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I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

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    I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

    Hi friends:

    Another strange thing I did today, purely as a coping mechanism. It indeed shows me either my strength, or my admitted weakness. You can decide for yourself. I'll be 22 months AF in about a week. Looking forward to 2 full years here in December.

    Here's the story. I was in a major brainstorming peak mode at work today, working over some quoting figures for a future manufacturing job, that's a potential monster worth tens of millions a year. I had a flash of insight late in the day, and my boss was already gone. He had already gone to his favorite bar, like usual. Now mind you, in years past, I would be sitting right beside him, slamming back the brews like no tomorrow.

    So driving home after work, the road happens to go past the bar mentioned above. The bosses vehicle was parked outside, and for a few short seconds, I thought I would stop, go inside, and discuss my idea and insight with him to see if he thought it would fly.

    Then, the defense mechanisms all kicked in hard. I just stopped my truck across the street at a gas station, got my cell phone out, and called him. He was only 50 yards away maybe, but I was just not going to go inside that bar. I could see in my mind the massive goading, or greetings, or temptations, or a hundred other things all calling out to me to "have just one".

    NO FRICKING WAY, was I going to put myself through that. Not at this stage of the game. It would just be too painful. Too unpleasant.

    So unknown to my boss, I was a mere few steps walk away while I spoke on the cell to him.

    We have to do, what we have to do to beat this thing.

    BTW, he thought my idea was great. Now that I'm sober, the good ideas seem to come more often lately.


    I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

    The amazing thing about this sort of behaviour is that prior to getting sober we would have used this sort of occassion to get in there asap with the cry "BUT I HAD TO, I HAD NO CHOICE!"

    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      I'm Not Going in There!!!!!


      Absolutely!! You were not weak you were very strong.

      Strong enough to know that you would have put yourself through hell walking into that bar and why the f would you do that?

      I do the same in the hotel (Of course no where near where you are but still..) I know I cannot walk into the bar area. The one time I was near the bar and got a bad phone call from home caused me to cave big time. Simply will avoid bars from now on.

      It is kind of like the mod vs abs thing. I figure it would be much harder to even attempt mods than just to be af. Why put myself through hell?

      btw, thanks for posting. You are one great inspiration to us struggling wannabes.

      AF April 9, 2016


        I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

        The biggest thing that trips us all up is our many "excuses." They are the easiest but most dangerous things to come by. You sure came by a doozy of one, the perfect one. Yet you didn't let it catch you. You showed not only strength but lots of smarts xtexan. Don't let the bad guy fool you. Great job. Be sure to let us know when you hit two years - boy, are we gonna throw you a party!
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

          I LOVE your story..BRAVO to you!!!!!


            I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

            Way to go Captain Neil!


              I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

              Neil you never cease to amaze me!!!! You are one 'tough' cookie. Oh, and did I mention smart? Congrats on your almost 22 months. What a ride it must have been thus far. Good for you for not letting 'Drinking Neil' real you in!


                I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                Good for you my buddy Neil!!!
                Gabby :flower:


                  I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                  Yes Neil............where there`s a will there`s a way.......every single time.

                  Starlight Impress x


                    I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                    Thanks Neil, for this. It's true. And then, there's us who have to go to receptions and functions because there is no other way around (because of holding gov jobs where such crap is required). that is the hardest. But frankly, Topa helps me loads, and just being in the right frame of mind and having a good diet. One thing is to be psychologically prepared, another one is hitting the chemical button of your body.
                    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                      I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                      That's inspiring Neil

                      It brought an image to mind of a set of weighing scales (those old-fashioned ones with two pans hung from a central point) are balanced in your AF mode.....just one glass of something put on one side of those scales and..wham...all out of balance, heavy and unco-ordinated. Why bother with the mess even for just one glass?

                      You handled that situation creatively and perfectly :goodjob:

                      Suze xx
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                        shows how strong you are at knowing your weaknesses. i'm still learning. well done for looking after your 22mths of sobriety.

                        AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                        Snake....... come crawling,
                        There's fire in your eyes,
                        Bite me, excite me,
                        I'll learn to realize.

                        The poison transmuted,
                        Brings eternal flame.
                        Open me to heaven,
                        To heal me again.


                          I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                          Looks like you are out witting that cunning ole devil called 'excuses'. Well done, worthy of a huge pat on the back and massive grin for yourself. What strength.

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                            I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                            Thanks everyone for the good words of support.

                            I guess the thing that is most amazing to me, is how rapidly I made that decision to not go in. It was almost automatic. That's how far I have come.

                            The main point is that, we must keep doing those things everyday that will keep us free of the beast if we want to go AF for the long haul.

                            I like IrishLady's new slogan, AFFL. I believe it, but something deep inside still says there is danger for myself. If I truly felt 100% free, I could have walked in that bar, and not once even considered the idea of "having just one". Still not there yet. Maybe I'll never be there.

                            I could have gone in there yesterday, and not had any alcohol, and I know it in my heart and mind solid. But the temptation and desire would have been incredibly strong, and I knew it would have required me to steel up my guts for another big internal fight. It was Friday afternoon after work, the worst "witching hour" of all, and I needed to save my energy for the weekend.

                            The fight goes on......



                              I'm Not Going in There!!!!!

                              Well done Neil, you were aware of the danger and took evasive action.. Just think, you would have been throwing 22 months hard work down the pan if you had gone in that bar, because you know that like me, you wouldn't have stopped at just one drink..

                              My hero.

                              Love, Louise xxx
                              A F F L..
                              Alcohol Free For Life

