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Star`s Fag Blitz.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
it deposits tar in your lungs and gives you yellow fingernails.
then it kills you. a death from emphazema is not pretty. it is like perpetually breathing through a straw and you never get enough oxygen. or you can carry an oxygen tank with you is not fashionable.
You can do this star!
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Don't know if this will help you or not...since you are doing the patch, but... I used the nicotene gum. It not only gave me the nic. but also gave me the oral fix I needed at the same time, and I would just chew...hard! And because it tasted kinda nasty, I was able to weed off the gum when I needed too. Just a thought. Another thing that helped...I cut straws into cigarette size length, and used them as a crutch at first. Also, I took up exercise classes. It was the one hour each day I REALLY didn't miss the cigs at all,
AND it helped with worrying about weight. I ended up really getting into the excercise in a long term way.
Anyway, best of luck..You CAN do this...with your attitude, I KNOW you can!!!
With love,
Bethformerly known as bak310
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Hi Star..quitting was kinda hard for me and I was terribly bitchy. Luckikly my friend I was the bitchiest to understood and was great thru it all. She also smoked. I drank tea and - oh, the deep breathing helps a lot. I wrote down reasons for quitting and put them on the fridge. I thought about the money and the health bit a lot. I tried picturing my lungs getting pink.
Then I sang songs to myself about not smoking ( hey, whatever works!) I sang to the tune of "I dont dance you cant make me' ...
"I don't smoke, you can't make me! I don't smoke cause it's nasty"
For whatever reason that helped! Best of luck to you - You are ready to do this!
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Go Star Go!
I gave up the stinky buggers 9 yrs ago and 30 lbs later
I still have the odd craving but I just laugh it off.
It's so FOUL!:yuk:
Stay the course!
KNov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )
I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
How is it Star? It's 9.30am.....has the bitch kicked in yet LOL? Will be thinking of you....people do say it's really hard to get off nicotine. But look....you beat the booze, you can beat this smokey thing
Another incentive....apparently smoking makes your face wrinkly. And yellows the teeth. You don't want to look like Halloween, do you?
Breathe deep...no puffing!
Suze xJust hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
It doesn't just make your teeth yellow, it makes them fall out. A woman where I work just had half her top teeth out as smoking caused such bad gum disease they had come loose in the jaw bone. The dentist wanted to take them all out but she wouldn't let him. They are so wobbly you can see it when she talks. She's only 50!!It always seems impossible until it's done....
Star`s Fag Blitz.
you can toss my caber anytime flip lol:H .........where r we up2 anyway?ahha stars quittin smoking good look to you star 13th commandment thou shall put on wait
ops: they say if you quit smoking you eat lots more....i mean my dad stopped and he put on weight rapidly now hes not aloud to put his underpants on the washing line the neighbours complaining theyre causeing an eclipse:H .......
mitch and flip the highland fling yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa xxxxxxNothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Lady Way North of Here! - just sending my best thoughts for you giving up something else!! Wow, you are one strong lady!
:bow :woot: :bow (I'm eating another choc biscuit!!) (They're not meant to be bowing and whooping to the biscuit!! :H You!)
Good on you and I hope it's a smooth journey.... well, bound to be a few pebbles here and there but with you and your new energy....................!! (I really hope that for you, I do!)
Love FMF xx:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Just think S.
No current beau to snog - but if you quit smoking you might just have more of a chance of snogging all the non-smoking males too - and they are in the majority!!!!
(Er ....not that I was offering personally o'course - I'm sure you are gorgeous and would be totally irresistable as a non smoking gorgeous type - but it's SWMBO...... y'know.......she might get a little er......miffed, no thats not it,.........upset, no thats not it either, ..................Insanely and Irrationally Homicidal....yeah, thats the one - would make Freddie Kruger look like Paddington Bear on ecstacy!!)
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"