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cpn(addiction councillor)

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    cpn(addiction councillor)

    ive got to go to see an addictions councillor today not looking forward to it there again its so hard to get an appointment up here theyre so many alcoholics.what experience and help have anybody found when using a therapist,addiction councillor etc etc...........please post your views mitch
    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

    cpn(addiction councillor)

    Hi Mitch-first good luck....

    Now this is here in the U.S. but I decided about 5 yrs ago to try outpatient. My first initial meeting was with a councelor & he just asked a few questions as to why I decided to do it. I cried & cried & poured my heart out. He just sat & listened & handed me a box of Kleenex. After that was just group & he would lead the group. But if it weren't for him being such a kind soul I would have walked out & not even tried it. There was also a woman that I didn't care for (I was assigned to her-probably because people feel that women need to talk to women) but I never needed to. She was a clinician & didn't really have that "substance abuse" experience. The councelor I initially talked to was a recovering alcoholic with 20 yrs sobriety.

    Hopefully you will be blessed with someone who has a kind heart & not just there for the job.

    Let us know how it goes. And I found that if you find something that is working for you-what you put in is what you get out. Good luck & don't get discouraged if you don't care for the person!

    p.s. when I say "I found that if you find something that is working for you-what you put in is what you get out." I was doing so well with outpatient but once it ended & I had to follow-up with prevention counceling & I decided I could do it on my own & started to moderate & well - what I put in was what I got out.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      cpn(addiction councillor)

      Hi Mitch,
      I tried a counselor once for my drinking issues. And I've been to several therapists in my life to deal with basic 'life sucks' issues. What is primarily important is the dynamic between you and the therapist/counselor. They are people with personalities, and all have different approaches. If one doesn't work for you it doesn't mean that all counselors won't work. Know what I mean?
      The one I went to -- well, she was nice enough but not very warm, and I felt judged. I didn't like her approach (just don't drink and that's that). So I quit. I suppose if I had made the effort back then to find the right counselor, I might have gotten sober long before now.

      Good luck. I know it isn't easy. But you are working to heal and that's a wonderful thing.
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        cpn(addiction councillor)

        many thanks for the replies mow and breez i did actually think i was being judged it would of been better coming from an ex alcoholic with experience and soooooooo many years sobriety

        the young councellor i got was as much good as a chocolate teapot fresh out of college i would say i taught them more in 5 minutes than they could teach me in all the time they were at university with their phd's and ahd's and even their dvd's

        i agreed to take part in phoenix(anxiety,low mood,depression etc etc)group and to see him in another fortnight to see how the land lies he told me to go to aa i told him no way my aa is here with mwo

        my way out rocks
        has anyone tried groups like this or am i a nutter:bang i must admit my depression leads me to alcohol the alcohol being a depressant leads to depression leads to low mood and anxiety etc etc............

        lookin forward to replies god bless mitch xxxx
        Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


          cpn(addiction councillor)

          You are so right about the insane depression/alcohol cycle. I'd been living it for years.
          I have been drinking significantly less for a couple months, and though I'm not always cheerful and still ahve mood swings, everyday is a little brighter. Days after I drink at night are darker for sure.
          Do you take the supplements suggested? I know they have helped me immensely with mood and drinking less - specifically All One, L-glut, 5-htp and Gaba.

          Try the groups... you may not get all you need but when we are really looking to learn we can get something out of just about anything. Plus, simply making the effort to get well has a huge impact on how yo feel about yourself and I believe, the level of success you fing.
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            cpn(addiction councillor)

            ive not tried the supps yet but if i have to i will!!really i dont know what it is but i travel here there and everywhere to work its just when i get near home il drink is that awful im not insane or am i:hitme:maybe i am lol :nutso:

            sometimes cry for no apparent reason when in low mood the paranoia wipes me out too:upset:

            hey afm is there anymore room in your cave for me:H

            thanks for the feedback mow all the best mitch hi-lander
            Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


              cpn(addiction councillor)

              GET THE SUPPS!!
              They will balance your brain and you will feel much better and cutting down on drink will be much easier!!
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                cpn(addiction councillor)

                Hey Mitch!

                "it's just when I get near home I'll drink."

                ah, yes, the shoe.

                Mitch, how far north are you at home? How much sunlight in your day this time of year?

