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    Oh Betty:l :l Our kids can be our most tender spots, can't they? I agree with the *talk to the school" train of thought. If I knew one of my kids was saying somthing like that... well I can only say their mind would be changed Sending love to you and your sweet Kerrie:h
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child



      Little Shits!

      I was bullied and teased at school, now I'm sure if those boys saw me now, they'd think WOW> no more braces, no more pimples, no more fat ass!

      My mom always used to me I was teased because they liked me-DONT" THINK SO! I have discovered people/children too are like that when they don't understand something or are afraid of something (because they don't understand it). Epilepsy is still misunderstood and perhaps they need to be educated about it's causes and what to do if it happens.

      Otherwise- educate their parents firmly!!
      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-



        My heart goes out to you both. You have enough to cope with without ignorant and painful comments like that. I agree with what others have suggested. A general talk given by the teacher on tolerance and understanding could be a good idea. Alternatively, could the teacher ask all the children to do a five minute presentation about themselves and their lives. (If you helped Kerrie write hers, you could perhaps word it to help them understand). I think that whilst children know they are being unikind, they don't realise the depth of pain that they are causing. Perhaps they would think twice if they had an appreciation of that.
        I really hope the appointment today goes well for you.



          I like what chief said. Its probably the truth!
          Gabby :flower:




            So sorry to hear that!

            Kids can be thoughtless little blighters - especially if they dont understand something or are scared of it (possibly simply scared Kerrie has a seisure when they are around - because they wouldn't know what to do to help!)

            Not sure of answer - but going in Guns Blazing is probably not going to help.

            I quite like cookinghappy's idea - a quiet word with teacher might get her to assign a small talk by each of the kids about themselves / their lives.
            Kerrie could simply state that sometimes she is called unkind names by thoughtless people because of her condition - and that it upsets her, because there is not her fault she was born with the condition.
            Hopefully the kids concerned will have to sit and squirm while listening to this!

            Otherwise - possibly a quiet request for a "favour" from the mother of the boy in question to have a quiet word with her son - asking her to just explain the situation and how upset Kerrie had been etc and could she please ask that her son didn't do that again etc.

            Hopefully that approach will not be confrontational, and the mother will listen and then go in and then not so quietly have a "frank exchange of views" with her son!

            Love to you all - hope today goes as you wish.

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



              BB, so sorry, kids can be so cruel. I would have a word with the teacher.
              Hope all turns out well.
              Love Paula.x



                HI Betty, reading your posts made me cry. My grandson as you read from "My Story" has many issues to deal with daily. I know the heartache personally that you are feeling. There is NO worse pain as far as I am concerned. Just last weekend my husband and I had taken him out to shop and a group of kids said"look at that boys head". He has a horseshoe scar on his scalp from the brain surgery. He also suffered suizures for almost four years before the surgery. Dealing with his autism also draws attention.
                My daughter talked to his Sunday School class when he was first dignosed so they would understand why A is different. It helped as children are just curious when someone is different. Although hateful comments from a classmate is not acceptable! I also would suggest talking to her teacher and also talking to the boys mother and remind them how hateful comments like that are. God Bless you and Kerrie. She is a beautiful child. Love, Beachmusic



                  WOW such wonderful words from all of you!! Thank you sooo much.

                  I called in to see the Head at school this morning and told her what was happening and apparently there are a group of boys in Kerries class who are turning nasty and she is going to see them all individually on another matter, she has convinced me that it wont happen again as she has a zero tolerance on bullying .... hopefully it wont happen again!!

                  Love you all, BB xx



                    That's great Betty!

