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    Louise - WELL DONE!

    I am soooh pleased for you and smiled as I could 'hear' your pride and joy in your post!

    Thanks for all you post and for posting the above for us all to celebrate with you!

    Love FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



      What a grand day this is, Louise! Thank you for sharing your marvelous accomplishment with us. Thank you for being an inspiration for all of us and for making it so very clear that there is life and happiness without booze.

      All the best,:heart:

      AF as of August 5th, 2012



        Wow. Thank you for sharing this with us Louise. Wow.

        Your words impact me pretty deeply... when I was 14 a counselor told me I had a ninety-something percent chance of becoming an alcoholic (based on my family) and I was like, HELL NO. I knew there was no way I'd be THAT - which to me was what my parents were, especially my father - abusive, nasty, mean, ugly, etc. So I started drinking at 18, barely remember my 20s I drank so much, had some drier spells during my 30s, and by the time I was 40 I ran from every mirror that faced me. Because they all whispered as did yours, and I refused to hear it. I have NOT become an alcoholic/the-sort-of-person-my-father-was.

        I'm now 42, and the past couple of years I've been traversing the stages of acceptance. Part of that has had to be reworking my definition of "alcoholic".
        So anyway - what I'm trying to say is... thank you for reminding us of the ultimate importance of Acceptance of the truth. And for me personally... it makes me chuckle... before reading this post I had just posted on another thread that I'm thinking that I might be able to handle drinking a couple times a week and keep it at that. (When deep down I know I cannot.)

        You are a blessing to the Universe - for your courage and commitment, and for sharing yourself along the way.
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!



          I`d just like to say that you deserve to bask in the glory of what is a massive achievement.........I salute you........I have such enormous respect for you. You are a woman with true guts.

          Your words really hit home..........I was destined to remain drunk when I refused to accept the harsh and painful truth, that I am and always will be, an alcoholic.......the word itself still makes me shudder, but finally confronting the absolute truth about my drinking allowed me to set myself free.

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x



            Congratulations Starlight.

            I am just facing the fact that I'm an alcoholic now. It has been really hard for me to do, as I swore THAT would never happen to me after seeing my father's life go down the tubes due to alcoholism. However it has. I'm not as far along the path as he, but I know I'm an alcoholic in my heart and I'm just coming to terms with that. I'm trying to find the strength to quit drinking altogether. Tell me, did you use any of the meds (Topamax, etc.) or did you just find the strength and follow ODAT? I could use all the advice I can get at this point...just can't seem to quit drinking altogether. I have a few days AF and then fall off the wagon. Thanks for your inspiration. I know I'll find mine sooner or later, I'm just hoping it's sooner rather than later.
            Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


              ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.


              We are so lucky to have you here. Most would think that once you have this conquered that you would have moved on. But you hang out and contribute and inspire those on the road you have already traveled.

              Thank you for that gift.

              * * I love Determinator * *


                ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                You are truly an inspiration Louise! You have so much to feel proud about. The hardest thing in achieving sobriety is admitting you have a problem. The second thing is actually doing something about it. YOU HAVE DONE IT! 1 full year of no alcohol!!! I have no doubt you will be living out the rest of your life happily sober. Not only are you such an inspiration here but I also consider you an educator. You are so wise in your posts and everyone can relate to what you are saying.

                Here is to another year!! XOXO


                  ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                  A beautiful post Louise. You have hit the nail on the head. I salute you, admire you and I am following you in your footsteps. Drinking is just no longer an option. Period.
                  Don...steady at 50 days


                    ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.


                    You have have so inspiring to me and I think I have been on here longer than you!
                    I have also looked in the mirror in the a.m. at myself in horror and said "Oh my god I am a drunk no more no more!", then still drank.
                    I have have my stints of mods and af and failed. I know what I need to do but it isn't mods. AF scares the crap of of me. The idea of forever is awful, my mindset needs to change so I am not so self-destructive everytime I try. You truly help me with that but I know you did not know that. I am not there yet but I feel I will.

                    But you, you decided enough was enough and you have done a year. I applaud you and have respected you the minute you showed up here. You are probably the Mama-Bear of the site and don't get mad at me (not an age thing!)! Your posts are so comforting and like a warm blanket when someone is cold. That, my dear is the impact you have on people. We are so proud of you. Strong funny and sober. :h :h
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                      Hi Louise,

                      This post is particularly poignant for me. I remember a post on the Monthly abstainers board last year where you posted that you were 32 days AF. I was too.

                      On day 33 I had a drink. There have been several times since that I have regretted that decision.

                      My life is totally different than when I found this site but...

                      Today I begin another AF stint.

                      Thanks for all your wonderful posts. I have several stored in Word for when I feel weak.

                      Love Waves
                      Enough is enough


                        ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                        Hi Louise

                        There is so much wisdom in your posts. I hope all the newcomers to this site get a chance to read them.



                          ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                          Well what can I say, except to thank you one and all for all your wonderful words.. Its 10.30AM here on a Sunday morning and I am sitting here in tears.. If anything has made this last year worth it, its reading through these posts from all of you.. You see, all I have been doing is helping myself to stay AF, but in doing that I never really realised the impact it would have on anyone else, but on reading what you have to say I see that it has helped some of you, and for that all I can say is that it has made it all worth while.

                          Right, sleeves rolled up and ready to start the second year, and you are all welcome to be my travelling companions, no matter what stage you are at on your journey..

                          Love to you all, Louise xxx
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                            congratulations to you Irishlady and well done ,you deserve to be very,very proud of yourself.


                              ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                              Back flipping off the diving board at the deep end Louise! Well Done! Big pat on the back to you from me! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
                              Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                              Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                                ONE YEAR ALCOHOL FREE.

                                Congratulations!That really is fantastic,you should feel so proud.
                                Engoy your day xx

