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Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

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    Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

    From Yahoo News this morning.

    Three drinks a day ups breast cancer risk:

    study By Michael Kahn
    Thu Sep 27, 2:09 AM ET

    BARCELONA (Reuters) - Three or more drinks a day, whether beer, wine or spirits, boost a woman's risk of breast cancer as much as smoking a pack of cigarettes, U.S. researchers said on Thursday.

    The relationship between alcohol and breast cancer is known but there has been little data on whether the choice of drink made a difference, they told a European Cancer Conference.

    In what the researchers said was one of the largest studies to investigate links between breast cancer and alcohol -- found that alcohol itself and the amount a person consumed were key rather than the type of drink.

    "Studies have consistently linked drinking alcohol to an increased risk of female breast cancer, but until now there has been little data, most of it conflicting, about an independent role played by the choice of beverage type," Arthur Klatsky of Kaiser Permanente in California and one of the researchers said.

    Breast cancer is the second most common cancer killer of women, after lung cancer. It will be diagnosed in 1.2 million people globally this year and will kill 500,000.

    Other studies have shown that light- to moderate alcohol use can protect against heart attacks, though Klatsky said other mechanisms were probably at work.

    The heart protection likely comes from alcohol-induced "good" cholesterol, reduced blood clotting and decreased diabetes risk. But for breast cancer, the ethyl alcohol found in all booze likely ups the risk, the researchers said.

    The researchers looked at the drinking habits of more than 70,000 women from a variety of ethnic backgrounds who supplied information during health examinations between 1978 and 1985. By 2004, nearly 3,000 of the women were diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Among women who drank, the team examined a preference for a type of alcohol and how much of each drink people consumed. They also compared the total amount consumed and compared it to women who drank less than one drink a day.

    Women who drank between one and two alcoholic drinks per day increased their risk of breast cancer by 10 percent compared with people who consumed less than one drink each day, the study found. The risk of breast cancer jumped by 30 percent in women who drank more than three drinks a day.

    The results were also similar in different age and ethnic groups, the researchers said.

    Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

    Hi Memarcie,
    there are so many conflicting reports, did you know if you had a child before 20
    you supposedly have a lower risk, smoking apparently does not make you more
    vulnerable, never having given birth makes you more vulnerable (I have 2 adopted children thats me at risk!), not having breastfed makes you more at risk. If a family
    member had it, thats a risk, obesity is a risk. Now aluminium in deodorants is also
    risky. Sorry I'm on my soapbox, once again. Lifes a risk.
    Feeling a bit vulnerable at the moment, please forgive my outburst.
    Love Paula.xx


      Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

      It's good to share information, thanks Memarcie. As with most things, there are usually conflicting reports....we all just have to go with what rings true for us. The breast cancer link was partly what drove me to try to sort out my drinking.

      Paula, sorry you're feeling vulnerable. It's certainly true to say that Life is a terminal condition!! There's risk attached to everything, because everything is impermanent and constantly changing. Go out....a bus runs you over. Stay home....the roof falls in and kills you. Such randomness! What can we do? Make changes that feel right for us (eat well, stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking...whatever seems good) our best....then take a deep breath and just get out there and enjoy life. Life is good!!!!!

      Hope you feel better soon. XX

      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

        Thanks for the info, Marcie. I think we are all pretty convinced that alcohol is poison that we are putting in our bodies. This is just more evidence.


          Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

          Thanks for the reminder. Breast cancer is my greatest fear. Fortunately, even moderate exercise helps counter the risk so that may be my saving grace.


            Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

            Just wanted to pass on another reason not to drink.


              Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

                Marcie, I read that article and as a woman who just had a breast scare, it really makes you think. My Mother who has never drank in her life had to have a radical mascetomy. But she was subject to all my dad's 2nd hand smoke for over 30 years. Comes down to take care of ourselves the best we can, and pray for the best. I wonder why alcohol dosen't increase a man's chance of breast cancer? They do get it. Sometimes I give myself a headache,trying to figure it all out. Thanks for keeping us abreast Marcie (sorry about the joke, couldn't resist) This is good information


                  Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

                  Gabby :flower:


                    Drinking increases risk of breast cancer

                    Good reason Marcie, thanks.