                    Love :h

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"




                      That's why I said what I did about being glad I got epilepsy as an adult versus a kid. Kids can be so cruel. And yeah I do think a lot of it is due to being afraid, hell, a few centuries ago Kerrie and I would probably be "dunked" until the spirit came out......which would have been when we drowned! So I know it's hard to see your child hurt, my son is a very sensitive boy and hurts easily, but at least we with epilepsy aren't treated like we are possessed, as was the case not all that long ago! :l



                        Betty lets go to school finda that little ass and then call up their parents and show them what for. Yes children are cruel, I was a child that was made fun of in school and it hurt like hell! I don't want that for any child.You a good Mom Betty, You'll do the right thing. Its just terribly hurful when this happens to your baby. But I still want to try that little ass in knots who that said that about her ( the parents were obviously ignorant, it starts at home). Between this and Luvs thread, I need to go work out some aggression.



                          hi paula,read the thread and think thats apauling after all that poor kerrie goes through ii blame the parents(small minority) for the world we live in today!todays bullies are next years convicts im glad that the head teacher has a zero policy on bullies root out the little scumbags and wee mitch fae the highlands il beat up them and theyre parents:boxer:

                          been thinking about kerrie and the family all day kids are cruel i know because my bairns(kids)get bullied just because my ex fell out with there mother im glad you gripped the bull by its horns and seen the head!!it tells you what type of kids doing this are like if they are in front of the head for different things before verbally attacking kerrie.......well.....say no more

                          i didnt know through primary school what epilepsy was about until a boy i knew( not saying his name)bod took a seizure in secondary school in the art class thats when we learnt about it we looked after him basically he never left our side right the way from morning til hometime so the teachers should take time out to explain what epilepsy is
                          especially if someone in the class has epilepsy!

                          waiting to hear from you as soon as paula your good mate mitch:fingers: :l :huggy xxx
                          Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.



                            oh so sorry BB I am glad it's being taken care of. Little brats need to be educated.
                            I used to get teased a lot in school, it only made me stronger.
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                              Bluebell;204355 wrote:
                              My 9 year old daughter is very introvert and used to get picked on a lot. I used to get really upset about it and felt helpless. Then I realised that I wasn't helping her by the way I was reacting so decided to have a talk with her about how everyone is different, and each "different" is good (because if we were all the same, with all the same good traits, problems, personalities, life would be a bit boring!) and no-one is "perfect".

                              Betty, I really feel for you and it is wonderful that Kerrie told you this and didn't keep it to herself.
                              So sorry you had to hear that from Kerrie, it must have been an awful shock to you to hear those words.

                              I know you went in to the Principal today, that's great. She sounds like she's on her game and will do her best to address the several problems with the little band of wangstas (wannabe gangsters LOL).

                              I really agree with what Bluebell, CookingHappy and Satori said in their posts.
                              These kids need to be educated; awareness, tolerance, understanding, compassion and acceptance are skills that adults must cultivate in children and if the parents can't or aren't doing that, the teachers need to collaborate with all staff members and with parents to achieve that.
                              [You are right to watch out for what measures the school does actually take, token chats won't do in the long run].

                              As we all know now, children bully others because they themselves are inadequate and insecure in their own skins and are reacting to this, and externalise it by taking it out on children they feel they can. And because their parents have MISSED this, are too busy to care, too busy to act, or just simply inept. These kids are victims too.

                              Kerrie will never fall into such a category :h

                              Wonderful and brave and wise little girl you have there, and to echo what Don said, she didn't lick that off the ground :H

                              God bless, hope your evening is a lovely one




                                BB I am glad to hear that the bully's are going to be talked too. My son, as you know has autism and acts differently than the other children in his kindergarten class. So we did just what Blue recommended. The second week of school a consultant, myself and his twin sister went to his class and talked about things that were the same and different. Different that my son flaps, jumps, yells, gets therpies, sits on a special cushion etc and the same he loves roller coasters, has a sister, loves trains movies etc. This kids chimed right in and started telling him that they loved the same things and asking questions about how they could talk and play more with him.
                                It's all about making the unknown known. Once you take the fear it, it's not so bad for the kids anymore. Take care and Kerrie is one lucky kiddo.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

