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The Birds and the Bees!

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    The Birds and the Bees!

    The birds were very happy this morning when the rain abated for a couple of hours. Now it's back.
    Yay! The rain has come, after a few VERY HOT and dry weeks with fires and such, (not here but around the country). This is our first rain of the season and it's coming down! Threatened for a few days and now it's overcast and very wet. I'm so chuffed, it gets really dusty in the winter and the rain just cleans the air.

    Thank goodness I worked in my garden on wednesday and mowed the lawn. BUT A BEE STUNG ME! My hand is still swollen and itchy and HOT! It's driving me a bit batty to be honest. 2 days now. I mowed the lawn for a friend yesterday and it was okay, then swelled up again like a baseball :upset: (or more like a softball-they're bigger right!?)

    Nothing seems to work, anti-histamine-cream AND pills, beeswax, onion. Any ideas folks? Itching really bugs me!!!!!

    27 days sober, 23 days AF.
    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

    The Birds and the Bees!

    What about vinegar or lemon.

    Or even some tea tree oil may help.


      The Birds and the Bees!

      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        The Birds and the Bees!

        Oh Fliiiiip!!!! (lol!)

        Bad luck Delight... s'a bu**er when it would aleviate pain if you had been stung into an arthriric joint but your hand's really painful isn't it!?!

        Can you get a tube of Aloe jelly (or can you guys even pick an aloe 'leaf'?) and smarm it on copiously .....brill for stings and everything. (I found it for a jelly fish/fire coral sting(never knew which it just hurt!!) many years ago...

        Good luck

        FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          The Birds and the Bees!

          Meat tenderizer is supposed to help (like Adolf's), but I don't know if you can get it where you are, Deilight. Also, I know it helps right away, but not whether it helps a few days later. Good luck--this doesn't sound like much fun.

          :l :l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            The Birds and the Bees!

            On a serious son suffers badly from bad bee stings. We take care of it with the right prep. Now as always, when you mentioned the birds and the bees I had a different idea in mind........IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              The Birds and the Bees!

              I knew someone would IAD! Made you look!

              Flip! NASTY! What would I do without my right hand! My gf wouldn't be too happy.

              Lotus- tee trea did help! Only read post today. Have tea tree bees wax (kinda like hair of the dog I suppose!)
              Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
              Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

