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    [quote=Phoenix74;204783]These kids need to be educated; awareness, tolerance, understanding, compassion and acceptance are skills that adults must cultivate in children and if the parents can't or aren't doing that, the teachers need to collaborate with all staff members and with parents to achieve that.
    [You are right to watch out for what measures the school does actually take, token chats won't do in the long run].

    Pheonix, I'm on the governing body at the school so I will follow this up for certain, she has not had any problems at all today thank goodness......

    Thanks again each and everyone of you for your kind words ...



      Glad the Head is addressing this problem BB and good to hear Kerrie had no problem at school today.

      Starlight Impress x



        BB, I agree with educating the kids. Sometimes the unknown is scarey as an adult...NO we wouldn't name call and be that cruel (or I would hope not at least) but a child sometimes does not know how to react. Even a good child! To them Kerrie is different and it is scarey because they do not understand why she is different. I bet it will make a world of a difference for everyone involved. A stern reprimand without clairification for these bullies as to what epilepsy is, etc...may cause them to get more mean. Reprimand and educate them and then if they still act stupid...Get Simey!



          I just hate the way that kids can be !!! It is so important that these comments be brought to the attention of the school, their parents etc... I pray that their parents have enough gumption to set these shits on their asses !!! Please give Kerrie an extra hug with caring thoughts from me...

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



            Wish I had seen this yesterday. So glad you are dealing with this sucessfully at the school. I would also suggest if it can work that you call each or some of the parents of the kids involved, if you know them, and talk to them"I know you don't want your kid acting like this & Iknow kids will be kids...etc, but perhaps you c ould have a talk with him."

            Well..only you know your community & if that woudl work or not.

            We had a couple of those challenges too, nothing too bad. Our community is great. I have had kids come to my door crying & apologizing because they called my son a "niggar" & their parents found out. I felt bad for the little kid. Kids are kids & just need to learn what is right and acceptable.

            I feel that the biggest thing that my husband did for both of my children was instill in them that...there are people who will call names & say stupid things, BUT it is their problem completely -- not yours. You are perfect, fine, etc. They actually shoudl be pitied at how stupid & narrowed minded & unworthy they are. I am so proud to say --- It worked!!!.

            It was a little harder for my daughter but that had a lot to do with her curly burly hair amongst a bunch of barbie dolls and then a weight problem. But their self-esteem remained intact pretty good from whatever my husband taught htem when they were around 10-11 etc.



              Hi bb - I dont' have time right now to read all the responses you've received here, but read your opening post and want to share...
              My daughter was born with severe bilateral clubfoot. She's had several surgeries to correct, but still has an awkward run.
              Second week of school she heard a boy make fun of the way she runs.

              So - a week later she was scheduled for another surgery. The day before, I went to her class and she and I talked to the class about her feet and all that's gone on with them. The kids were quite intrigued. And when she showed them the odd way she can twist her feet they were in awe.
              The teacher pointed out that some kids are born with problems, and the only reason those who aren't is just because they are lucky. And when one notices a difference about another person they should know that there might be an explanation that they don't know, and should have patience and understanding.
              Haven't heard any teasing since.
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!



                I want to say there are so many lovely outcomes when addressing these issues. You guys make me want to cry. Education and knowledge are key in this issue.

                BB, glad things are working out with the school.



                  I agree with everyone in sentiments and especially with Janie's advice. You should bring this up quickly with the teacher. This is not acceptable in any way. The parents and the teacher are and should be held responsible for such things. How else do the children learn?
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                    Sorry, I wrote that post in a tizzy after just reading the first few posts. I see a lot has happened since then.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

