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My story and Introduction to this forum

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    My story and Introduction to this forum

    Wow...that took me ages to read your post. I'm glad I did. For some strange reason I presumed you were female. why? I think it might be because you write so very well. Thats really unfair to males and I don't mean to be but men tend to be less discriptive generally. Oh sorry. I hope I haven't offended.

    Welcome to MWO. I hope you find what you need here. Would love to say more but have to take my son to school....!

    Bella xxx


      My story and Introduction to this forum

      Star...I NEED to know what dummy spit is....please are you today? Nice to have another UK person...I think there are quite a few of us. The language barriers just make it more fun!:H

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        My story and Introduction to this forum

        Hi Hippy
        Nice to meet you! Enjoyed your honest account of what life has been like for you.
        I love scousers! I had a Scouser boyfriend once, I never stopped laughing!
        Welcome and I hope you find what you need here. A lovely bunch of people.


          My story and Introduction to this forum

          Hippie - it is very good to meet you.... thank you for your honesty. Wow, me thinks we have a very intelligent author in our midst. Please keep writing!

          Have you read Johnnie Walker's autobiography? (Yes, Radio Caroline/1/2 DJ Johnnie). I read it around days 1-10 AF...I owe a lot to JW! He writes about how it was the drink that got him into the trouble with the coccaine.... it might help? Of course all stories are slightly different but...

          Me'n BB were a bit similar! 24hr drip-feeding....(hmmm eh, BB!) but no drugs. But I'm 4.75 months AF now. I hope you find the love and support here helps you as much as it's helped so many of us... If kicking the booze is the 'means-whereby' you can kick the drugs then please stick around here! Plus it sounds like you have lots of cyber-pals! (AA didn't do it for me either....scary!)

          Good luck to you Hippie. Bring on the Scouse humour! And do come to London on the 10th if the pennies allow. I'm going to have to scrape around down the back of the sofa too, but...! And I'll be shy and scared too.... I don't 'look' it but underneath....(!)

          Love and looking forward to chapter 2 soon!
          FMF xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            My story and Introduction to this forum

            Suze, as far as I am aware, I believe "dummy spit"(Oz) means when one has a bit of a strop on, not that that would ever be applicable to me, of course!! LMAO

            Starlight Impress x


              My story and Introduction to this forum

              There was a great deal of thought and insight into what you wrote. I appreaciate your skill, talent and honesty.
              MWO is a great place. I'm glad you're here. You'll class the place up a bit.
              Plus, having ancesters who crossed the pond several hundred years ago... I'm excited to learn a foreign language ;-)
              I, in return, will teach you what little I know. ...Yankee style that is.
              Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                My story and Introduction to this forum

                Bella;209235 wrote: Wow...that took me ages to read your post. I'm glad I did. For some strange reason I presumed you were female. why? I think it might be because you write so very well. Thats really unfair to males and I don't mean to be but men tend to be less discriptive generally. Oh sorry. I hope I haven't offended.

                Welcome to MWO. I hope you find what you need here. Would love to say more but have to take my son to school....!

                Bella xxx
                You haven't offended me in the slightest Bella!! I'm just one of those guys who doesn't have a problem talking about emotions and feelings without the Ego getting in the way!! We're a rare breed apparently and on the verge of extinction!!!. And NO I'm not gay either!!

                Even though I'm not a child of the sixties I still have many ideals based on the hippie movement of that decade. Slightly New-Age and do have a sense of spirituality about me!

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  My story and Introduction to this forum

                  Hey Hippie,
                  That is a helluva story and I'm so glad you are here! I found a post earlier taking me to a great Utube thingy and I watched it.. but i'm such a dag I couldn't find the thread anymore to reply - I will reply later, but in a nutshell: you are absolutely right.


                    My story and Introduction to this forum

                    Finding My Feet;209242 wrote: Hippie - it is very good to meet you.... thank you for your honesty. Wow, me thinks we have a very intelligent author in our midst. Please keep writing!

                    Have you read Johnnie Walker's autobiography? (Yes, Radio Caroline/1/2 DJ Johnnie). I read it around days 1-10 AF...I owe a lot to JW! He writes about how it was the drink that got him into the trouble with the coccaine.... it might help? Of course all stories are slightly different but...

                    Me'n BB were a bit similar! 24hr drip-feeding....(hmmm eh, BB!) but no drugs. But I'm 4.75 months AF now. I hope you find the love and support here helps you as much as it's helped so many of us... If kicking the booze is the 'means-whereby' you can kick the drugs then please stick around here! Plus it sounds like you have lots of cyber-pals! (AA didn't do it for me either....scary!)

                    Good luck to you Hippie. Bring on the Scouse humour! And do come to London on the 10th if the pennies allow. I'm going to have to scrape around down the back of the sofa too, but...! And I'll be shy and scared too.... I don't 'look' it but underneath....(!)

                    Love and looking forward to chapter 2 soon!
                    FMF xx
                    Hey FMF! I havn't actually read that one but will definitely put it on my list when i next order off Amazon! I'll post tomorrow, more, in the reading section I stumbled across the other day. I'm still finding MY feet around this great forum! Gotta go as I have to pick my daughter up as Monday nights is one of my 'access' nights. See yaz all tomorrow!

                    Love and Happiness
                    Hippie37 xx
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      My story and Introduction to this forum

                      Thanks 4 replying to my thread and ive read your remarkable story. Will stay in touch and keep u updated on how things are going. I need all the support i can get


                        My story and Introduction to this forum

                        Thanks for sharing such a gut-renching story Hippie, we are all more aware and understanding after reading it... You have come a long way ! and xxx

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          My story and Introduction to this forum

                          hello hippy and am so very grateful that you have found us all here. i'm also grateful that you are sober. you certainly have had the rough of it and you have been able to see the light of it because of all you have been through. i'm extremely proud of you for becoming the man you have wanted to be and the father you knew in your heart you could be. you are exploring learning and open. that is probably the only sane way to be in live and fully stay AF with out the white knuckle part. again, so proud of you and thank you for being a contributing smiling part of the path i've walked.


                            My story and Introduction to this forum


                            I appreciate your honesty and understand how sometimes, we can think of the "old ways" as some how more romantic and exciting than they actually were. I am resurrecting this thread as a photograph of what, in your own words, you truly gave up.

                            Sometimes we don't remember how far we have come. We forget how close we have been to the brink of self destruction, not to mention the harm that we have caused to those we love the most. Whatever your decision is, I wish you a safe journey.

                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007

