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My recovery.

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    My recovery.

    I came to M.W.O. in March, and here I am at October, and can truthfully say that I am no longer alcohol dependent. Back in March, I would never have believed this achievement possible.

    It all began with a wish.........wishing I could become joy there.
    Then I came to understand that I had to really want joy there either, I`m afraid.
    I finally cracked it when I accepted that it was going to take a whole lot more than merely wishing or wanting.
    I began to hunger for sobriety.......covetted it........became greedy for it.........that greed has brought me success.

    Looking back, I wasn`t the typical alcoholic we find at M.W.O..........I admire all those of you who can state that they are "functional alcoholics", because I was anything but........I was a complete and utter wreck.......most dysfunctional........between drinking bouts, all I could manage was to do the bare necessities to keep my head above the water and muddle through yet another tortuous was slippery slope stuff big-time..........I was sinking at an alarming rate until I realized that to survive the drink, I would have to learn to swim against a frenzied current. I chose to swim.........and so began my recovery.

    I am almost 11 wks. sober........a young sobriety, yet I know beyond the slightest doubt that I will hold onto my sobriety for dear life. What possible reason could I have to wish a return to being the wretch I used to be?`s almost like I`ve relocated within my own space..........I no longer muddle through.........I experience each new day with the heady excitement of a has been so very long since I have been able to really live my life..........drink had caused my life to be a sufferance.

    I consider becoming free of my dependence on alcohol to be the first and most crucial stage of my recovery. I now consider that I have entered Stage 2, which is the quest to become truly well in mind, body and spirit. I very much appreciate that I have a long way to go. I can also now admit that the drunk version of me really wasn`t a very nice person to know.........part of my personal journey is to become a more worthy person and I feel that I am already making great strides in that department. I am beginning to really like "me" again.........I lost her to drink a very long time ago.

    I have stated truthfully that I am no longer alcohol dependent. I am also fully aware that I remain an alcoholic and that I always shall. However.........I am no longer afraid. I no longer have any great desire of wine. Please do not misunderstand me.........I readily admit that I could certainly enjoy a bottle of wine if I were to buy one for this evening. However, I will never buy any, because........I simply no longer need it. I feel safe now.......I have discovered an inner peace. The temptation no longer goads me........I know how far I have come and am thankful that there is no going back for me now. I know my sobriety is guaranteed, as long as I do not touch a drop. I am now comfortable and happy with sobriety.

    I cannot say my journey has been at all easy........when the going got tough it took steely determination to stay the course.I have cried many tears of self-pity......... having finally turned the corner, the only tears I now shed are ones of joy as I celebrate my freedom, for which I thank God, RJ and each and every one of you.

    All my love,

    Starlight Impress x

    My recovery.


    What a lovely post.

    Sharing your story is most definitely going to help a lot of us out here.

    No, the struggle is not easy but you show how worthwhile it is.

    We all love you and are grateful for your sobriety. We like the new Star, too!!

    Thank you,
    AF April 9, 2016


      My recovery.

      Great post Starlight: I totally agree with you that our sobriety is guaranteed as long as we don't take that drink. Only I can raise that glass to my lips, no one, anymore, can force me to do it.


        My recovery.

        Starlight, I remember when you were new here, you have come soooo far ....

        I am truly proud of you ...:l :l :l


          My recovery.


          You made me cry! I didn't know you back in March. Our first real conversation was the day you (and a another special other here...he knows who he is!) convinced me that I really could hunger for a life free of alcohol the way you do. Since that conversation, I have had more success with this than I have ever had in over 25 years. I am successful. Wow. You are truly an inspiration to me. I don't know what you seemed like before, but Star, you are an awesome person...just awesome. And that person, if not evident before, was just lurking inside. I am so glad to have met that person. That is the person with the kind heart, the deep desire to live a meaningful and healthy life, and the steely determination and grit to make it happen. That is the person I love so much. And now you are passing it on to so many others are, simply, the best.


          With so much love

          formerly known as bak310


            My recovery.

            I remember you as a newbie too, you have travelled a long way since then and I'm proud to call you my friend.

