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I'm on a vicious cycle!

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    I'm on a vicious cycle!

    I've only posted a couple of times and have been trying to moderate for the last many months with not great results. I'm 48 and have been drinking my entire adult life and heavily (1-2 bottles of wine most days) for the last 7 to 10 years. I've had various health issues over the last 25 years, which the doctors always attributed to anxiety or depression and when I would get really freaked out about something, I would drink. Unfortunately, after drinking for so many years, I know I have either caused health problems or will if I continue so I'm between a rock and a hard place. I developed reflux a few months ago and have had a ton of tests done, all with good results except for my gallbladder test, which was borderline. My current health issue is a red itchy welt on the back of my knee. I woke up with it on Thursday and assumed it was some kind of insect bite but it doesn't seem to be going away and now I've frightened myself again by looking on the internet, which, of course, said it could be pruitis and which, of course, can be caused from liver disease. Has anyone on this board had health problems from drinking? Normally, I would drink to forget about my problems but now I can't. HELP!!!

    I'm on a vicious cycle!


    I am 39 have been drinking 2 bottles a day for as long as I can remember. I have slight liver damage, high blood pressure, palpitations, the desire to stay at home and never go out, poor skin, clinically abuse (although I don’t necessasarily agree with that) and I cant get life insurance. BUT am convinced that once I stop taking the poison everything will be fine.

    Sending you hugs ((( )))


      I'm on a vicious cycle!

      I always thought that if I was drinking wine, I wasn't getting drunk and when I stopped for a few days and didn't have withdrawal symptoms, I didn't have a problem. How do you know you have slight liver damage -- from blood tests? I'm trying to go 30 days AF before getting mine done.


        I'm on a vicious cycle!

        I have had blood tests on and off for years - I have always been honest about my problem to everyone including my GP. i wish i hadnt been so honest as it is the gp report that stops me having life insurance.

        Also, I saw an alcohol counsellor on and off for the last 2 years and she wanted bloods done = she prescribed me antabuse, i have it sitting in the kitchen too scared to use it though.

        hugs ((( )))


          I'm on a vicious cycle!

          That's exactly why I'm very careful about what I tell doctors which, I guess, is good and bad. I also get nervous about taking medications. Between all the supplements and my two prescription drugs, I feel like a pharmacy.:thanks:


            I'm on a vicious cycle!

            I have always been honest because my mum was an alcoholic and never admitted it! I know, through extensive research, that it I am not honest on life insurance applications and I died they would wriggle out of paying and I am not paying premiums for nothing!!

