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Britney Spears Loses Custody

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    Britney Spears Loses Custody

    Well, Brit lost custody of Jaden and Sean Preston and has to hand them over to K. Fed beginning Wednesday until further order of the court.
    I can't seeing this lasting too long.

    Britney Spears Loses Custody

    I think it may be in the best interest of those kids. Britney is out of control and really needs to get some help. She is so young and to have kids with the partying and popularity is just a bad combo. This may give her what she needs to clean up. I wish her well and hope she does get the help.


      Britney Spears Loses Custody

      Yep, those poor kids need some stability, although I feel for Britney, its not easy, as we all know if we are honest ..............


        Britney Spears Loses Custody

        Awww, Betty you're so cute today.


          Britney Spears Loses Custody

          I feel for the kids too, but from what I've heard he's no great parent himself. Maybe this is the shock she needs to really clean up...I hope so.


            Britney Spears Loses Custody

            Poor girl.......she`ll be wise after the event........sadly, too late.


              Britney Spears Loses Custody

              Too much money too young...


                Britney Spears Loses Custody

                Hope for Britney

                Well, I never would have considered having children at her age, though I am sure that many members have.

                I know at that age I was not fit to be a mother, due to the same issues.

                I hope she gets back on track! She is so young. If she didn't have this publicity, she probably would still have her kids.


                  Britney Spears Loses Custody

                  you have no idea how crazy the paparazzi are. i mean it is nuts. i went to the market the other day and she was going there and i swear to god like 15 cars they blocked the street. were chasing her. i've never seen anything like it. i was trapped in my car. they were so fricking rude. i felt like hitting them myself. i mean how does one live with these lice. they shouldn't be allowed to treat people like that no matter how famous. grosss. and yes, the whole situation is messed up. she needs help


                    Britney Spears Loses Custody

                    I can't believe that you actually see these people at the shops! lol

                    To us, they are from another planet - not "real" people at all - and could never imagine ever seeing one in the flesh, so to speak!
                    It always seems impossible until it's done....


                      Britney Spears Loses Custody

                      well, tis no big deal and trust me they are well i wont speak for you guys but they aren't all prettied up they are just like me um normal, like me. in fact you'd barely recognize them as they look well regular without all that airbrushing. lol in fact some of them are really very haggered. sometimes when sitting eating at a restaurant i've sat next to some and didn't recognize them and said wow, now that one didn't age well at allll. lmao


                        Britney Spears Loses Custody

                        Bootsie, I agree with you. Britney needs help. She has been living in a fish bowl for years. She is young with so much so fast. But, I cannot imagine how tough it must be being watched, photographed and mobbed every hour of every day. I really wonder if she has anyone that she can truly trust and confide in?

                        I hope, that this whole tragedy of loosing custody, might be the catalyst for her to get rid of all the users in her life, and get the help and the privacy that she so desparatly needs.
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          Britney Spears Loses Custody

                          i guess i'd hope to hear a lot more empathy for her from the people on this list (who know only too well what it is to be in the grip of addictive substances and fail. and fail again). we suffer life's ordinary pressures. we parent our kids in spite of our alcohol issues -- some better than others, of course -- and, thank god, because we're 'no one' ... no one takes them away from us.

                          money doesn't insulate you from it ... if anything, it heightens it.

                          what she's done probably pales in comparison from what most on this list have done (who's strapped their kiddo into the car seat and driven home after more than just one drink, only to wake up the next day and say ... 'oh shit. can't believe i did that.' i'm not happy to say i'm in that club ... but i am).

                          i worked in hollywood for years and all i can say is 'thank GOD i'm not famous.' no one can withstand that kind of microscope.


                            Britney Spears Loses Custody

                            Vino, your so right. What most of us have done while our kids where around we would probably be in deep Caca as well. I feel for her. Federline has other childern from what I understand hes not the greatest father in that situation. Could it be that Britney brings in over $750,000 a month?. The girl I belive had /has post partum depression that hasn't been treated. One baby right after the other. I hope she is better soon. She was a wreck at the VMA's she needs just to go away and get herself together. I really feel for her.


                              Britney Spears Loses Custody

                              Oh and Bootsie your right. If the Damn Paps had not been swarming her she probably would have never hit the car in the parking lot and this mess with the drivers licence would have never started.

