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Am I being paranoid?

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    Am I being paranoid?

    Oh sweetheart!....... I am so sorry if my post has awakened such painful memories....and yet, if the feelings are out, can they heal now? Feel it to heal it as, is it Flip? says.... (sorry if I've got it wrong..!)

    Well, same thing I guess isn't it with that card....those folk who think they're 'helping' by doing these sorts of things or those that just send things for the hell of it (like spam really) have got the real problem. Not enough to do or, as I say, big egos and small willies (sorry guys!)...that they have to get off on other folks lives. Don't think they know what a mirror is coz they never look in it!!

    And you.....NOT a failure. Perhaps booze is in the genes so it was going to happen if so...?
    And she would be really proud of you I think as she knows what you're overcoming. I'm not saying tell her but in yourself sit proud with your achievement; you stand alongside her and you're proud of her so......... Please look at the words 'failed daughter' and re-assess? Make a list of all your successes of which there'll be loads if you let yourself see them.... I'll make you PM them to me if you're not careful!! Nos. 1-3 for a start are your vision, loving heart and writing ability.

    All that 'stuff' - the booze stuff with her and with yourself - is behind you now. You're marked yes, but looking forwards. We've all got our battle scars - makes us interesting!

    Love and hugs
    FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Am I being paranoid?

      Determinatrix - thanks. You're so right of course.... Would be unpleasant energy and mud-digging if I was to know leading to all sorts of ughy stuff!! I shall let it all die down again as before.

      I shall watch what I feed indeed! (Hmmm, a VERY good sentence for me to remember!)

      Suze - thanks. But perleeeeze, no goddess stuff!!!!!

      Bootsie - you're fired up there!! Enjoy that book!

      Love FMF x
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Am I being paranoid?

        Finding - Well, I tell you - if the poeple on this forum knew who the @#$^&^&$ was who sent you that letter, their days would be numbered.

        As you said, people who do these kinds of things are small minded and petty, and lacking something basic in their moral fibre. I know how hard it can be to put yourself out there when you are feeling like you are a deer in the headlights. But the adivce everyone has given you is bang on - either you cower and let them beat you, or you thumb your nose at them all and get on with your life.

        I especially think the eBay or online selling of some kind would be a fantastic idea. You can make money even on the shipping, that's what a lot of eBayer's make their money on, not the actual sale of the item. I would say, have your sale to reduce stock somewhat, and then do an online selling sort of thing. You may even find you are successfull enough to launch a whole new business, and it won't matter a bit if no one in Cornwall (Scr*w 'em!) shops on it.

        You've had a lot of bad things happen in your life that you have not deserved. And yet you have survived to become the warm and wonderful person that you are. I guess it's true that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger? Here's a big hug to you, can't believe you've kept this secret for so long. :l :l :l

        Rooting for you, girl. Heck, you put your stuff on line, and I'll buy some, and I'm sure lots of others here would too. Wishing you all the best, and know you can do this!
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          Am I being paranoid?

          I can understand why you feel as you do-getting that letter posted locally must have been horrible. I have lived in the country and I didn't like the fact that people thought my business was their business-nosy cows! That's cows as in humans. The real cows were lovely. Anyway! Is there any possibility that you could start afresh somewhere new? i might be wrong here but listening to what you said in a previous post about your kitchen, it seems to me that you are tolerating quite a lot in your life. I just wondered if you are happy there and whether a change might do you good? I have moved around a lot- London, Wiltshire, Nottingham, The Isle of Wight, London West, South and North and have found it exilarating most of the time.Mostly because I knew I could move on if I found I wasn't happy. Mind you I have had company for most of the time! Not easy on your own.
          Maybe you need a new exciting project to inspire you and I also think you need a holiday! What about putting aside the equivalent amount from the old drinking fund on a daily basis into an account earmarked for a holiday and start planning now! If you decide to sell off your stock, do it to buy yourself something you really want.

          Re the stock-why don't you sell it (as it is) on ebay and write a really interesting letter to go with it re reason for sale-it will attract people to you and we all know you can write entertaining stuff! Vent on ebay without naming any names!! Bet that would make you feel good! Also, why don't you contact those places in big cities like here in London that are thriving? They might buy for a reduced price.

          Please don't suffer over this anymore. Make sure you really enjoy today! And the weekend of course! Oh and I think I would tear up the letter, post it to David and vow never to see him again! Whether he wrote the letter or not, he clearly inspired it and I don't think he deserves you, honey. Spend your time with nice guys!!

          Work on those thoughts. Have a confident day.Have a happy day. Treat yourself well. Love yourself big time. We are behind you on this.
          Listen. Can you hear us cheering you on?
          :groupluv: :groupluv: :groupluv:
          Anna x
          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


            Am I being paranoid?

            FMF, just caught up with post. I agree with Phoenix(who sounds like no newbie to me!)
            wishing you well, keep going.
            Love Paula.xx


              Am I being paranoid?

              Oh guys.....:upset: .......Thank you sooooh much. I've got so many ideas and thoughts from your posts and so much strength too. For once (!) words fail me. So I am just going to take your words with me to my studio today and change its mood!!!

              Love and hugs to you all.
              FMF xx :h :h
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