                I've done all the therapy, one on one, groups, in patient, outpatient. Some I hated, some I loved. It depends on who is there with you.

                Given the opportunity I always went as I eventually learned that even if that particular session or day sucked it would almost always lead to something else to try.

                Have you seen your regular doctor lately? Have you ever treated your depression with medication?

                Tree is very wise, get the vitamins at least. Are you eating that horrible highlands diet?
                Increase your fruits and veg. my boy.

                And perhaps look into a lightbox. This is the one i have but there are many on the market.

                It's dark at my house too!

                Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder, Jet Lag, and Shift Work

                There, your other ma has spoken. You're such a cutie.

                magic xx :huggy
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  cpn(addiction councillor)

                  Great advise here Mitch!

                  And yes, there is always room at my cave for you


                    cpn(addiction councillor)

                    :groupluv: many thanks for the replies and advice!i do take lots of fruit veg etc etc eat healthy exercise etc etc i have a regular doctor(i get extra vits and tablets for anxiety,depression and sleep but only take them at home) i visit but in my line of work you cant be registered with depression me likewise have been inpatient outpatient group sessions one on ones so ive tried all that........the clouds came over me yesterday.......and felt very down this is usually a trigger point for me( when im feeling down)or the other is(what if??)but theres no point in crying over spilt milk or is there???:upset:

                    im back to normality today though the grey skies have turned blue again thanks afm for the room in your cave:H its well aprreciated to know your all there to give support,encouragement and advice.......thats the beauty of this site lol

                    :applaud: my way out and everyone who contributes the threads and posts on this wonderful site luv mitch the haggis muncher xxxxxxxx
                    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


                      cpn(addiction councillor)

                      I have been seeing a counsellor for nearly 10 months. She has been fantastic, so my opinion is GO! Is there any way you can 'shop around' for someone who you feel comfortable with.

                      Also, do EVERYTHING you possibly can, take sups, take meds, see a counsellor, read books, post here, read posts, walk, sleep, eat WHATEVER it takes. The combined effect is amazing.
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        cpn(addiction councillor)

                        I have been having on-line counselling for over a month now. I was told that its not really recommended for addiction but I had a lot of old issues from my past that I need to sort through. I have found it helpful writing everything down and now I am beginning to see why I behave as I do. The next step will be making changes in how I deal with things.



                          cpn(addiction councillor)

                          hi mitch96,
                          sooo glad your having a good day, i like the way you pick yourself up well done.
                          i agree with rustop61, write a lists down of the reasons why you feel low and the same on a good day. so today start writing why you feel good about your self, and when you ever you feel low look at the GOOD LISTs. i hope this will help a little, also always remember to eat when you feeling low because it is so easy to go past that day without food. but don't drink not good for the nerve system. before you go to bed make sure you have a hot drink in your stomach.

                          remember we all care about you,you have come along way,keep it up!

                          Take care,

                          family is everything to me


                            cpn(addiction councillor)

                            thanks flip(she rides a harlry davidson(neil young)rustop and teardrops for the input i think yesterday was another manic monday if i was to write down my issues i wouldnt know where to start though i think theres a few people on the site that know where my problem started i was fit and energetic and didnt start drinking until i was 28 so i escaped the younger years of the........................llets say dreaded illness

                            ive lost everything through alcohol but daily im gaining it back things are easily bought back again ie house,car,pc,sofa etc etc.......these are just things

                            what ive lost more of is confidence,dignity etc etc but i suppose il gain that back again

                            the good thing about drinking was it brought back my FREEDOM(william wallace braveheart:H )seriously though i was stuck in a nogo relationship which resulted in my misdemeanour which led to comfort drinking and lets say it became a habit......i cant blame my ex for making me drink it was tottaly my choice my kids have never seen me drunk just rough there was no alcohol in the house at all in the garage( yes well hidden)buts thats what we do isnt it hide things lie about things etc etc good god im pouring my heart out today never mind i feel comfortable about it...........nevermind im just a pisshead......or so ive been called on numerous occasions dont know wether to:H or:upset:

                            anyway thanx for the posts and its good to know your there luv mitch
                            Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


                              cpn(addiction councillor)

                              Mitch, we don't accept negaitve self talk around here, so no more talk of you being a "pisshead" ok! :-)
                              It always seems impossible until it's done....

