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AF symptom question

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    AF symptom question

    Welcome bananas! Love the name and the avatar! You will find a lot or support here.


      AF symptom question

      Welcome bananas. Your avatar fits right in. Re: the dreams. I have been having very vivid & lucent dreams for many years. WOW. I just realized that 'I think" they started after I got off of pain killers for migraines. WOW. I think that is when. Yes!! Thx. for this reminder guys.

      Anyway, even though I drink (moderately of course --shut up Frog!) I still have them. So I think that it may simply indicate a change in brain chemistry some how or other. Withdrawal --- maybe --yukky word

      Betty, the dreams where if you are flying you know you are dreaming..yes that is a lucent dream. Supposedly when you recognize you are in one you can just relax & fly around or do whatever & observe & enjoy it. I have not reached that control yet. You can also give yourself a trigger to get out of a dream.."Oh God maybe this is a dream..if it is I will fly & then clap my hands"..whatever.

      Oh also..flying is an indication that your spirit is in good shape, a sense of least that is what I learned....Do any of you know for sure or otherwise? Thanks..C


        AF symptom question

        Welcome Bananas. SSRIs should not ever be taken with alcohol. (I wish I knew that a few years ago.) They are not effective, or have different effects than what they are meant for, if combined with alcohol. From my experience they are the worst and most ineffective drugs on this earth, although a few people have indeed benefitted from them. I recommend to take lithium orotate instead. Many studies show it is much more effective with far fewer side effects.

        Dreams are good, they should be cherished. I have always had a rich dream life-- with and without alcohol.

        You are doing great! I am impressed and inspired.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          AF symptom question

          Great thread. My dreams just now are just so gorgeous, I don't know how but I wake up smiling.... I think it is because I have been consciously 'opting out' of the aggression in my life, doing a lot of hhmmmmming instead of responding in like, just 'being still' and passing all the aggro up to my 'higher power' to deal with. I honestly do believe I am being 'looked after' and am feeling 'happy inside' in that knowledge.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            AF symptom question

            Agreed - fun thread. I noticed that I had way more dreams and they were much more positive. I also noticed that things from my very different past would pop into my head during the day. I just chalked it up to not spending so much brain time putting myself down - left over brain space.


              AF symptom question

              I, too, find myself having vivid dreams. Are you taking Melantonin? I have taken it as it helps to relax and sleep and I noticed the vivid dreams.


                AF symptom question

                Beatle -
                I have read all the notes and contraindications for SSRIs and I know that SSRIs should not be mixed with alcohol - but surely people on this board can appreciate that I don't take care of myself or follow instructions when it comes to alcohol.

                I've tried a lot of different drugs for my chronic, persistent depressive episodes - including lithium. Lithium did moderate my drinking, mainly because I felt so sick (like vomiting - I can't spell nauseus) all the time. But all other antidepressants have either failed, produced a negative/allergic response or worked a bit and then stopped.

                Anyhow, I feel like I've lost my original thoughts...
                I spend all my time treading water, just barely keeping my head above the waves... my past weighs me down & my fear of the future is drowning me.....

