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I'm away

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    I'm away

    I'm in NY for business. I've been here since Tuesday. Drank tonight, the man we are meeting with took us out for dinner and drinks. I had a couple of glasses of wine more.

    Ok Honestly, I knew I could bring alcohol in my luggage, I checked that. And I had a small box of wine 3L. So I had a couple glasses last night and a few tonight as well. Wow, to realize I've went to this extent to bring alcohol is sad. I knew I didn't have a bar in the hotel I was at, so had to bring my own. Anyway, off to bed now.

    I'm away

    Marcie I am sorry that you did that but do NOT feel shameful. You aren't ready yet but are close like like me. You should be happy to have gotten it off your chest. PM me. :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      I'm away

      I've done that a lot.
      Gabby :flower:


        I'm away

        You`ll get there Marcie, when you`re good and ready, when the time is right for you.

        Sending you a big hug,

        Starlight Impress x


          I'm away

          Awww, Marcie, you were brave to post that. We still love and support you.:l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            I'm away

            Yeah, Marcie-I've done that as well. I used to tell myself I was being "frugal" and not paying those high per glass charges....Thanks for posting this. You know where you want to be, and what you ned to do to get there. :l
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              I'm away

              Its OK Marcie. Things happen. Its our security blanket it takes a very long time to give up something that helps you cope. Yesterday I bliped on my radar. Went to a vineyard with a friend split a bottle of wine I think they had 3 to my 1 but not sure. But last night dinner with husband 2 glasses of wine. Then couldn't sleep got up and had a small glass to help me fall to sleep all of this was over 12 hours. Still didn't make me feel any better about it. We are just all to human... just know your never alone
              Take care


                I'm away

                Hi Marcie,

                Travelling and staying in hotels can be lonely. Not being able to sleep in a hotel room used to bother me a lot so I'd have a couple to assure at least that I'd fall asleep. Of course we know that waking up in the middle of the night after too many is no fun either.

                Your post was very honest and it seems as if you are ready for a change. I guess we're ready to stop drinking when the desire for sobriety is more important the the appeal of alcohol. It's not an easy change but it seems like you're ready.

                Good luck and try to enjoy the rest of your stay in NY.



                  I'm away

                  I have done that as well. Nothing to be ashamed about. It is a security blanket. I find it so hard to be out of town and in a hotel with nothing to drink. I am thankful my traveling days are over. I use to travel a lot when in the Public Service doing Media Coordination. I would make sure I had alcohol in my hotel room.

                  We all have/had to work out the kinks in our routines. You will get there I know. Enjoy your stay in NY!


                    I'm away

                    Hugs for you least NY is a fun crazy place with plenty of distractions.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      I'm away

                      I remember I was sent on one course from work and on the first nights stay in the hotel I got so drunk I had to phone in sick to the course for the first 2 days. no one ever found out about it and at the time I guess I thought I got away with it, retrospectively I wasted my time more then anyone elses.

                      Never ever told anyone that before!


                        I'm away

                        Thanks everyone for your kind words. I never thought anyone has brought booze with them to a hotel but me. I'm done with my work meetings, but we are doing a couple tours tonight and tomorrow to see some of the city.


                          I'm away

                          Marcie, there are no failing grade given out here... We all have likely been in a similar situation more than once for goodness sakes... Main thing is to try and not be too hard on yourself as you try and learn from past experiences... I'm sending you lots of possitive vibes and a or 2 !!

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            I'm away

                            Enjoy the rest of your trip Marcie.:l

                            I got busted trying to bring a small bottle of vodka in a carry on bag, one time from Kauaii. My boyfriend @ the time made a huge scene, ( I had just recently promised him I would stop or slow way down on my drinking...) The airlines didn't make a big deal about it, just took it away. But he threatened to not fly w/me & made a HUGE scene... so embarrassing...:upset: I wanted to DIE!
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              I'm away

                              Keep trying...just keep trying!!!

