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Major cravings this morning..

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    Major cravings this morning..

    ... no idea why but have been seriously craving this morning, i have been af for two weeks and really dont want to get stuck in that cycle again so after i dropped the boys at school/nursery i have come straight home(instead of going to the shop) and have made myself eat loads of cookies and a cup of tea. I feel like a fat pig but at least i'm not drinking!

    Lou x

    Major cravings this morning..


    I sooo know that feeling. Washes over you and tries to take over. Don and others call it "The Beast" talking to you. The part of you that is trying to keep you from quitting.

    Do whatever you have to do to get past it. Take a walk, go to the mall, anything.

    One time I even went to a movie midday. (I never go to the movies, but there is no booze there!!)

    This feeling will pass and you will overcome it!! As Magic says, "It's just a thought, let it pass."

    Take care,
    AF April 9, 2016


      Major cravings this morning..

      Good for you... Kick these cravings in the behind one at a time !!! You did amazing and I'm soooo proud of you !!!!!!!!!!

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

