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    GardenGirl, I'm SO thankful you weren't hurt. Thanks for posting that. Very brave of you.
    I've been there myself, years ago. Thankfully no one was hurt then either.
    I agree with Marcie that the court system will like to see that you're actively involved in a program of treatment, the more, the better.
    They do like to see a "paper trail"... at least here in the US..real big on documents.
    That is definately a huge wake up call. I know it was for me. Very scarey.
    Nothing more scarey than the thought of loosing your freedom or loved ones...
    Glad you're OK.
    Be strong & turn this around Sweetie. We'll be here for you.:l
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



      I am SO SORRY and SO know what you are feeling today! I have been there. I regret what I did and wish I could take every minute of it back, I can't. HUGS to you...



        Stay focused
        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!



          we all mess up now and then i live in a village too i know if i drive the police would be on my back in seconds(banned 4x)never actually drunk and drove(might spill it lol:H )but the cops used to see my car parked up at the local i wouldnt drive til the next morning and well.........u might say still over the legal limit henceforth the ban.there must be issues your trying to confront but driving to your ex's with the drink in and mind out was a pretty silly thing to do!!!!im sorry peeps reality check though.......:fingers: the law sees the right side for you as domestic violence is not tolerable even if it was 15 years ago.........chin up and keep going stay strong
          so soz for the strong words but truth never killed anyone but pride damages everyone love mitch:upsets hope things work out for you regain abs and youl find a big difference 9x10 you wouldnt of gone anywhere near unless you had the false sense(booze)of security in you hope it works out even steven once again all the best mitch
          pps if you live in a village it might not of been your ex that reported you!!!!!it couldve been family,neighbours etc etc villagelife pondlife lol been there done it springs to mind now pick yourself up and keep staying strong we beleive in you good luck mitchy from the highlandz
          Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.



            Hey GG-

            Been there too. You've just become the least likely person to hurt someone with your auto, so please repeat that in your head when you get confronted with the holier than thau hipocrites that lie in your future. One part of one day during which you committed a victemless crime does NOT zero-out all the good things you've done or will do. Do what you can to avoid dwelling on it or self-medicating.

            Take care,



              GG, I'm going to court on Nov. 14 for my second one. I'll probably do jail, or at least house arrest. Also, probably some court ordered counseling, which is fucked up, cause that will make me want to drink more, cause I'm spiteful like that. You know? Oh well, maybe some good will come of it. Just don't do it again. I swore I never would, and after a few years went by, I forgot the misery a DUI can give you. Well, second offense in 7 years, and I'm really screwing myself. So, you're not alone. Just don't get another one. That would really suck. There are a lot of people here that are in, or were in the same shoes. Just keep coming in for support, okay? You'll be all right. :l
              where does this go?



                Yes, hands up to that one, thankfully no-one hurt but did dent my neighbours car and didn't remember a thing about it.... ooh the shame is still with me and I recall it every time the thought even passes through my head to drive if I have had even a mouthful - think of this as a lucky escape or a great big wake up call. You will survive this and let the one without sin cast the first stone.... Take care of yourself.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  I WAS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT

                  i got on my knees and said if anyones got a problem with me cast a stone and a boulder hit me right between the eyes i shouted mother at times you can be a right bitch:H
                  i think gg weve been down the same rocky road be good and thingz will sort out take care love mitch thanks for shareing with us(nobodys perfect)
                  Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


                    I WAS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT

                    Garden Girl -

                    I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing what must have been a very painful experience. I read it, and I could see myself in every part of it. I know the way the tension builds up when you're trying to hard to be AF, and can relate to the drinking really quickly because you know you shouldn't - even the wine chased by vodka.

                    Then, of course, these things that seem like a good idea - no, more than that, something you just have to do, like driving to see your ex...that is all so familiar. I've done so many crazy things like that.

                    And, of course, the way you feel the next day is all too familiar as well.

                    I'm so sorry. I hope the consequences are minimal, and this is just a warning and the trigger you need to help you stay AF for good. But I did want to let you know that I am on day six now, and just reading your story and thinking about it helped me. I know that there but for the grace of some kind of luck, your story could have been mine. Thank you. You're in my prayers.



                      I WAS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT

                      Thankyou everyone for all your kind words, support and advice, it has really meant alot to me. If my predicament can instill to anyone the real life consequences that this disease brings then I am so glad I posted. For myself these last 48 hours have been very hard, having to explain to my children what had happened(obviously not in detail) was very difficult as they were very upset. Having to explain to my mum who knows I have been working so hard at getting my drink problem sorted out was awful. I now have to reamin strong and carry on in the same way as I have been doing fighting this problem 6days af out of 7 I just wish the one day I did drink did not end the way it did, but I will deal with it face on. I will keep everyone up to date with the outcome . I get my blood results back in 6/8 weeks at which point I will eb formally charged. Depending on the level of alcohol will depend on the length of ban/community service. Thankyou agin for all your support GGXX


                        I WAS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT

                        Dear GG, thank you for posting about that. I'm sure you have made many of us even more aware of the consequences-- and how real they are. I am glad that yours did not end worse. You seem strong noentheless and that is what you need. All my best wishes to you.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          I WAS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT

                          GG - good to hear you're doing ok...thanks for letting us know. You sound a strong lady and you will come through this... In the aforementioned chip wrapping through my door yesterday, I was surprised to see that a young girl of 23, in high office in a big company, was stopped last week late at night. She was nearly 4 times the (UK) legal limit and has just got off with a hefty fine... Sadly, there was another young guy who was 4 times over and got a very long ban... Just to say, she must know somebody.... do you? e.g. It must be possible...first offence and all that?

                          Still thinking of you GG. Onwards and upwards.
                          Love FMF xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            I WAS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT

                            what does getting a ban mean? I'm not familiar with that term, I can only guess something like getting your license suspended.


                              I WAS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT

                              GG, I have nothing more to add that hasn't been already said. Thinking of you and yours. :l

