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    I just posted this on the post about Kerries op but realised that some of you wont check in there till tommorow ...., I'm pretty gutted at the minute, she came home from school asking 'what does spazzy freak mean?' I asked why and she said that she heard a conversation when a new boy in her class said that she was pretty and did she have a boyfriend and some boys in her class said 'you dont want to go out with her she is a spazzy freak!!!!!!'

    I am not a violent person but would love to rip the heads off of the parents of these boys ............... She has epilepsy and cant help it .....

    Sorry to vent ......... it's just hard at the minute ...........


    Kids can be so very cruel, BB.
    Am so sorry this happened to Kerrie.

    Starlight Impress x



      Thanks starlight .... She really doesn't deserve it ............



        OH BB, I am so sorry! Kids can be so mean and seeing our children hurt rips our heart out!



          Kids can be very cruel! I have had my oldest in complete tears at times from being bullied. It is so sad. We had bullying in our schools when I was growing up but nothing compared to these days. Sorry this happened to Kerrie. Sorry this happens to any child!



            I dont know you or Kerrie but my blood is boiling!!

            Hugs to you both




              I am soooo sorry that happened to her. Children can be and are cruel, even good ones. It is part of growing up, learning the boundaries of right and wrong, and those kids do not know yet.

              However, Kerrie, who is an innocent in all of this, is the one hurt. I feel so badly for her AND you, because as mom, all you want to do is protect her from any pain.

              No, she does not deserve this. You are right.

              I am sending you a big :l and Kerrie, too :l .

              AF April 9, 2016



                Kids can be truly mean.
                Mean people SUCK!
                If children can learn understanding & compassion, as early as possible, and as much as possible, this world will be a better place.:h
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                  Little bastards...

                  however, Kerrie's mom is a pretty tough broad and I'll bet the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

                  We're with you Betty. Will say a prayer tonight for Kerrie.




                    Hopefully the one that thought she was pretty has some balls and doesn't listen to mean schmucks.
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



                      I have had a REAL bad day, shit I am having a bad couple of years, does Kerrie need a bodyguard? I am really not very intimidating at all to anyone my own age/size, but I bet I could scare the hell out of some little kids. HA HA



                        Nothing makes my blood boil more. Please go talk to the teacher and/or parents about this. My daughter knows that I would be at her school getting in the face of these kids (which I know is not proper parenting, but it just angers me so much). These parents need to know what awful things their kids are saying when they are not around.

                        I am sorry, I know how heartwrenching it is.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                          Hi Betty, my tuppenceworth -

                          Try to show Kerrie that you are acting on it and not just reacting.

                          My 9 year old daughter is very introvert and used to get picked on a lot. I used to get really upset about it and felt helpless. Then I realised that I wasn't helping her by the way I was reacting so decided to have a talk with her about how everyone is different, and each "different" is good (because if we were all the same, with all the same good traits, problems, personalities, life would be a bit boring!) and no-one is "perfect". Then, I went to the school and spoke with her teacher and the Principal. They were fantastic. They set up a set of "lessons" for middle primary and up, teaching how everyone is unique, etc, etc. From being overweight, quiet, loud, asthmatic, epileptic, had spots, was humorous, etc, etc, etc, the teachers gently pointed out how we should all learn to live with each others differences and how the children should think of their own families and think about the different traits of each member, etc, etc.

                          This has worked wonders, my daughter is accepted, encouraged and very much liked by her peers now, along with all the other children who slipped through the net by not telling their parents if anything was going wrong at school. Obviously, it's not perfect and there are one or two who still think it's funny to poke fun, but we are finding that those smart-assed ones are quickly put in their place by the other kids!

                          Betty, I really feel for you and it is wonderful that Kerrie told you this and didn't keep it to herself.

                          Wishing you the strength to deal with this!

                          Take care.



                            Sorry to hear about the bullying BB. Kids can be terrible. I would talk to the teacher. Maybe that boy needs to write a paper on epilepsy and apologize to Kerrie.

                            Hang in there.



                              I am really sorry this happened!

                              I would call the school or the kids parents. Try to be strong and firm (as opposed to wounded and angry) and keep your emotions out of it. These kids need to be raised properly. You are doing the little bullies a disservice by not telling someone that can correct them while they are still children.

                              I had a neighbor tell me my son made fun of their son for a hockey shirt that was a team my son didn't like. While I don't think that's extremely out of line, I took care of it, my son apologized, and I let the other Mother know to call me if there were anymore problems. There weren't, it's been over a year now and everyone is happy, Problem solved. This other Mother did me a FAVOR, she gave me the opportunity to correct a bad behavior in my child that I was unaware of.

                              When I was a kid I always deflected taunts with humor and have read that it is a very good approach. For example if someone called me a spaz, I would reply with something like "spazalicious!" or "That's Miss Spaz to you"....something like that. Your daughter should look as strong and confident as she can and have a good sense of humor. That's my best advice, I feel pretty strongly about this subject and hate to see it happen to anyone. Remember, bullies are just weaklings in disguise.

                              Big hugs to you and your daughter!

                              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                              - George Jackson