            One day I WILL see you face to face so that I can tell you that I love you, for being you and everything you have said and done for the rest of us here.

            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              My recovery.

              Star, I have followed along with you in your journey since May this year. However, unfortunately I can't say I have been as successful, although at times I have been AF for longish periods of 3-4 weeks.

              The reason I have failed time and again is that I thought I had succeeded. I stopped craving the drink, felt great about facing each day with not a thought of drinking in my head-- and even ending the day without a thought to it. So, when offered to drink, I thought, I'll have just one. It would thereafter be actually under control for 1-2 weeks, when, POOF, the control would slip out of my hands.

              NEVER AGAIN, is the only way.

              Please do not ever let yourself slip down the sippery slope. It gets harder each time to pick yourself up again. Each fall hurts more. Keep on being the inspiration you are to all of us (and you really are!)

              I hope to be such an inspiration to others soon.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                My recovery.

                Hmm - not sure how I can bring myself to admit this - but your post brought one of us emotionally non-evolved Scotsmen close to a tear there too!

                It is a strange tear - a tear of joy, for your obvious new found strength and happiness, of pride in being there while this transformation took place. A tear of empathy and recognition of my own story and that of others here in that post!

                Whatever - I am proud of you S! - it is success stories like yours, actually seeing the obvious changes and personal growth happening before our very eyes that make this place special. I too remenber what you were feeling like when you first arrived - and just look at you now!!!

                Well done S. Be happy - enjoy your NEW life, you deserve it!

                Lots of love :l


                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  My recovery.

                  Star, you are wonderful! You have made such great strides, continued success Sweetie. Life really does get better sober


                    My recovery.

                    My God I am a blubbering fool right now. That was beautiful Star! I didn't realize you and I came at the same time to MWO. We're doing it girl....we're making it!!!!! Keep on, keeping on.....much love to you!!


                      My recovery.

                      S. you are a complete S.

                      (And I wish we on this little island here could type your lovely, perfect-for-you-name!!!)

                      Love and hugs
                      FMF xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        My recovery.

                        Yeah, your kinda okay I am also proud to call you a friend and tho I didn't know you when u first came these people I respect say you were in the dumps. Hard to believe, as you have always been the strong lady I love. Though you are a bit cheeky.:l


                          My recovery.

                          i am so so pleased for you, i so want to be where you are. i've been thinking i was at day 11 today but i'm actually on day 12. i'm at the wishing and wanting stage and clinging on for dear life, i'm finding it very hard, feels like the cravings are gonna wash me away. i am determined to cling on though and i'm crying now cause it does feel like i'm fighting for my life but that's a good thing cause i didn't even want to fight a few months ago.

                          you write and explain yourself so beautifully.

                          i'm so impatient and want to tackle everything all at once, expecting.....wishing some sort of miracle to happen. after all these years you'd have thought i'd have sussed that, thats not going to happen............i'm a master a deluding myself if nothing else.

                          it really is like swimming against a frenzied current.........i love that analogy..............i'm going to keep on going. your post is going to keep me going.....i want to feel how your feeling.

                          thanyou for sharing the beginings of your recovery, its made me more determined to grit my teeth and carry on, on this journey. i hope to eventually be shedding tears of joy.

                          Congratulations on your new found inner fantastic that must's to the begining of you becoming whole mind, body & spirit. :flower: :kudos: i am so pleased for you starlight impress

                          love want (want what you got)

                          AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                          Snake....... come crawling,
                          There's fire in your eyes,
                          Bite me, excite me,
                          I'll learn to realize.

                          The poison transmuted,
                          Brings eternal flame.
                          Open me to heaven,
                          To heal me again.


                            My recovery.

                            You have much to be proud of Star!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              My recovery.

                              Star, its funny you should post this when you did cause I took a trip down memory lane the other day and read some old posts from April/May. You have come so far on your journey and have learnt so much about yourself whilst being such an inspiration to all of us. You never fail to encourage and support anyone who needs a friendly "voice". You really are a Superstar!!!!!!!!

                              Your friend Janicexxx
                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

