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A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

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    A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

    I see one of the side effects listed is "menstrual disorders." This is vague and a little disturbing to me. Has anyone had problems like that while taking this?

    A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

    Yep, That would be me Audrey. It was stopping my cycle while lowering my Blood pressure. I have read though that this only happens like in 1% of women who take it. Hope this helps. BTW, I am highly allergic to most medications,so you may have better results


      A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

      I had very few side effects. AND if it had stopped my cycle all together...YEAH! I wish I had had that one. To me nothing is worse than the side effects of alcohol, so it was well worth the try!


        A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

        Those side effects appeal to me!
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson


          A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

          If anything mines gotten heavier!:upset: But that could just be my age...pre-menopause...? Who knows. My cycle's never been very predictable...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

            I wish I had that experience on Topa as well but I didn't. I only had the tingly sensation in my fingers and toes for a short time.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

              I can't say I've read of this particular side effect ... sounds vague indeed. Did you see the other post about the recently published JAMA article? You have to look at the side effects that are significantly different between the Topa-takers and the comparison group ... not that I would "pooh-pooh" a reported side effect but so often I think drug companies have to report every single thing, even if it hasn't been proven to be caused by the drug. Know what I mean?


                A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

                Audrey, no I havent had that side effect. Topa for 16 months.
                Gabby :flower:


                  A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

                  Nope - no problems there for me !

                  I'll get my coat.............

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

                    I'm like clock work and mine arrived 10 days early, 2 weeks after beginning topa, and much heavier than usual. I hadn't read about that possible side effect. Thanks for asking the question!
                    Seeking the joyous dance


                      A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

                      My first week... only on 25mg, raising it tomorrow. No side effects yet. I try not to think about it, cause I know I'll manafest them... imaginary or real... and I've had a hysterectomy. ;-)
                      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                        A ? for the ladies re: Topamax

                        satori.....your funny but you can stay.
                        Gabby :flower:

