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To my friends

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    To my friends

    Hello to you all!

    Its been ages since I've logged on. I thought I'd just post and let you know I'm still alive and the baby is still kicking! There are so many new names here and alot of old names gone- alot of you don't know me. I joined back in Feb with an alcohol problem and a suicidal wish. Both those have faded away at the moment and I'm 30 weeks pregnant. The 'drinking me' is no longer sharing my life which is great. But the 'smoking me' is having 2 a day now which is horrible I know. I think I need a forum for smoking!

    I have been well in the last few weeks and just getting bigger. 12 stone at the moment. When you see a pink balloon- think of me....nice!!! Apparently the baby boy I'm carrying weighs 3 pounds now and has very long arms and legs.....perhaps its a monkey!

    I hope you all are slowly but surely killing off those alcohol demons I'm so familiar with. No doubt I will be back to drinking again after the baby is born. I would like to think that I have this b****** under control and its a thing of the past......but I'm not that stupid!

    Love and hugs to everyone I know and to everyone I don't know.

    Bella xxxxxxx

    To my friends

    Glad to hear you`re doing so well, Bella.

    Loadsa love to you, your family and the wee guy yet to come!!!

    Starlight Impress x


      To my friends

      Bella - that great to hear you're doing well. Pat the bumpy boy from me!

      You never know about afterwards....keep seeing yourself as the 'sober you'...I mean, you are! And so keep focussing on that! Is this 'wee-one #1' ? If so, you may feel totally different after the birth...and if not, well, you still might feel different!

      Love and long-armed-hug (!) around you
      FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        To my friends

        Bella it's always so nice to hear from you. I am so glad you and baby are well. Hugs.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          To my friends

          Hi Bella, great to hear from you and even greater to hear that the demon is not on your shoulder just now. Keep on keeping on is all we can do really. I wish you all the best and 2 ciggies a day is superb, respect to you for that.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            To my friends

            So good to hear from you. It is almost time to welcome your little one to the outside world. have done great! Start on the supps when he gets here to help with the cravings, etc...perhaps you can keep them at bay.


              To my friends

              FMF is right. Visualize yourself as a sober you. It will keep you strong. So glad to hear all is well.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                To my friends

                Hi Bella,

                We have missed you.
                We have followed along in your pregnancy and can't believe 9mos is almost here.
                How exciting!
                Maybe you will be able to post a in the Photo Gallery a pic of your beautiful child.

                Be Happy and Healthy,
                * * I love Determinator * *


                  To my friends

                  Its nice to hear from you Bella. I'm glad you and your bub are doing well.
                  Lots of Love
                  Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                    To my friends

                    I am the happiest person on earth to hear from you again and to hear that you and baby are doing well. Glad you are keeping the beast under control for the pregnancy. I am just sorry you are having a boy - if you were having a girl you could name it Mags :H :H
                    Please keep checking in with us often. We want pictures, you know, after the birth. LOTS of pictures. And then we want a sober (or at least as much as possible) mom. Definitely a healthy and happy mom. Do you plan on breast-feeding?
                    I am so thrilled to hear from you. Please keep posting.
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      To my friends

                      Bella, Lovely to hear from you ....

                      I am sooo glad that you are doing well, keep us informed ....... :l


                        To my friends

                        :l Bella, Great to see you!
                        Definately want to see baby pics in the gallery!
                        So glad to hear you're doing so well.
                        Thanks for checkin in with us.:h
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

