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So Proud of you Beth...

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    So Proud of you Beth...

    You have found that "mental shift" that needed to happen, and you have grabbed the ball and run with it. You feel like the big sister I always wanted. We parallel each other in a lot of ways, so seeing your break through these past few weeks has been a huge inspiration to me, and I know many others as well.

    I also know that you had to go to your niece, Lindsay's, memorial today. I wish I could have been there to hear that incredible speech you were giving at her memorial. I was so touched when you read it to me. I know Lindsay must be so proud of you too.

    Just wanted to say I am thinking of you today, as I know it was very tough emotionally, and you are doing soo good! Welcome back when you get home, and know that we will miss you this week and holding you close at heart.:h

    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    So Proud of you Beth...

    I know life has been rough, but you are doing great. You should feel very proud of yourself!


      So Proud of you Beth...

      While you are away so very many of us are thinking of you and sending all good vibes to you...

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        So Proud of you Beth...

        Thinking of you. Your new strength shines through in all your posts. Peace be with you


          So Proud of you Beth...

          Beth, hope that today went well, you are such an inspiration now ...


            So Proud of you Beth...

            My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

            Much love,

            Starlight Impress x


              So Proud of you Beth...

              Beth, I cannot add anymore than what the others have said here. My thoughts are with you today.


                So Proud of you Beth...

                Beth, my thoughts are with you and your family today
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  So Proud of you Beth...

                  Oh My Goodness!!

                  I just got home, and came on to see what was new with you all. Never in a MILLION years did I expect to see a thread with my own name in it!!

                  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! And Prest...what can I say??? You are like a sister to me! :l :l . You have been a source of strength for me so many times!

                  Anyway, I love you all. I am back from my neices memorial. It was very touching...sad, but uplifting too. Amazing how she was loved, and so many.

                  Good to be back, too.

                  I've missed you guys!!


                  With love,

                  formerly known as bak310


                    So Proud of you Beth...

                    Lovely to hear the service was so moving, beth.

                    Welcome "home".

                    Much love,

                    Starlight Impress x

