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AF symptom question

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    AF symptom question

    Morning all,
    Some of you might know that I?m pretty new and just day 8 AF, but I?m experiencing in the last 3 nights sleep what I can only describe as vivid dreams, not bad dreams, just very lifelike colourful dreams that I have never had when I was drinking. I can only explain that its like my head has been taken out of a vice!?!? They have actually woken me up the last 3 nights, but I stress its not nightmares it?s the lifelike quality that have surprised me. Does anyone know what I mean or should I eat less sweeties close to bedtime!?

    AF symptom question

    Sounds pretty normal for alcohol withdrawal - it affects us all differently, but I do remember having a lot of dreams and not sleeping very well for a couple of weeks - the frist week - 10 days were the worst.

    Withdrawal usually peaks at about day 3-4-5 so that's probably what it is. Just remember, you blood stream is trying to rid your body of a toxic poison, no wonder you are having some wonderful dreams!
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      AF symptom question

      Thank you Flip, I really didn't think of that but it does make sense. More changes for the better but cheers for explaining to me, things like this without MWO and people like you would be much more difficult!


        AF symptom question

        I've just been reading your other (first) posts.

        I've discovered since being on here that once we embrace the health aspects of giving up, some of us tend to go even further and change our eating and exercise patterns too, maybe that's something you could try and focus on while you are learning to live AF.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          AF symptom question

          My dreams woul seem so REAL it was hard for me to decide if it happened in real life or if I dreamt it. I know that sounds crazy! I would really have to think about it. The dream was so life like....


            AF symptom question

            God they are taking me to the looney farm for sure!!!!


              AF symptom question

              Thats what I thought when I asked this question 'will they all think I should be carted away???' - thats what makes this place so much help. We're in it together and how much does that help!


                AF symptom question

                All I can say is I will save you a padded room next to mine! LOL


                  AF symptom question

                  As it looks like we're going for one of those really nice new jackets that buckles up at the back (I think they?re called straitjackets) I'll explain why Flips comments made so much sense. The dreams are all memories prior to when I was drinking heavily, almost like my brain saying 'I like this sobriety', 'I remember what it was like before you poisoned me'!

                  Like my sub conscience is thanking me...........OK you can take me away now.


                    AF symptom question

                    Hi folks

                    Alcohol interferes with REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase sleep - these are the periods of our sleep when we dream, and normally occur several times during our nights sleep.
                    REM is also essential to restful refreshing sleep - and I seem to recall these phases had something to do with laying down memory too - but I may be wrong there. .

                    When we drink - we fall asleep quickly - but the sleep is not refreshing and we don't dream so much, because the dream phase of sleep is disrupted.

                    Sounds like you are getting back healthy REM sleep!

                    It is a GOOD thing!

                    No funny farm just yet!


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      AF symptom question

                      Yep - what the others have said. I had dreams so vivid my first couple weeks of being AF. No straitjacket for you!!! Your body is ridding of all the poison. Your body is starting to adjust to sleep without the sedation of alcohol.

                      You are doing great with 8 days!! Keep on truckin'!!! You will go through a lot of pretty weird things. Drink lots of water, eat well and keep busy. You are doing great.


                        AF symptom question

                        See why this place is so good - this morning I was worried, this afternoon I realise that its a good thing thats happening to me, thank you all again.


                          AF symptom question

                          Amashed, 8 days, WOW ........

                          Yes I had the dreams too, I couldn't tell if they were real or not as they were always about things happening in life, but I used to say to myself 'if I can fly then its a dream' and would then fly around in dream land ....

                          So yep, funny farm for me too ...............


                            AF symptom question

                            SSRI Antidepressants?

                            Are you on any SSRI antidepressants? I am and I find a major effect of them is CRAZY VIVID dreams (which I don't have when I fall asleep drunk - because of the lack of REM sleep mentioned above).

                            The dreams are so vivid and realistic that I've actually followed up with conversations I've had with friends in a dream, and they were like - um, we never had that discussion - then I say "oh, I must have dreamt it". Luckily my friends are used to me acting crazy so it doesn't phase them.

                            PS - This is my first post - I've been lurking for a few days - this message board is sooo what I need.
                            I spend all my time treading water, just barely keeping my head above the waves... my past weighs me down & my fear of the future is drowning me.....


                              AF symptom question

                              Hey Bananas :welcome:

                              Good to have you here. Yes, this Board has been a life saver for a lot of us. Look forward to seeing you around.

