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Not ASAP but would like feedback

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    Not ASAP but would like feedback

    Hello everyone

    I just wondered if I am being unreasonable? I came overseas to see my partner and he hAs gone out with his mates (now 4 hours, am I counting?!!) BUT i did tell him to go. Any input would be appreciated and thank you all.

    Not ASAP but would like feedback

    yes, i would be irritated.


      Not ASAP but would like feedback

      Thanks lucky :-)
      irritated - but I did say go - but I am only here for 2 weeks? I was trying to do the right thing but thought he would do the right thing too :-)


        Not ASAP but would like feedback

        I would be pissed, were you invited to go, if you were, and you said no and told him to go without you, then he is a dumb man and will go---so in that instance don't be mad----but if he asked to go out with them (and didn't include you) and you told him to go, he should have stayed with you anyways. Unless this was a pre planned event for some time, in that case forgive him.
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Not ASAP but would like feedback

          I'd be pissed, but we really have to learn to say what we feel, men are not mind readers ( not in the least) So he took you at your word, Go have fun with your mates. So he did. The remainder of the 2 weeks is yours. Make that clear. But I wouldn't argue over it.


            Not ASAP but would like feedback

            I have to agree.
            We have to learn that men don't "speak" the same language as women!

            We say one thing and then hope they can read our minds and hearts.

            Say what you mean, girl! And mean what you say!

            Communication is body language + tone of voice + words.....

            When he gets back, look him in the eye, hug him and a sweet tone...I really missed you, honey. That is.... if you really did! He won't go out again without me!

            Nancy "Belle"
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Not ASAP but would like feedback

              I know exactly how you feel hon but men are fron another planet, if you said go then he would assume that you meant it .........


                Not ASAP but would like feedback

                Thank you ladies

                Thank you for your insightful replies and they made me realise I was saying one thing whilst meaning another!!! Go out (but why wouldn't you want to be with me!) so I shouldn't be mad! And I was invited but didn't want to go! Sheesh, after all this time, you'd think I'd realise :H
                Oh, well, today's a brand new day and I chose to enjoy it
                :h and thanks again


                  Not ASAP but would like feedback

                  If you tell them to go...they go - unfortunate but true!

                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    Not ASAP but would like feedback

                    Blondie -

                    Us men are simple souls - if you said "go out with your mates" - he would have thought that you meant "go out with your mates".
                    Because that is what the words "go out with your mates" when uttered by a man would mean.

                    It amazes me that you ladies can understand each other at all - cos it seems that none of you ever say what you mean - you say one thing and usually mean something MUCH different.
                    The thing you really
                    mean has to be deduced based on body language, tone of voice and a liberal bit of guesswork!!!

                    Well - I wish to put the record straight on behalf of us poor put-upon men
                    We are NOT mind readers - and only very few of us speak body language.
                    So PLEASE just say what you mean!
                    It would make life a lot easier - for us all!

                    So saying - the man IS heartless and insensitive! :H

                    I'm sure that going out with my mates would be fairly low down my list if my partner had come visiting from overseas!


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      Not ASAP but would like feedback

                      My question is why did he even want to go in the first place? You are there for 2 weeks and he can see his friends any time. I would be pissed that he wanted to go and asked in the first place.


                        Not ASAP but would like feedback

                        I would be pissed, but, then I would also realize it was my fault. But hey, I can't see turning down an invitation to go out w/a bunch of guys!!! But that's cuz I'm me!...LOL Good on you hon for realizing your feelings needed to be examined. :goodjob:


                          Not ASAP but would like feedback

                          Hi guys
                          Yes, it's clear that I really should say what I mean; but I expected him to rather want to stay with me. But anyway, it was an event he'd been organising, so it is understandable. It was just poor, spolied me :H
                          Anyway, rather than fume and be silent till he made it up, like I said, I chose to enjoy the day and leave it in the past (and with laughter woke him up with a soaking wet towel thrown on the face - made me laugh, anyway! :H )
                          Lesson learnt for me and in light of all other things happening to people, absolutely no biggie.
                          Hope you all have a good day and thanks again for, well, actually confirming what I knew deep (very deep) down inside!! Must say what I mean...

