I know that you are out to pick up those nicotine patches and hope that you are doing alright... For me what really helped , Eating sunflower seeds... Simply because it was the same type of oral action as smoking I suppose... Although I only smoked for five years are a teenager.. uuugggg !!! It was really hard to quit but what a relief to have that damn monkey off your back !! We're all here for you Star !
No announcement yet.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
I know that you are out to pick up those nicotine patches and hope that you are doing alright... For me what really helped , Eating sunflower seeds... Simply because it was the same type of oral action as smoking I suppose... Although I only smoked for five years are a teenager.. uuugggg !!! It was really hard to quit but what a relief to have that damn monkey off your back !! We're all here for you Star !
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
Star`s Fag Blitz.
FAG BEAST IS A DIRTY B******!!!!!!!!
Had 1 fag left when I was going to bed last night.......felt so strong as I proceeded to shred it and dump it in bin.........you know, so that I wouldn`t have it to smoke this morning. LMAO
Left house this morning to proceed to chemist to collect nicotine patches.........SHOULD have gone left, only this silly cow turned right.......right along to the cash machine to get money for fags, of course.
Lit up as soon as pack was in my wee sweaty palm.........only then did I carry on to collect the patches.
Result so far is that I am smoking today, and am disgusted by my weakness. I really think I might have been able to cope, had I a patch in the house to put on as soon as I woke up, so that`s just what I`ll do tomorrow.
What`s really upsetting me is looking back at how I tackled the drink.........I was always weeping and wailing, hoping someone could do my quitting for me. It was only when I accepted that I had to quit the drink for myself, that I managed to find the strength to get sober. Nothing on earth would make me drink again........am a hard bitch against the drink now........know I`ve got it licked and am determined to keep it that way. So, why the hell do I feel so weak when up against a little "stinky stick"...........I sooooooo hate myself right now for allowing the Fag Beast to beat me today.
I never believed I could quit drinking and now........I no longer drink.
I have to believe in myself that I can also quit the fags.........am thinking it`s harder to quit the fags, but maybe I just think that as I no longer struggle with the booze.
Feel so ashamed to post this, but I need the honesty.
Starlight Impress (not!!!!) x
Star`s Fag Blitz.
God bless you Starlight,
you are being so hard on yourself, stop it. i don't know you very well at all but i do know that that you'll beat these stinky little bastards.
I KNOW YOU WILL!!!!!!!!!!
have you tried cutting back first. i think if you deal with it how you dealt with the booze you'll beat the nicotine beast in the end.
I KNOW YOU WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
your armed with the patches now, so get one of those suckers stuck on 1st thing in the morning.
Don't you dare feel disgusted or ashamed of yourself, your Starlight Impress, your brill.
you'll probably weep, wail and swear...a lot...... but........ f**k it........ whatever it takes hey Star.
i've got some patches in the very top of one of my kitchen cupboards and you have seriously got me considering getting my short arse on a chair (4'11") and reaching them down so i can join you and have a go tomorrow.......hmmm.... wonder if i'd be 5'1" if i hadn't started smoking :H
seriously though Star, please don't feel bad, its well hard trying to stop smoking.
I'll let you know if i'm going to join you tomorrow, not sure if my patches are out of date.
Go easy on yourself
love want
xxxAF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:
Snake....... come crawling,
There's fire in your eyes,
Bite me, excite me,
I'll learn to realize.
The poison transmuted,
Brings eternal flame.
Open me to heaven,
To heal me again.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Thanks want,
But no cutting down the fags for me........am an "all or nothing" kinda girl. After all, tried mods with the drink and failed with flying colours, so no use thinking I can wean myself off the fags by decreasing the no. I smoke.
Will go with the patch in the morning.........kinda wishing mine were out of date!!! lol
Starlight Impress x
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Hi, just wondered if you have considered the NICORETTE gum instead of the patches.
My husband and I quit 20 some years ago using the gum. It gives you that "oral" fix you are use too. We used it for 6 months and that was that. We did fight over the last piece. LOL I think we would be dead now if we had not stopped smoking!
By the way.......how much weight have you lost in the last 60 days AF?
Good luck with the new goal! Beachmusic
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Hi beachmusic,
Thanks for your reply, but doesn`t the gum taste disgusting, you know.......almost like fags?? lol Sounds effective though........
I`ve lost 25 lbs since I quit drinking, but need to lose a further 10 lbs to reach my ideal weight.
Starlight Impress x
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Hmm... I was going to suggest the gum too. It gives you an oral fixation. They have the fruit flavoured one - and I actually like it a lot. It isn't like chewing on the mint one - which I find like chewing cardboard.
I also bought some straws and real cinnamon sticks. They help as well.
Don't beat yourself up. It takes practice just like quitting drinking.
Star`s Fag Blitz.
They have come out with a new mint flavor. My son used it and I sampled a tiny taste just to see and it is not bad at all!! It actually taste good if you can believe that. I think it is worth a try. Check at your drugstore. You can buy it over the counter now. When we used it our Dr. had to prescribe the gum and of course 20 years ago they only had the foul tasting kind but we were ready to give up the habit. It worked. We chewed the heck out of the stuff!! smiling atcha! Beachmusic
Star`s Fag Blitz.
star smoking is a really ugly habit and hard to kick. my last BF was a cronic smoker and his hair and skin were dry dry dry. His breath was yucky I was constantly asking him to brush his yellow teeth, his clothes stank and so did every part of his body. He refused to quit, and started having this awful cough, then I (nonsmoker) started coughing too. that's when I said hasta la vista.
get the gum, I heard hypno works really well, think really hard of what your lungs look like they are being punished.
you can do this!!!You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Starlight Impress;205776 wrote: am an "all or nothing" kinda girl
Seriously - good luck, I'm not going to start climbing that mountain till I'm a bit more comfortable having just water in my glass (and I may or may not have a huge pile of duty free to churn through - opps) but I want to have a good try once I've got over the bloody drink!
Go on then in the bin!
Star`s Fag Blitz.
Hi Star! You are almost there.
Tell me again how much you want to quit and why-
Then keep repeating that to yourself until you are really ready to put it down.
It took me 6 months to quit cigs from the first time I thought I really wanted to. Well, I completely gave up several times and my idea was to taper down until I quit and that didn't work at all.
Anyway...new years eve I knew it was done. I smoked my last one and said that was it. And it was. This Dec 31st will be 2 years! yippee
Took me almost 6 months to give up my wine habit. I guess I kind of have a pattern going here..
Anyway- good luck tomorrow. Keep working on it and it will stick!