugh and try to help you all when and if I can........I don`t always say the right things, but know that my heart is always in the right place. I like to come here and try to encourage`s so important to be able to laugh despite our addiction.I know too, that sometimes I can be sarcastic, but I also know that you know that`s all in fun.Moreover, I have received so very much from you all.
I just don`t want to burden anyone with my troubles.
I would like to ask you 2 things, though.........
1) Please celebrate my first 60 AF days for me would mean so much to me........thanks.
2) Please pray your hardest that things work out for me next Tues. It`s currently not looking good for me, but there shall be a decision made next Tues. which would have a devastating effect on my life, if the decision goes against me.I can only say that the Law in Scotland is an ass.
I will return to the site next Tues., when I know what has been decided, good or bad.
Please, keep strong for yourselves, each other and me.
All my love,
Starlight Impress x