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I'm starting a positive thread .....

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    I'm starting a positive thread .....

    thanks for this , asi told betty pm got a few good things going on .... tho cant find the uk meet thread


      I'm starting a positive thread .....

      Jay, congrats again on your good news, The meet is 10th November, Covent Garden ......

      Hope that you can make it ..........


        I'm starting a positive thread .....

        I have a beautiful daughter... 5'10... blond hair, blue eyes, above average iq... thin... prettier than Princess Grace, Diana or Nicole Kidman... great at sports, very witty and is starting her own business... graduated from college mcl... had a golf scholarship... and is great with animals... was ranked 87th in the world in equistrian sports as a teen... and... she and I are best friends... I was never to have children... so she is my miracle baby... I gave her a pin that said... I believe in miracles... God gave me you!!!
        I have an adopted daughter that we call our Special Delivery... and my biological daughter that we call our Surprise Package.
        And I have two wonderful grandchildren that should be movie stars... Thanks for letting me brag....
        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


          I'm starting a positive thread .....

          Wow...just having the freedom to say what we want to here is a +.
          I have a marine son who is standing up for us to have that freedon and for others around the world to enjoy it also.

          I have a hubby of 42 years with a knee problem that is fixable in same day surgery! And I didn't "hurt" him yesterday as I drove him to and from the hospital... 75 miles each way in heavy traffic.....when I couldn't do anything right..:H We do have love for each other, commitment and joy...

          I have my windows and doors open and clean air to breathe.
          Laundry on the clothesline outside.
          A washer to do the wash for me!

          The sun is shinning but not too hot!

          Pecans on our tree.

          Three grown kids and four grandkids. All healthy.

          A roof over my head and peace and quiet. A clean bed to sleep in .
          Food filling my freezer and canned shelf spite of a drought this summer.

          A bath tub.

          A God that loves me (and all) and provides all of the above +++++++++++!

          Thank BB for this thread.
          I'm sorry if some don't enjoy it....sometimes life is hard for everyone.
          Nancy "Belle"
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            I'm starting a positive thread .....

            AND of course....ALL of you!
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              I'm starting a positive thread .....

              Nancy, you have understood why I started this so well......we moan about the bad things but never actually look at what he have to be proud of .......

              Thankyou ........... from the bottom of my heart .........


                I'm starting a positive thread .....

                ihave two healthy kids agood hubby, a roof over my head, ajob. i also have good friends from school that still keep in contact with.(gone through good and bad times togeher) also have this site that keeps me going(thank you) bb thank you for this thread makes me realize the people i love are on this earth.
                p.s mash not forget my dog.

                god bless

                family is everything to me


                  I'm starting a positive thread .....

                  I have........ A roof over my head. Heat. Light. Food. Long term friends who love me (still !!). A decent job that enables me to be an independent lady. Books to read. Clothes to choose from. A busy mobile phone. Lovely neighbours. Aaahh a lovely warm, comfy bed which is where I am going now SOBER (1.10am here) - tra la la........

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    I'm starting a positive thread .....

                    Needed a new avatar for this BB...and Oh Southern Belle have my heart..

                    I am very, very grateful for:
                    • Two (2) gorgeous, beautiful, spirititual & even worldly successful young adult children.
                    • My husband who is actually getting sweeter as he gets older...I hope
                    • A beautiful home & property to my way of thinking (..I grew up lower-middle class, bad father, in small gray midwest town)
                    • Faith in God
                    • Appreciation for the beauty of nature ALL around me at all times
                    • One close childhood friend who lives in Egypt - SharonMotivation from some MWO membersAbility to make $$ & make it in this material, tough, tough worldMy spiritual pathGod taking care of meHOPE


                      I'm starting a positive thread .....

                      I have God, who loves me and is there for me regardless of how many times I mess up. I have a beautiful son who I adore, a loving family, and my health. I live in a country where I am free to choose. I feel really grateful for all the good things in my life. Nice thread!
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        I'm starting a positive thread .....

                        I have a husband of 29 years, who I would marry again in a heartbeat - in fact, did, on our 15th anniversary. Have a wonderful son, 22, who is the apple of our eye. Have a cute and very spoiled dawg who konws she has us wrapped around her finger. Extended family that is close in heart if not in distance. Financial stability, lovely condo, and our health. Good friends, and all of you. What more can anyone ask?
                        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                          I'm starting a positive thread .....

                          Great thread, what's a bit of an alcohol addiction....? Yes, I do have things I am happy about: great husband, who has (for whatever strange reasons) loved me for 22 years! Three kids, all healthy, noisy and annoying and just wonderful. Great home for now (but if we can't afford the morgage still a nice property to sell). So far healthy, apart from the niggling pains in my back and yes, I do worry about my liver and kidneys....
                          Let's face it: live could be so much better without that demon drink hanging above...
                          Counting my blessings?? Every bloody day!

