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What do you like to do

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    What do you like to do

    Don't tell him that! He'll get a swelled head!
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      What do you like to do

      A swelled BALD head - allegedly!

      No enlargement needed in some of the photos - but you still won't get a good look at me!
      Usually huddled up in hooded gore-tex jackets against the cold - or the rain - or the cold rain - or the snow - you know - it IS Scotland after all!



      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        What do you like to do

        I like to work around the yard, planting and keeping it looking nice. I also love to do home improvement projects. Ceramic tile is one of my favorites. I really wish I liked cleaning a bit better, my house could really use as much attention as I give my yard.


          What do you like to do

          Flip - when I was in Perth in February, I went down to Freemantle one Saturday and wandered about in some of the galleries there.
          One was the gallery of a photographer who took lanscape photos all over OZ - some of the photos totally blew me away!
          I used to think Scotland was photogenic - until I saw that stuff.

          Not at home right now and can't remember the guy's name - but I will try to remember!

          Well worth checking out if you are into that type of thing!



          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            What do you like to do

            I like spending time with the family, playing with the kids, making my metal sculptures, building a vege patch at the moment, will have fun growing them with the kids
            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


              What do you like to do

              Wow, Satori, beautiful site. Just had a quick look, but will be back.

              Myself, I'm more into the simple pleasures of life - such as just this moment while I am sipping my morning coffee and cruising this site.

              Also love golfing, and working out, but biggest pleasure and simple - sitting quietly on the deck and gazing at my flower beds, long walks w hubby and dog, that sort of thing.
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                What do you like to do

                I saw you Satori! You were underwater, just in front of that windsurfer, not far from that shark! You need to be more careful dude!
                Great site!

                Hey, was that you playing the music?

                I enjoy torturing the dogs with my guitar & singing, hiking along the beach trails, (when I'm not kayaking)...which will be a lot soon... I'm afraid winter's coming on w/a vengance!
                Also do a bit of wood burning in the winter, to stock the gift shop for the following summer... need to start doing more of that, & less "puter time'
                If ya wanna check out my neck of the woods...
                Home Page - America's Wild Rivers Coast
                :l Judie
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  What do you like to do

                  I like nature it makes me serene, it inspires me. I get so creative when I return from a trip to the mountains or a sail.
                  then I put all that energy into my artwork. I also like walking around in the city and watching people, so interesting
                  Cooking is also very relaxing for me I love making healthy fresh food for my mate and my friends
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    What do you like to do

                    I love to do so much but find so little time to do it.
                    I love to exercise and walk my dog. I run in marathons. I only do half marathons (13 miles) so don't get excited.
                    I love do make necklaces, bracelets and earrings with Swarvoski beads.
                    I love to read mystery and romance novels.
                    I love to go to the vitamin and whole food stores and check out everything new.
                    I love going out west to our little place in the mountains when we can. We are actually going next week! Yea!!!!
                    There is so much more but so little time......


                      What do you like to do

                      I love the outdoors. I love to walk along the trails, look in the creeks and rivers - appreciate the beauty all around me. I, too, find it very peaceful. I love the look on my little ones face when she discovers different things around her. Leaves, snails, woodbugs, etc...

                      I absolutely love to cook. Experimenting with fresh herbs and veggies in particular. I get bored of everyday eating so have a passion of jazzing things up and creating new/healthy dishes.

                      I love to conduct research or find new information in regards to holistic healing.

                      In my future I would like to purchase a good camera and start to get into photography. Particularly black and white - love it!


                        What do you like to do

                        Wow....I love doing so many things...Reading, Hiking (especially walking on a beach) though this is difficult to do n Colorado! Listening to music, being with my family, playing with my grandaughters, meditating, making new aromatherapy blends, painting, cooking......oh...and I love going to the local Farmers market on Saturday mornings, only a couple of more weeks of that I am afraid......
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          What do you like to do


                          This one: Central Buttress, Lochnagar, is my favorite.

                          What's wrong with the music? I really enjoyed it.

                          Okay, I am weird.

                          Really nice site. Thanks for sharing. I am now supremely jealous of what you have around you. Those mountains seem very "old" geologically. I really like that look.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            What do you like to do

                            db2fromala;206441 wrote: Satori,

                            This one: Central Buttress, Lochnagar, is my favorite.

                            What's wrong with the music? I really enjoyed it.

                            Okay, I am weird.

                            Really nice site. Thanks for sharing. I am now supremely jealous of what you have around you. Those mountains seem very "old" geologically. I really like that look.

                            Hi Cindi - yep - some of these hills are really old geologically, and we have a great variety of different rock types here within short distances.

                            My son was on Lochnagar last weekend - he is obviously following in my footsteps (literally) we both aim to complete the ascent of all the "Munros" (mountains in Scotland over 3000 feet)
                            There are 284 of them!
                            My BIL has only 2 left to do - so we will accompany him on the last one and will have the traditional party on the summit! (AF for me!)

                            We consider ourselves lucky to live here - despite the weather!



                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

