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My recovery.

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    My recovery.

    It is truly a great start to a life free of alcohol!! Give yourself a pat on the back because this is not an easy thing to do. Reward yourself every single day you are alcohol free - as it takes great determination, strength and gives you a feeling of self worth.

    Everyone on this site deserves to be free of this infliction. Whether it is self-control (mods) or abstinence.

    Starlight, you are a great supporter to all here! Keep sharing your successes!


      My recovery.

      Star, you know I've been one of your biggest fans, and you made a big impact on me, we got here about the sametime have been on my prayer list since day one...Your post is incredible....I'm starting on AF today, and I want it badly too...I know its going to be different, but I know I'm playing with fire doing MODS, and I've slipped one too many times, not a thing like I used to be, but I'm feeling my control starting to fade, and I don't want to tumble, roll, or dive headfirst back into what I used to be like...please put me on your prayer list too! Thanks for the great, wise words....I want to be where you are!
      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


        My recovery.

        What a wonderful post...
        Thanks for sharing that with us. So glad you're here! You add so much to these boards.(yesterday I was laughing w/tears while posting ) See, we're still here...:H
        You're an inspiration.:l
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          My recovery.

          starlight, i am sooo pleased for you. your post is so positive and happy its a joy to read, very uplifting.



            My recovery.

            Wow Star!

            What an incredible motivational post Its people like you that make me try harder!

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              My recovery.


              How I love posting to that name!! :H

              However, you are now added to my prayer list. I totally understand what you meant when you said "playing with fire."

              Nope. This is not easy. In fact, it is freaking HARD, to deal with but all of us know we ABSOLUTELY do not want to go back to the "old" days when were drinking with abandon and hurting ourselves and our families.

              I liken myself with alcohol as a 3 year old with a loaded gun. Cripes, never know when it is going to go off and who it's pointed at!!

              Yes, Starlight is a TRUE inspiration. Without Star, I would still be mucking around in the pig sty. Today, I have been sober for "almost" 12 days. I am sick, my flights were screwed up by the travel agency and I do not get home until late because of it. Instead of drinking, I am posting and enjoying EVERYONE's company.

              Star has taught me a lot. She is amazing, especially considering the issues she has gone through lately. She has shown me and I am sure many others, that turning back to alcohol to numb the issues is not the way.

              Star, :thanks:

              Someday I, too, will meet you face-to-face.

              You are one of my Heroes (sp?)

              AF April 9, 2016


                My recovery.

                Dear Star,

                Hard to follow the words that precede my post. One thing for sure I enjoy you and your words of wisdom. You have certainly helped me a lot over the past few weeks.

                I also love chatting with you on-line.

                Kindest Regards,


                  My recovery.

                  I always miss you in chat because of our time differences. Your wonderful (as always) post made me go back and check. We are almost twins. I also started here last March and you became a "senior" (pass the Depends please) member just before I did. But you have added such hope and inspiration to so many including myself. You are a super special MWO person - very imprtant to many of us.
                  I could not be more happy for anyone than I am for you that you are living and enjoying this wonderful sober life. I send my greatest hopes for you to continue to live in joy and sober happiness. God knows you have earned it, girl. :l
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    My recovery.

                    You know, 63 days ago I logged on to MWO, was a mess, and wanted to quit drinking. A lot of great people really encouraged me and helped me get through the first few days. But you were the one I really took to. We seemed to connect immediately. You were AF for 12 days, I think, and I remember thinking "Wow, if only I could do that! How could she go SO LONG without drinking and be so positive and confident?"...
                    Well, over the next few days we talked alot, and you were always there for me when I needed you. You helped me stay focused. There were times the Beast wanted me to cave. I could have but I didn't. I was committed to beating this thing and I didn't want to let you down.
                    I am so proud of you and am so glad to have you as my friend. I think the world of you and will forever be grateful. I wish you continued success in everything you do. I wish you peace. You truly are "a Star"...

                    Love, Don


                      My recovery.


                      You're an inspiration to us here and personally have taken so much from your kindness and struggle.

                      Its a bit early but I do hope you get just what you want for Xmas!



                        My recovery.

                        Hi star,
                        Thanks for sharing your story, your alway there for us new ones and everyone. I really do look up to you.
                        Glad you found that inner peace. Iam going to read your story again. I have learn a lot through posts
                        you are a inspiration to us ALL!

                        family is everything to me


                          My recovery.

                          Awwww, thanks for all your sweetness, my friends.

                          Am just so blissfully happy that I had to share.

                          AND!!!..........I WILL be a non-smoker by Christmas........promise!!! lol

                          Starlight Impress x


                            My recovery.

                            Star, thank you. I too remember your earlier days here and I totally take my hat off to you and bow. I WANT TO BE STARLIGHT .... On the strength of your thread I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY, I have been fannying around moderating but went too far last night and I do now (as if I didn't before...) know that I cannot moderate either successfully or responsibly (wishful thinking). I will not drink today seems to be where I will start. Thank you my friend. TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE.

                            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                              My recovery.

                              Star that was wonderful and you should be very proud of yourself. You have helped many along your journey and I too remember when you joined the boards. You have come a long way baby! Keep going!
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

