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Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

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    Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

    Dear Starlight Impress, from someone new around here

    Bright Star,

    Would I were as steadfast as thou art

    Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night,

    and watching, with eternal lids apart

    like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite

    Will be thinking of you xxx Attached files [img]/converted_files/335024=1969-attachment.jpg[/img]



      Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

      Dear Starlight. Your always one of the first to help everyone else out. I read all your posts of encouragement, especially to the newbies who probably need it the most. Your a real important part of this website, and you have helped countless numbers of people on here. Whatever your troubles are...I hope they work out ok for you. Congratulations on your 60 days!!!!!


        Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

        Hi STAR, You were one of the first to "talk to me". I can tell from all your posts you have a big, big, heart! Congratulations on your 60 days. I too am sending up prayers for you today. Good luck next Tuesday and I hope the angels surround you with their love and peace as you work through that day and whatever issues you have to deal with.
        Love, Beachmusic.


          Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

          Starlight Impress -- Not sure what you are faced with, but it sounds big and frightening. My modest offering here is that we are often stronger than we think we are, and that we can make it through difficult times and emerge renewed. Be brave.


            Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

            Starlight-you are a shining star. Conratulations on your 60 days!:wd: And I am winging prayers your way for a good outcome for you on Tuesday:wings:
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

              Congrats on your 60 days and I will have you in my thoughts on Tuesday. Good luck and hang in there! :h
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                Congrats Star on your 60 days. I have appreciated all the advice you have given me. I have had some really bad days and just having so positive input has really helped.:thanks:

                My prayers are with you for Tues I hope all goes well. ( I don't know what it is about though)

                Take care.


                  Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                  My prayers go out to you sweetie!
                  and congrats on your 60 days!
                  Maybe you can relax and watch some Colin Firth movies this weekend!!!
                  Take care Star XXOO


                    Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                    Well done on 60 days. Sending love and prayers, you are a very special person.
                    Love Paula.xx


                      Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                      Congratualtions Star...but just because "you" don't feel you are good company doesn't mean that the folks here agree with you. Stay close if you need to.

                      You are a winner!! And don't let anybody, includung yourself, convince you otherwise.


                        Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                        Oh Star!!

                        You have been such an inspiration to me. I am so proud of you, ans you should be so proud of yourself!!

                        Listen, you have been here for so many of us. Please, let us be here for you. I don't know what is up, but is sounds big. You have my prayers, and whatever it is, You deserve to have it work out, because you are an AMAZING soul.

                        With so much love,

                        formerly known as bak310


                          Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                          Star, you are such an inspiration!!!

                          Huge Congratulation on 60 days and my most sincere best wishes for the outcome you wish for on Tuesday!!!



                            Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                            60 days...Star, you're an inspiration :h

                            Next Tuesday.....whatever can cope....and everyone here will be loving you up like mad. :l

                            Suze x
                            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                              Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                              PM me if you need to talk ok.

                              60 days is fabulous work - a great acheivement.

                              As for Tuesday, you know we love you no matter what.
                              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                                Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.

                                Starlight, you know I think the world of you. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and hope to see you back here on Tuesday. 60 days is certainly something to celebrate, and we surely will celebrate for you. :h
                                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

