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Big Congrats to Irishlady...

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    Big Congrats to Irishlady...

    Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to give a great big congratulations to Louise.
    On the 29th September she will have notched up 1 year AF:goodjob:
    I started not long after Louise and she has been a wonderful supporter and encourager to me and to so many others on MWO.
    The other night I was going out to dinner with friends and was using an evening bag I haven't used for some time.As I was putting the usual junk inside it I found a folded piece with read this on Saturday night written on it. I opened and read a post that Louise had sent to me:

    Oh Victoria....Don't go to that party with fear, go there with pride for what you have achieved so far, even if you have to write on a large sheet of paper,... 56 AF....and put it in your handbag, then each time you are the smallest bit tempted to have ......JUST ONE DRINK.... stop,open your bag, look at that paper and think to yourself.....I can have a drink if I want one, but I will be throwing away 56 days of damned hard work in the process.... FIFTY SIX it worth it just for one glass of poison.

    Also another plus, when you wake up the next morning, you will actually be able to remember the night before, you may even laugh when you think about some of the drunken antics of the other partygoers, and just think how many of them on their fifth or tenth drink will be looking at you with envy and wishing they too could remain sober?

    So there are just a few reasons for not drinking, and btw, my heartiest congratulations on 56 days, I know how fan-bloody-tastic the feeling is as you see the days adding up, there thats another reason for not drinking as it would put you back to day one again.

    Good luck though for the party, do post and let me know how it went, whatever the outcome,

    Love Louise xxx

    Louise's support has helped me through,as it has with so many others and as I approach 1 year AF, I just wanted to drop in and thank you so much, hun.Your a strength and inspiration to us all.
    Love ya heaps
    Victoria xxooxx

    Big Congrats to Irishlady...

    Oh that makes me cry. Louise is such a wonderful soul and I adore her as well. Thanks for sharing Victoria, and to you Irishlady a big, huge congratulations to you!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Big Congrats to Irishlady...

      Thanks stollies for sharing that, Irishlady is such a wonderful person, I feel proud to have 'met' her ...........


      Lova ya Louise :h :l :h :l


        Big Congrats to Irishlady...

        Thank-you so much fotr sharing that! I am teary eyed!!!! Congrats to you Louise, we all love you!


          Big Congrats to Irishlady...


          our dear Irish posted a poem that I read while in a very dark place many months ago and it yanked me out and into the light.

          Louise is definately a MWO icon of biblical proportions
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Big Congrats to Irishlady...

            Oh Louise - congratulations - your wonderful soul rings out loud and clear around here. Thanks for the inspiration today.
            Love always
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Big Congrats to Irishlady...

              Irish is the BEST! 1 year is a stupendous achievement. I could not be happier for Irish and for all of us to be blessed to have her in the site with us!

              much love,


                Big Congrats to Irishlady...

                Awesome job !!!! you are a true inspiration with a giving heart. Keep it up!:l Buckle


                  Big Congrats to Irishlady...

                  How wonderful Louise! I hope you feel as good as you deserve to.
                  Thank you for your presence, wisdom and compassion you share here.
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    Big Congrats to Irishlady...

                    You are truly an inspiration for the rest of us. Love you to bits Louise!


                      Big Congrats to Irishlady...

                      That was incredible! Thank you Louise, for how you support all of us, and for staying so strong yourself. Congratulations:flower: :yay: :wd:
                      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                        Big Congrats to Irishlady...

                        That was wonderful. Congrats to BOTH of you! :h
                        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                          Big Congrats to Irishlady...

                          You both rock!!!


                            Big Congrats to Irishlady...


                            You have put a lot of things in perspective and you know just the right words to say. It looks like a lot of us have made copies of your posts.
                            You are a special lady and I hope you know that have touched many peoples lives.

                            xxoo Happier


                              Big Congrats to Irishlady...

                              What a remarkable achievement!
                              Anna x
                              IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                              Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter

