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So when Do I start>

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    So when Do I start>

    This is my first time here. I purchased the relax pack yesterday. My story is I have a good husband two young boys and plenty of friends. (All of whom consume alcohol). I am the one though who ends up sitting home alone a lot with the kids and just start heading for the fridge around 4:00. It's like clockwork. Sometimes I wait til 5 or 6.. but get so crabby it is unbelievable. I know my beer drinking is affecting my husband, therefore making me feel even more ashamed and embarrassed... of course we don't talk about it.... I just get the "you're having another one" ?!?
    So usually I drink more when he is gone... (4-5 nights a week) and next week he is leaving for two weeks... It kinda terrifies me to think I will have all the time in the world to indulge, when I know I really want to stop or slow down.

    Do I wait until the pack gets here and start there or do I start now if I am not sure I am really ready?

    So when Do I start>


    The only thing you can do is try!! There is never a good time to start. This is one of those things where you are standing at the edge of a pool and you have to jump right in with both feet. No matter if you have your ammo in hand there will be a lot work that needs to be done on your part. This is a horrible thing to kick to the curb. It will take your everything to get going and stay going.

    One of the most important thing is to reach out for support like you have here. I would never have made 9 months if I didn't have this place and all of these wonderful people helping me.

    My suggestion would be "try for tonight". Try to make it through the first night (crabby and all) and see how you do without the aid of the relax pack. You can start to take multi vitamins - esp. a B-Complex right now. This will help with the edginess seeing alcohol robs the body of it.

    If you are a heavy drinker and think you may suffer from severe DT's then please don't stop completely until you see your doctor. It can be dangerous.


      So when Do I start>

      Hi rapala, I am new here too, I started last Monday and went 4 out of 5 AF. I started on Monday because weekends are the hardest for me but if you can do it, go for it! My wife is also going out of town next week and normally I would be saying yipee I get to drink till I drop but instead I have lined up lots of activities with the kids to keep myself busy. I don't like to drink around the kids and certianly wont drive them to activities if I drink so I hope this will help. Good Luck!


        So when Do I start>

        One other thing, it's a funny thing I noticed but my I always seemed more crabby after I had one beer and wanted another one then I did before I had any. I also take a multiple B , St. Johns Wart for stress relief, Milk Thistle for the liver, and I also found that a herbal sleep aid (GNC) and exercise really helped with the sleep.


          So when Do I start>

          Hi Rapala & Gonerator :welcome: to MWO .....

          Rapala, try cutting down while you wait for your pack to arrive .....

          Gonerator, sorry for not welcoming you in mods earlier, I'm not usually so rude, just had a lot on today .....

          All the best to you both ...........


            So when Do I start>

            welcome newbies!

            it is true, there is never a good time to start but my advice is to do it anyway!


              So when Do I start>

              Rapala & Gonegator, L-glutemine really helps a lot with cravings too. I find I use it even more than the Kudzu. It's an amino acid you can buy @ hte drug store or health food store. I take 500 to 1000 mg a day.
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                So when Do I start>

                I ordered the Kudzu and L-glutemine today, to be honest my cravings have not been terrible as I thought as long as I alter my routine, it seems for so many years, drinking was my routine.


                  So when Do I start>

                  I agree with the others rapala........jump right in and take the plunge before your starter pack arrives........even if you only manage to cut down over the next few days, that`s still making leaps and bounds in the right direction.

                  Starlight Impress x


                    So when Do I start>

                    thanks to everyone who has responded.. I was afraid no one would respond... nice confidence huh? Well it is coming up on four o'clock.. The darn clock can't seem to get any louder.

                    I chose the name rapala cuz I love fishing. I am like the rapala in the water waiting for the next bottle bass to bring me down... (currently a rattlin' rapala) so I thank you for all the support. I will check back later....


                      So when Do I start>

                      Hi Rapala, yes the 'oh, are you having another one' hit the button with me (the shame and then the indignation eh!). As above, please try to just cut down, drink slower, take fewer sips/gulps'. It really is amazing how this helps. If WE can YOU can, believe me. I am managing to moderate successfully at the moment although am aiming for alcohol free of course but 'one step at a time' is doing it for me and I haven't woken up after passing out on the couch for a good long while now (progress). Keep us posted.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

