I know you want to be alone but, Can I be alone with you?
No announcement yet.
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
Hi Starlight,
Congratulations on your 60 days! That is such an inspiration to so many.
Like you, I have often been better at giving than receiving, but MWO has taught me that doing both are really important. If YOU need to lay low until Tuesday, that's okay, but we are all here for you, whether you are up or down. It would be a gift to be able to be there for you for many of us.
Either way, there will be many prayers and good vibes heading your way on Tuesday.....
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
Adding my congratulations as well, Starlight. You have always had such thoughtful, inspiring words to share with others. I hope that all goes well with you on Tuesday. My best wishes will be with you every day until then. Good luck.
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
Well Done & Good Luck
Hi Starlight,
Congrats on 60 days it really is encouragement for many of us here.
You are like many of us here.......it's easier to help than ask for help. Please allow us to support you anyway you want.
My thoughts and prayers are with you for Tuesday.
Please.......please let us know how you go on Tuesday whether good or bad.
Take CareShas
Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
First congrats on 60 days!!
Know that you are the reason I returned here!!!!
You were the first to respond to me and I will never forget that!!!!!
You are trully an insperation to all of us.
Praying for you and the best of outcomes on Tues.!!!
Love and MUCH Respects !!!!! :h :h
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
Dear Starlight (not like a letter-you're a dear!)
Wow and yippee for 60 days!
Am sending you positive thoughts and strength.
X DeiFull is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
Starlight Impress,
big, big congratulations for 60 days af. having read a lot of your posts/threads, you've shown honestly and bravely how hard you have worked to get to where you are now. you TRULY are an inspiration to so many. your always there to offer support and encouragement to so many. :flower: :wd:
Whatever you have to deal with on tuesday i hope and pray that you get a positive outcome. you so deserve it Starlight Impress. Someone up there :angel: has to have been watching how you've grown and shared that growth so willingly with everyone here.
One thing is for sure, you are going to have a mass of positive energy flooding your way from all over the world to help you get through.
lots of love
:hAF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:
Snake....... come crawling,
There's fire in your eyes,
Bite me, excite me,
I'll learn to realize.
The poison transmuted,
Brings eternal flame.
Open me to heaven,
To heal me again.
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
You are indeed an inspiration to so many! Huge Congratulations on 60 days! :l
Whatever it is you're dealing with, I hope the best for you...:h
I know it's hard to ask for help. I'm the same way, when I feel down I just want to hide out. But if you can, let us help you if we're able.
I'll keep you close in my heart.The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
Just doing the decent thing by all my friends here.
Starlight, Congrats on 60 days to you, that is wonderful. I also remember when you were just starting out and how hard it was for you, you have come a long way!
Good luck on Tuesday!"Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."