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Overwhelmed with life

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    Overwhelmed with life

    As most of you know I am caring for my terminally ill mother and I am a single Mom with 2children, lately I am just feeling overwhelmed. I feel myself getting more and more depressed. I am functioning like normal, but I literally have to make myself somedays. AND it seems to be SO HARD to not drink lately. I KNOW not to, but it is hard. I did have a couple of wine coolers one day and 2 glasses of wine another time in the past 6 months. I am really struggling. I MUST stay AF. Drinking, even a small amount is VERY bad for me. Moderation is not an option for me. I am a binge drinker. I have not drink for years, but the 1 year I drink, I drink VERY heavy...2-3 bottles of wine a day. I drink in the morning til night. I used it to mask pain, which in turn created more pain for me and my family. I think I have been dealt more than my fair share of life's pain in the past 2 years, but I have to be able to handle stress without alcohol. I guess I just need you to kick my butt. Does this fight ever go away? I get tired of fighting myself!!!!

    Overwhelmed with life

    Oh, I'm so sorry you are in this distress right now. You are carrying a very heavy load with 3 people depending on you. You need a support system for yourself. This is a great place to start but, more would be better. There are a lot of support groups for family members who are caring for terminally ill parents/relatives. You do need something to reduce the stress but, alcohol is not the answer. That will only lead to more stress. Take care of yourself.

    Big hugs to you right now! :l
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Overwhelmed with life

      Hey LUV

      Yes, it will go away. Eventually, it takes time, just time.

      You are living in such overwhelming circumstances just now it's a wonder you can get up in the morning let alone function. You need to get some help at home, with cooking and cleaning and the yard work and taking care of Mama.

      Luv, you can't do it all with out "losing you" in the process and your kids and Mama want and need you. So do you.

      Have you thought about an antidepressant?

      And all that company. Do they have to stay with you? That just seems so unfair.

      I think about you everyday, LUV, you and Mama are in my thoughts and prayers.

      m. xx :heart:
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        Overwhelmed with life



        I hate hearing how difficult this is for you. You are usually such a sunny spot on the posts and it makes me very sad to know you are going through such a rough time.

        I know you know that drinking will not make any of what you are going through better at all but it never seems like it at the time our mind is telling us it wants relief from pain and depression, does it? I am the worst one at caving for that kind of thing.

        I know part of this has seemed to happen since your recent correspondence with your a@@hole sister. I am sure that the anger is feeding into this mix.

        I hope you have a good doctor you can discuss this with, or a counselor? Someone who can give you some good advice about how to deal with all these difficulties in a constructive manner?

        Nonetheless, you are right. The hand you have been dealt has not been easy. I know you come from a religious background and I don't know how you feel about it but all I can say is that it seems to me that the strongest are given the hardest.

        Please take care of yourself. Get away once in a while. Perhaps a pedicure or even better a good massage. Pamper yourself once in a while. You deserve it.

        I hope none of this sounds trite because it is sent with much care and concern.

        Much love and strength to you,
        AF April 9, 2016


          Overwhelmed with life

          Luvuall, read back through some of your old posts that will remind you how bad you used to feel .....
          Hang in there love, we are all rooting for you.

          Love ya, BB xx


            Overwhelmed with life

            LUV, I admire you sooo much hon. You are doing great. And posting here is a very good thing, cause we all care for you and are in your corner. Your situation makes me feel so petty for the reasons I drink. Which is a GOOD THING for me. Vent anytime hon. :l


              Overwhelmed with life

              LUV, you must know you are a source of great strength for your family. You have gone to H*ll and back to be a wonderful mom and a caregiver to your ailing mother. You are human and having said that you are bound to feel overwhelmed. It is an amazing thing your being sober through all of this. You are such a wonderful person, and don't ever forget it.

              Keep reaching out to us and hopefully we can help you through your down times. Sending you strength. Much, much love and many hugs :l


                Overwhelmed with life

                Nothing more I can add here. Just wanted you to know I am sending you hugs too.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Overwhelmed with life

                  Thanks everyone! BB that is a good idea. I am reading them now. Gosh, what a mess I was. I NEVER want to fight that fight again. After reading some of my old posts, I know Magic is right....the fight does get easier. It is much easier now than 6 months ago. Still there, but I can remember a time I couldn't imagine 1 day AF, much less 30-60-90 days. I will just be glad when I can go 1 whole day without thinking about it at all.


                    Overwhelmed with life

                    So sorry things are being so rough on you can be so terribly cruel, especially to those who don`t deserve it........just like you.

                    You`re special, like a ray of encouraged me to follow your lead, because you made the sober life seem positive in every way.

                    You`re looking after your mum and have felt honoured to do so, but you also must look after gotta love yourself through all of this too.

                    Just know that we care and you are in our thoughts and prayers.Don`t know what else to say honey........just stay close and take your strength from all the people who love and care about you here.

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Overwhelmed with life

                      Luv - hugs from me...big ones...




                      YOU CAN DO THIS THING.

                      Session over - repeat 3 hourly and I hope it's been an ok thing to do!

                      Love to you from me
                      FMF xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        Overwhelmed with life

                        Sorry things are rough for you right now Luv. Hang in there, you've come a long way, you can do this.


                          Overwhelmed with life

                          Oh my dear Luv, you have been a rock not only for your family but for many here. Including me. What you've been dealt isn't fair I can't begin to comprehend. Stay strong and know I think about you often, I should call more , I just know you so very busy. If you ever need anything I'nm not that far away, sending love hope &prayers


                            Overwhelmed with life

                            Luv, you are inspirational to many of us here. You are also a wonderful mother and daughter. Hard to have hold it together all the time.

                            BB, is so right, go back and look at it and know you are so much better off now than 6 months ago. I belive the thought does go away after awhile. I very rarely think of drinking or binging out now but it does crop up much more under extreme distress.

                            Do you have the CD's? They seemed to offer some calming thoughts to my toolbox.

                            Lots of Hugs,


                              Overwhelmed with life

                              i'm sorry LUV. i just left my thread to see this and while youre feeling shite, you were good enough to post on mine. you are alot further ahead than me on AFs, so while i blew it tonight, you know what being AF longer term feels like. believe me, you dont want to feel like i do now with a bottle gone and another open. imagine how i'm going to feel tomorrow. terrible , with nothing resolved.


