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Star`s Fag Blitz.

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    Star`s Fag Blitz.

    My husband did SmokeEnders right before we got married. I do not know if still exists. It worked & he had already been smoking 15 yrs/pack a day.

    It is like AA, a re-programming of the mind. I think took about 2 months, several meetings a week or something like that. Many yrs later he took it up again briefly for about 9 months & got the patch & the patch worked.

    He believes he is basically allergic to the smoke and SMELL from cigs now & immediately gets a headache. I do too but I am not a smoker. So it is interesting.


      Star`s Fag Blitz.


      I woke up and forgot about my pledge immediately. LOL

      However, as I was bathing, I recalled it.

      I pulled the lozenges out of the suitcase and started them.

      They suck, literally. LMAO.

      I am grumpy as hell!! :H

      What the hell have I gotten myself into???

      AF April 9, 2016


        Star`s Fag Blitz.

        Hey Star....but if you did 8.5 hours with the patch and only smoked when you took it off....can you leave it on or put on a fresh one and not smoke?

        Sorry, not too up on patches (lucky for me that even though I tired smoking a few times it never did anything for me.....OK, OK, OK!!! I'm ducking big time!!! Sorree!)...

        BUT I am really wishing you well - it's tough giving things up so, a wee shove from me - no slapping either....a shove and a hug.

        Love FMFxx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Star`s Fag Blitz.

          Which reminds me.

          I had a friend who quit using some sort of electrical treatment by a chiropractor.

          I think I am going to Google it.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Star`s Fag Blitz.

            And a hug to you too Cindi!!! Good on you!

            My old piano teacher sucked vanilla pods!! Kept one tucked in the insdie of her grand piano and had a quick suck every now and then during my lesson!! Years ago now but it seemed to work; she gave up!

            FMF xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Star`s Fag Blitz.

              I don't know, guys. I am getting really antsy. I don't like this at all!!

              It goes against my natural grain to be bitchy, but I am being bitchy.


              I am going to stick it out today, though. ODAT on the smoking, too.


              AF April 9, 2016


                Star`s Fag Blitz.


                Hello Starlight

                How you getting on with the ciggies now tonight?

                Have you found you felt any better for the 8+ hours nic & tar free?

                Are you starting again tomorrow ODAT?

                It's a lot of pressure isn't it, but hopefully all the nagging will help :H

                Cindi, how did you go today?

                Hello cindi i was posting same time as you just wondering how you got on now I see you're still CF Cigarette Free yipeeee



                  Star`s Fag Blitz.

                  Do it Cindi! You can do it. Don't blow it now, you've almost got day 1TF in! You're in a hotel, right? Bitch at the TV. Bitch at the maids. Bitch at total strangers!!! Just don't smoke.
                  Your husband will be so proud of proud. And it sure feels good to be able to say, " yeah, I quit smoking"

                  You can do it Cindi


                    Star`s Fag Blitz.

                    I figure what the hell. I am miserable anyway...


                    Actually, going AF has shown me that all these addictions are the same thing.

                    Like Magic says, "Just a thought. Let is pass."

                    Thoughts can't hurt me, smoking and drinking will kill me.

                    I am, however, going to bitch at the tv. Because my remote doesn't work!!!

                    Thanks for your support, everyone. If I quit drinking and smoking, my husband will not know who he is married to anymore!! That could be a good thing. :H

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Star`s Fag Blitz.

                      Drink lots of water, it helps. Quitting sucks, I know but try that instead of reaching for a smoke - your body needs the hydration while its adjusting to this big change. 8.5 hours w/out one is a great start - just try to get through the next five minutes, your body is already beginning to heal itself & need less nicotine. After three days it gets a bit easier and as time goes by more & more. Each time you quit you raise your chances of giving it up for good. If its really terrible don't be a hero - get some meds they have a bunch now like wellbutrin, zyrtec etc..
                      they do help with the cravings & fits, and can make things more bearable.


                        Star`s Fag Blitz.

                        Flip;205663 wrote: It doesn't just make your teeth yellow, it makes them fall out. A woman where I work just had half her top teeth out as smoking caused such bad gum disease they had come loose in the jaw bone. The dentist wanted to take them all out but she wouldn't let him. They are so wobbly you can see it when she talks. She's only 50!!
                        Oh Flip! I couldn't read any further on in this thread after reading that.

                        I will have to go away to recover first and then finish reading.



                          Star`s Fag Blitz.

                          Please do this girls, we all need you to be sucessful as much as you need to do it for yourselves.
                          It always seems impossible until it's done....


                            Star`s Fag Blitz.


                            You mention that quitting smoking is harder than it was for the booze. I for one will have to disagree with you on that one. I smoked for 19 years about a pack a day, then, one day, Wednesday November 15th 2001 at 10:35pm to be exact, I decided it was my last smoke. I got a week's worth of nicotine patches the next day and when I ran out after 7 days I just said screw it, I"m not paying more for the patch than I was for smokes, at the time. So one week of patch, 6 years this November smoke free. Not a single cig since that last one. Now.. beer on the other hand.. WWWAAAAYYYYYY harder for me to quit than the smokes EVER were.

                            But that's me... it's different for everyone I guess.

                            I have said it before, and I will say it again , you are a inspiration to many people here, I know you can do this, you beat the booze, so you definitively can beat the fags.

                            Love, respect and strenght to you Starlight Empress,

                            Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                              Star`s Fag Blitz.

                              hows it going star & cindi,

                              there's noway i could join you at the mo, i'm having some evil alcohol cravings to deal with.

                              have you heard of Zyban? it's actually an antidepressant but used in England to help stop smoking. i tried it 2 or 3 years ago and it does work. the cravings go and i found that the cigs had an even nastier taste. if i remember correctly you take them for 6 to 8 weeks. i'd nearly stopped but fell into a depression so doc took me off them. crazy hey, anti depressants to stop me smoking made me depressed. i do know of lots of people who have had great success with it though so it might be worth talking to your doctor about if your really struggling.

                              take care
                              AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                              Snake....... come crawling,
                              There's fire in your eyes,
                              Bite me, excite me,
                              I'll learn to realize.

                              The poison transmuted,
                              Brings eternal flame.
                              Open me to heaven,
                              To heal me again.

