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Feeling a bit miserable

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    Feeling a bit miserable

    My Friday night and saturday night drinking has turned into Fr/Sat/sun/Mon this week. Am feeling down. When am I going to get serious? Friend has 40th birthday party this Friday -I either go and drink or don't go, and next Friday have booked nice restaurant for our wedding anniversary. In my mind this means it's unthinkable to go totally AF for the moment. I can tell myself that my attitude is all wrong, but attitude is what it's all about. It's my attitude and willpower that achieves the AF days, not my logic or what I know to be right and wrong.

    In the meantime my six year old is being bullied by two older girls at school. She says when she sees them her 'tummy goes wiggly and she feels like she's crying but only on the inside so they can't see'. Obviously I've written to her teacher. And my 11 year old came home in tears last night as some older boys had pushed him off his chair and onto the floor during a study period and flung his books and pens all around the room. He had to scramble around picking them all up pushing back tears so no one would think he wasn't able to cope! I wrote to the school, and got a reply saying that they agreed this was unacceptable, but that they have 80 chairs for what can be at times 150 students. I have even volunteered to go and supervise myself. THeir school has over 3.000 pupils. We are expats here, and have no alternative schools. Local schools would be taught in a language they cannot speak, and private schools exceed our means. These are my 'babies'. I find this so upsetting and I feel so impotent.
    So yes, against my better judgement, last night I thought 'sod it' about drinking, even though I knew I'd disappoint my dear husband.

    Feeling a bit miserable

    Oh CookingUnhappy!! I am so sorry to read your post; our 'babies' are always that... they can turn our insides to jelly when they're hurting.... Your daughter's description of crying on the inside nearly had me going!! What a little star!!

    80 chairs for 150 students?!?! That is crazy!! Can you go in? That would put my mind at rest too. Thing is that enough chairs or not, any child that pushed another off theirs and threw things around would put me in jail; I'd do more than push them around!! Little blighters...

    That's so tough - no choice except one you don't like (quite understandably!).... but, the old thing of kids are tough IS true...we all have stuff in life to deal with and mostly we do. We can't protect our littel ones from everything; it isn't realistic. We help them build by trusting their ability to deal with things...the fact that they tell you, talk about it and put their feelngs into such succint words is fantastic...

    Your Af-ing or not.... I'm not sure what your goal is so I'm not sure what to suggest but..... all I can say is is looks like you don't intend to be AF for these coming events so there are 3 choices..... drink and feel guilty, drink and don't feel guilty or don't go. Without the fourth choice of going and not drinking I would say go, drink and don't feel guilty unless you like beating yourself up!

    Just wondering why it's 'unthinkable' to go AF? Is it because you want booze or because you just don't think you can do them without...they're different!! Perhaps if you can work that out more clearly....well, it helped me to! You CAN do it without you know. You can. We're here to support, help, kick bums whatever you need....a few experiences of enjoying things without does wonders! But if you just enjoy drink.....

    I hope I haven't said anything out of order....all meant with the best of intentions to help!

    Love and hugs for you and the kids - it's tough. But no tougher without booze. I can vouch for that so good, good luck.

    FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Feeling a bit miserable

      Hi Cooking,
      I agree with FMF. I also don't know what to suggest. Personally I find it easier not to
      drink at any special occasions, my problem's start when I'm alone, if I were always
      around people I wouldn't drink. Willpower rarely works for me, I try to keep my mind
      on other things, if I start thinking willpower, I'm sure to cave in. Whatever you decide
      to do I wish you success.
      As for the kids I sympathise, my kids are grown up now, my daughter has a 6 and an
      8 year old, my little grandaughter sounds just like your little girl, that's just the sort of
      thing she would say. She has suffered bullies in the past, but now she is learning to deal
      with it, and is learning to stand up for herself. I know how you feel, I'm sure every mother
      has been in the same situation, but we have to let our children go through these experiences with your love and support, your kids grow into healthy adults one day, and
      recall these awful episodes as charactre building excercises. You sound like a typical
      loving mother. Your kids will be fine. Just try not to let alcohol get in the way.
      Wishing you well. Love Paula.xx

