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Food for thought!

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    Food for thought!

    While reading a thread I started earlier, I asked does this fight within ourselves ever get easier. Is there ever going to be a day I don't think about alcohol? Another member that is 3 years sobber reassures me that the fight does get easier, which has lead me think (you see smoke coming out my ears...HA HA)....the mind set is kinda like being dumped by someone you love. Alcohol is like a bad boyfriend, something you know you'd better off without. But, it doesn't stop you from wanting it, craving it, missing it even. At first, you think about it every hour, the a couple of times a day, then once a day, then a couple of times a week, then once a week, then a few times a month, then every other month...eventually you aren't thinking about it much at all. A favorite song may come on that reminds you of a good/bad time you had with it. But, you quickly let the thought pass because you have learned to live without it and found great happiness along the way. So, here's to DUMPING alcohol!

    Food for thought!

    To the DUMPING of Alcohol!


      Food for thought!

      Luv, it does get easier, but not all the time. you know of some of my situation. last week there was a day all I wanted was to get plastered. I didn't. Somedays I don't think about it at all. Other days its all i think about. Then I tell myself you'll gain weight. That usually nips it in the bud. We just gotta roll with the punches. We have to keep improving daily whether anyone else can see it, it dosen't matter we have to feel it.
      I love you


        Food for thought!

        Well and truly DUMPED!!!


          Food for thought!

          :h Luv, Love, love! that analogy!:goodjob:
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Food for thought!

            Yes considering it's day 1 for my AF journey I also love that analogy! DUMPED
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Food for thought!

              I don't know Luv...

              I gave up smoking and for a while it seemed like a loss but then it seems like nothing.
              I used to need it to accompany almost every emotion. feeling exhilarated? have a smoke.
              Feeling bad? have a smoke. Tense? smoke. Relaxed? more relaxed with a smoke. I think when you are in the clutches of an addiction the substance seems necessary but then you adjust out of that mindset. I never think of smoking in that way anymore but I can tell you I was truly addicted to cigarettes in the past. Actually, now it seems ridiculous to be tied to a pack of a substance that just kills you slowly.

              Maybe drinking is similar. Alan Carr tells us (Easyway to stop smoking/drinking books) that we have a lot of illusions about substances. As if a drink will actually make you feel better? usually it makes you feel worse. A cool beer to cool you down on a hot day? booze is actually dehydrating... on and on...

              Seems like things are tough right now but you know what is best for you.

              Take care and hope you keep writing of your experiences.


                Food for thought!

                Well, said Nancy. Alcohol is so romaticised in the movies and on TV....."Alcohol is romantic, soothing, exilerating, makes you the life of the party! Truly a wonder drug that can provide whatever mood we choose at the time. Never have more lies been told, and worst yet, lies believed. We are also lead to believe that "Most People" can handle alcohol and actually do quite well with it, while a few alcoholics without self control cannot.

                The fact is that alcohol creates much more in the way of negatives than positives. In fact, I truly believe that alcohol truly impacts lives much more negatively than it does positively.

                Yes, Nancy, I completely agree with you......we have a lot of illusions about alcohol and the are completely untrue!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Food for thought!

                  Aside from the Alan Carr book about alcohol... Some of the posts recently have made me think that alcohol problems affect many people.

                  Like the one about retirement areas in Spain for English ex-pats. some wrote that by moving into those environments, drinking problems developed.

                  I think youth culture is pretty much party-oblivion-obsessed.


                    Food for thought!

                    I'm an expert at dumping losers, the wine is just one of many that I've dated over the years. I've been "single" for 10 months!!!! yippeee!
                    It always seems impossible until it's done....


                      Food for thought!

                      have a look at any magazine add that featured a glamorous woman circa 1940 to 1955....they ALWAYS had a cig in either their hand or mouth. it was a huge hollywood and commercial push. Maybe we are at the highlight of that with booze. Maybe in 15 years it will be a fading memory....who knows.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Food for thought!

                        just like the cigarette companies however, the alchohol companies won't let a good market die. they'll just find new ways of selling it.
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          Food for thought!

                          I think of the weight gain, the hangover and then the craving passes. I find it's really only there when I come up against something tough. I just went to the physio (a new one) and after a year of pain and CTs he took one look at my scans and diagnosed a pelvic instability - eg the right side of my pelvis isn't sitting in there properly. He reckons it's been like that since I had Sophie! How many misdignoses can a person when I got home I was hanging out for a drink. Then I calmed down, trussed myself up like a chook with a pelvic belt thingy, and when the fat bits poured over the top, I didn't want a drink at all!

                          To get to the point - the situation made me crave a drink but it was not going to solve anything and it passed.


                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

