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    "the kids would all be fine without me" you`re talking complete rot beatle..........aye, know they`d be looked after, but they would never get over losing their mother.

    You need to look at what`s going wrong with you..........what`s been your tactics to date? are you addressing your drinking?........if your current tactics aren`t working for you, then you have to try everything until you find what will work for you.
    And see the really need some help now. I know you can do this........and I know it because I struggled just like you and now I`m winning my battle........just as you shall.

    Starlight Impress x



      hi beatle i had those crazy thoughts a month nearly a month ago!! its just the booze affeting your always seems worse with the drink the good thing i found with giving the booze away my mind is back to normal! sure i have problems with life but it gets easier to deal with sober and the whole world everyone has problems of one sort or another but we are attempting to fix them!!
      give your self a chance the positive for me having those thoughts made me stay away from booze just for a day..
      chin up and we are all thinking of you
      much love ..jon..xx




        Kicked out of where? Home? Your husband is angry?

        OMG, DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER SUICIDE. I am sitting here on edge and panicking.

        You are one of my friends. I am a drunk, too. Should all of us hopeless alcoholics commit suicide? Or should we just keep trying?

        I can't believe a person who worked so hard to have two beautiful children is ready to chuck it out the window!! Yes, a drunk mom is tough but I am quite sure they love you. Shit, hell, damn. I know a lot of sober moms who have never been as good a mom as I. At least I love my children and truly care.

        Do not make such a choice when you are feeling low.

        I tell you what. If you can go AF a couple of days or a week and are feeling better, then think about it. I guarantee you the answer will be much different.

        My daddy always told me never, ever, make an important decision when drunk or sick. EVER. He is a wise man.

        Hang in there, Beatle. We all care about you and love you.

        I sure do!!

        AF April 9, 2016



          beattle, listen to the people on this board. They know what they are saying. And especially db2. Don't even make a decision when you are drunk. I've done that so many times, and not one, not freaking once was it a good idea. Like, "hey, I can drive." Or, "hey, I'm feeling lucky, I'm gonna go play some BlackJack." Or "hey, who needs protection, when is the next time I'll be in Haiti?" Okay, that last one was a joke to lighten you up. But beatle, I suffer from the worst kind of depression. For real. I SHOULD NOT be drinking. However, I let this nasty fucker get a hold of me, and that is why I'm right here struggling along side of everybody else. I do have to say, that the steps I take to help me mind, by seeing my doc, and taking the meds, as well as trying to stay off the booze, has helped me so much. I know if I could stay off the booze for good everything would fall into place. But, I'm not perfect. None of us are. You said it best about how horrible it is when you try and fail. I agree. I fucking hate to lose. So, maybe we need to win? Beattle, I know reading any of this doesn't make pain magically disappear. But, you are not alone. So, please take our advice. If you think your children are better off without you, you are just wrong. Its okay to be wrong. We all are. My uncle would always say there is only one person that was never wrong, and they nailed him to a cross. Now, I'm not particular religious, but it makes a point. Don't be so hard on yourself for not being perfect. The funny thing is, if you can get sober again, you'll see how screwed up EVERYBODY is, and you'll think, "wow, I was WAYYY too hard on myself." Take care. :l
          where does this go?



            My father was an alcoholic. He committed suicide 26 years ago and my family has never gotten over it. NEVER. It devastated me and my family. We all thought we had failed him. We should have been able to stop him. The guilt is enormous and is always there. There is not a day goes by that I don't think about him. Why isn't he here to share my life and see his grandchildren? Why? What was he thinking?

            Listen to me. Suicide is very selfish. You are thinking only of yourself. The booze is clouding your judgement. You will scar your husband and children for life. I know what I'm talking about. You must stop right now and get some help...please, please.

            Put the booze down. Stop drinking.. MAKE yourself stop drinking right now. You are checking in here and you are crying for help and we can help. MWO didn't exist 25 years ago for my dad. If only it had. Please listen to me.




              Beatle, your post made me cry ............

              Please don't think like this .............. you have come so far .... please be strong ......... we all love you here ............

              Beatle please check in for us ...........




                Listen, and I MEAN LISTEN, to what Don said.

                Children and siblings of suicide victims are much more likely to commit suicide themselves.

                Not to mention the guilt Don was talking about.

                You are not a selfish person. Think about your children.

                Get help, Beatle. We are all behind you.

                The HELL with your village and their gossip. Do what you need to do to get well.

                We ALL LOVE YOU!!

                AF April 9, 2016



                  Beatle, I just saw this and sorry I am so late. You do matter and it would make such a huge impact in your children's life if you weren't there and no they would not be better off without you.

                  You are a good person, deep down you know that you just have to pull youself out of this depression fog and you will see that. We all see that. Please talk to someone or keep talking to us. You matter a hell of a lot to a lot of people.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                    Hey Sweets....

                    Just checking in on you.

                    Look at all of these people who love you. Listen to them, they are very wise.

                    The only one of us who has 'failed' is the one who has never tried.

                    That certainly is not you.

                    Glad you are feeling a bit better.

                    Nancy xx
                    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                    I am in the next seat.
                    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir



                      beatle from reading this, it sounds serious, login on here is a good idea to get support and approval, but it sounds like you are overwhelmed by alcohol induced depression. it's hard to tell how bad it really is from a post . is there a hot line you can call? a place for emergencies like this near you? please keep us posted and do take good care

                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                        Beatle, You want to chat?



                          hi beatle- glad you are feeling a little better.
                          Lots of folks here have made good sense.
                          It is never better to have a mother who committed suicide- never. Your kids would never be better off growing up without you. Your suicide would affect them forever.
                          You will feel better when you have a few days af. Don't do anything now- just think of youself as having the flu or something - take care of yourself and sleep and eat. And go see someone if you can.
                          So glad you came here to talk. You are a valuable person and are loved. We need you here.

                          Your children need you. You need to be here. Period.



                            Dear Beatle - I've just come in and read this thread....

                            DON'T. Full stop. Your kids love you and I'm afraid you don't have a choice about that. Whether you think they should isn't part of this; they just do. The only thing they want is you - alive. It is. Give them that please.

                            Take 6 deep breaths.

                            Samaritans are there...I've rung them loads in the past - they're good. I didn't want to but was always so glad I did.

                            Hold all the MWO hands here tonight -

                            Love FMF xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



                              Beatle, I can't add to any of the wisdom here, just heed it, and know we are all here for you....We can do this together....I'm adding you to my prayer list....
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"



                                my gosh, thank you all. I'm alive (as you can see). This life is not easy, but here we are, right? I've received some great advice from you all, and I guess I will have to take it. If I don't believe in God, does it help to pray? I'm very serious about this question... and have not had anything to drink in 4 hours.
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

