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Setting up a Doctor Visit

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    Setting up a Doctor Visit

    Hi all....:hiya:

    I could use some advice.... I have been thinking alot about seeing my doctor about getting Topamax. I'm a bit concerned about side effects but the benefits sound really good and I'd like to give it a shot. My husband has a Rx for Topamax for migraines - 100mg. Although it says "take one daily" he only uses it occasionally. I don't recall him ever mentioning any weird side effects...

    I'm trying to summon up the courage to make the appointment. I'm just so hesitant about what/how much to share... partly embarrassed to admit this to a doctor and also partly concerned about what will go in medical files etc. that could "haunt" me down the road somehow.

    I thought about seeing the dr. about "migraines" so I could get Topamax without all the discussion of drinking, plus what if they're not "on board" with the recent research showing Topa helps with alcoholism.

    My other thought is to be honest with the dr. about my reasons for the visit, but when I call to make the appointment and get the "what is the reason for your visit" question, I really don't want to share it with the office staff. So, if I say "migraines" but then give the dr. the whole scoop, will they be annoyed that I didn't give my reasons up front?

    And, finally, I thought... I'll just use my husband's Topa, but I know I shouldn't do that for many reasons. Mainly, I know it's not safe to start that without consulting the dr. Plus, his tablets are 100mg and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't/wouldn't start out with that high a dosage?

    So, what did some of you do when setting up that first doctor visit? What would you recommend I do? "Fib" to the front desk but spill all to the dr? Or just go in with "migraines" and keep it simple? I don't like the idea of being sneaky, but I'd rather do something like this and get started, than never go to the dr. at all...

    Advice please? Thank you so much!

    Setting up a Doctor Visit


    My doc went ahead and prescribed the topa based on my MWO, HBO, and Lancet literature. She was hesitant but helpful.

    My diagnosis was migraines.

    Hope this helps.
    AF April 9, 2016


      Setting up a Doctor Visit

      I just scheduled an appt with the doc for a check up. Then told him in private what I needed to. I'd already discussed my drinking w/him & he knew I'd been in re-had before already, so it wasn't a big secret.
      It is in my paperwork... but so is DUI & re-hab, so it's not a big deal considering everthing I've put myself thru... could've been a LOT worse.

      I'd say if you'r concerned, go with your instincts. Listen to your gut
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Setting up a Doctor Visit

        Hi MissCheryl,
        I wouldn`t disclose the reason for your appointment to the`s private and as such, it`s none of her business.

        If you`re concerned that your medical records may go against you in future, I would complain of will get a script for topa with the added bonus of your doc having sanctioned you taking it.

        However, don`t work yourself into a state if you do decide to confide in your doc about your drinking..........I too felt nervous of telling mine, but did anyway, and as he said........becoming dependent on alcohol can happen to anyone and docs have seen and heard it all before.........they`re more or less shock-resistant!! lol

        Starlight Impress x


          Setting up a Doctor Visit

          I'm in the same boat. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist this week (previously booked for a regular follow-up) and I just don't know what his response to the Topamax will be. I thought about going to my GP and trying to get it for "migraines" but I've been seeing her regularly for years and I think it would seem strange to suddenly develop migraines.

          I'm just going to have to bit the bullet and see what they say. It's almost impossible for me to get decent private health insurance coverage because of all the psych stuff in my file so I figure what the hell? I'm also a smoker so there goes affordble life insurance, right?

          Just fyi, when the receptionist asks you what you're coming to the doctor for they just want to know how long to book the appointment for, not your specific complaint. So, for example, if you were coming for a physical or a pap test, they want to know that for scheduling purposes. If you want more time to talk to the doctor ask for a counseling appointment - these are usually longer. Or, just say "for a follow up" (standard appointment time).

          Good luck.
          I spend all my time treading water, just barely keeping my head above the waves... my past weighs me down & my fear of the future is drowning me.....


            Setting up a Doctor Visit

            I was alreadu seeing a psychiatrist for management of anti depressant meds when I found this site and became aware of Topamax. When I went in for a med review I explained that Campral didn't seem to be working and I was drinking heavily again, so could I try the topa. He did some quick research while I sat there and wrote a scrip on the spot. 50 mg tabs accelerating 50 mg a week toward 300. I'm at 150 now and the side affects are not that dramatic for me, but I'm a big guy. My desire to drink seems to be waning, and I'm eager to get to the full 300 mg dosage. I agree that it's none of the receptionist's business what your appt is for, so IMHO, give it a shot. The alternative is mail order from Canada, but for me, with a scrip, my insurance pays for it.
            "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


              Setting up a Doctor Visit

              Again, thank you all so much for your advice.

              I'm leaning towards the "been having migraines" approach. A question... if you take Topa for migraines does it work the same way as far as starting on a low dose and working up? Or do they start you right off at your maximum?

              Thank you! :thanks:


                Setting up a Doctor Visit

                Check out

                Many people on this site (myself included) have ordered from them with good results. No Rx is needed, but shipping can be pricey, but I found it worthwhile. Good luck to all of you.


                  Setting up a Doctor Visit

                  We don't generally have medical insurance in the UK since we are supposed to pay via our tax system. So, I ordered via Riverside - I paid $133 for 200 x 50mg tabs - depending on your dose that could be 100 - 200 days supply...must be cheaper than the same length of time drinking at the same rate.

                  Just so you know if a Dr writes a prescription over here we pay ?6.85 (around ?13) and he will usually give enough to cure say a short incidence (tonsilitis, general infection etc) or 1-2 months supply for something long term.

