It is scary to think of never having another drink...your mind just isn't ready for that...I know mine isn't. I feel the same way you do about being able to drink and moderate . I can moderate everything in my life feel very confident about that, but like you I am recognizing that this is something that seems to take that power away from me. So my long time evening companion has to go away. I have been 2 days AF, Weekend coming already telling myself its the weekend just have a few beers,wine is my drink of choice, then the logical side of my brain says why blowit...?? To much psychobabble thats the part that pisses me off. Anyway....what seems to have worked for me is to tell myself...just for today I won't have one and we will see what tomorrow brings!! Have strength remember what it is that makes you strong and able to give up the cigs and all. Go to that strength!!
BTW although 2 days doesn't seem like much it has been a very long time for me something I thought I would never do!!!