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    :upset: Hey guys-

    So I just really hate myself today. I went out and drank and opened up my big mouth again. I told a co-worker some not so nice things that someone said about her and I think it really hurt her feelings. Why did I do that? I feel awful and the hangover is making it worse that it probably is.

    I want to stop feeling like this. I need to get some help, I think......Its always the same ole story..I'm so sick of it.


    I'm afraid I don't know you. Have you able to be AF before? Usually I find I'm most unpleasant to others when I'm unhappy in myself. The first thing I think you need to do (apart possibly, from apologising to her so that work life is bearable), is to do whatever it takes to get yourself off the booze. I think it's only then that you'll reduce some of the self loathing that caused you to be unpleasant. Then you can begin to feel happy. As you'll know there's loads of advice here on supplements, reading the book, etc. And the people who post and answer questions are really great. I wish you luck.



      Hey there-

      I have been on here before, but I never let it stick so I am back! Good to meet you... i said I was sorry to my friend so that helps, but its more than that really....It's me. I got the viatmins, but never got the book...I will be picking that up today!


        BLAH BLAH

        hi cke123.....try using this as a jumping off point. You can start today. There's not much you can do besides going back in time to change the other night but the pain of that will diminish over time ( it will, so try to remember that). But you can take your pain today and turn it into power.
        Make this a day that you will remember for a different reason. Take care.
        I think you can do this.


          BLAH BLAH

          Hey,, remember that stupid old ad..."this is your brain...this is your brain on drugs..."? Well, there is some truth to it. We do and say things drunk we NEVER would have sober..because our inhibitions are all screwed up. Then we wake up ashamed (and hungover no less) thinking that was US, and feeling just awful. That does a number on our view of our selves and our view of our world. Major depression making stuff.

          Just try not to drink. It is amazing how quickly your actions, and your perspective on yourself will change! I am only a few weeks and I cannot believe the difference. This issue with work will blow over, I promise. And you don't need to have another embarrasing moment to be ashamed of. you don't. Start today. YOU are not bad. The booze is.

          With love

          formerly known as bak310


            BLAH BLAH

            thanks guys.
            I know it gets old hearing this time after time


              BLAH BLAH

              hey cke

              one other thing...
              i have in the past, told one or two of my colleagues what i thought of them because they 'tackled' me when i was feeling less than strong ( nothing to do with drink though) and one thing that really impeded me was my regrets later.
              Another colleague, a friend, said to me 'don't keep apologising', 'you have already said you are sorry once and if you continue to do so over and over out of your own sense of guilt, you will exacerbate this problem at work'. Took me over a year to see what she meant, and how things play out over time with colleagues (NOT friends), but I understood it in the end.

              Take it easy on yourself; you made a mistake, you apologised sincerely. You're here. ODAT.

              As Lisa said, make this a day you remember for a very different reason.

              Be here, with us all.




                BLAH BLAH

                Hi cke,
                Don`t worry about saying you`ll quit "time after time"........we all did that before we finally found our right time for quitting.

                Stick around and you`ll get where you want to be.

                Wishing you love and strength,

                Starlight Impress x

